Monday 4 November 2013

Nursery Weekly Newsletter

Term: Autumn 2 Date 04.11.13
We hope you all had a wonderful half term break and enjoyed the rest. We will be finishing off the fruit and vegetable topic this week. We will be reading the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ as the children demonstrated an interest in looking at some more exotic fruit and we also like to explore multicultural links when the opportunity arises.
The children enjoyed making the fruit smoothies during the last week of half term and they were fantastic at talking about the process and creating their own pictograms linked to their favourite fruits.
We will start to link the children’s learning to colours over the next few weeks, more information to follow.

Personal, Social and Emotional
Growing sense of will and determination.
Expresses own preferences and interests.
Responds to a few appropriate boundaries, with encouragement and support.

Communication and Language
Listening to and joining in with the story of ‘Handa’s Surprise’.
Shares and talks about exotic fruit.
Learns new words rapidly and uses them in conversation.

Physical Development:
Climbs confidently and is beginning to pull themselves up on equipment.
Developing fine motor skills by using tools such as tweezers.
Beginning to balance blocks to build a small tower.

Singing the ‘days of the week’ song.
Says some counting words randomly particularly during counting songs.
Beginning to organise and categorise objects, especially when tidying up.

Understanding of the World
Exploring and talking about exotic fruits.
Talking about vegetables and what they need to grow.
Role playing in and learning about a Greengrocer shop. 

Expressive Arts and Design
Role playing in the Greengrocers.
Helping to create Mr Bloom’s Nursery.
Expresses self through physical action and sound.
Keep the book reviews coming in we have displayed all of the ones which have been returned. 

Just a reminder, please ensure your child does not return to school immediately after having sickness or diarrhoea. They must wait for 48 hours to ensure the illness doesn’t spread.

Most of the children now have wellingtons; however we still have a few children who do not have a change of clothes in school. Please ensure your child has a spare set of clothes. As previously explained, our spare clothes have not been returned.

Thank you for your continued support

The Nursery Team

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