Thursday 27 February 2020

Super Smoothies in Reception!

Reception have started this terms topic Superheroes by looking at how we can keep our bodies healthy. The children have discussed how we need to eat fruit and vegetables, drink lots of water, keep clean, sleep lots and to take part in exercise. Linking to healthy eating the children have made their own smoothies this week. 

The children worked together to cut the fruit up, discussing how to use a knife safely. They added the chopped fruit into the blender along with fruit juice and yogurt. The children enjoyed turning the blender on and watching the changes happen. The children noticed the fruit was not the same anymore and we discussed how the blades had to chopped up and blended the fruit. Then it was time to taste the smoothies! There was mixed reviews on the tatse, but everyone had lots of fun making their smoothie. 

Ali "Exercise makes you body healthy."
Kemar "Hold that bit with your other hand. Be careful of your fingers."
Connie "I can see some green dots from the kiwi." 
Victoria "It's so tasty!" 

Snow showers!

There was much excitement today as the Reception children looked out the window to see snow flakes falling from the sky! We wrapped up warm and headed out to experience the snow. The children commented on how cold the flakes felt and there was a competition to catch one on our tongues. We discussed where the snow had come from and Elenor explained it was coming from the sky as it was cold enough. The children searched for ice to collect, discussed previous experiences of snow and Teo told everyone how he had built a snowman when he went skiing. There was lots of conversation, collaboration and learning, all whilst we were playing in the snow! 

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Donations of Large Construction props wanted!

We are continuing to develop our outdoor area in Nursery and would like to  create a construction zone outside. If you have any large construction toys your children no longer use we would appreciate any donations! We are looking for cones, hats, children's wheelbarrows and cement mixers and any other props you feel would be useful. You can drop items directly to the Nursery or to the school office. Thank you very much in advance! 

builders role play construction ideas

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Keeping active in the Nursery

Every week in Nursery the children take part in Physical Education (PE) with different activities to develop their moving and handling skills. As part of the warm up activity the children carry out different forms of exercise as they run, hop on one leg and jump. The children have been learning to catch and through and carefully balance to develop their gross motor skills and improve their co-ordination. The children are enthusiastic during the sessions and show great delight when handling the different pieces of equipment.

"Look at me" Torsten

"Watch me, I can do it" Amira

"You can do it like this" Pippa

Sunday 9 February 2020

Recpetion Red Word of the Week!

This week's red word is.... my!

Red words are words that are tricky to read because you can not sound them out in the normal way e.g. ‘said’ or ‘the’. Your child needs to be able to read these words on sight. We like the 'm' in my, but the 'y' is tricky so we have to remember it! 

This week the children will be using our red word, my to write their own books for the weekly writing challenge. The children will write and illustrate their own book about things that are important to them.

Thursday 6 February 2020

Reception need your cardboard boxes!

Next week Reception will be reading 'On Sudden Hill'. A story about a cardboard box and a lot of imagination. If you have any cardboard boxes at home that are waiting to be recycled we would would be very grateful if you could bring them into Reception. 

Please hand any cardboard boxes to a Reception member of staff or drop them at the office. 

The Reception Team 

Image result for children cardboard box Image result for on sudden hill

Brilliant Bridges in Reception!

This week in Reception we have been reading The Three Billy Goats Gruff. In the story the billy goats cross the bridge to eat the sweet green grass on the other side of the river, but first they have to get past the troll who lives underneath. 

We have been looking at different types of bridges and this week we have been building our own. First we thought about who the bridge is for and what materials we might needed. Some children chose to team up and build their bridge together other children chose to work independently. There was a wide variety of materials used from large blocks outside, small blocks inside, card, play dough, sticks, foam nuggets and cocktail sticks. 

There was lots of problem solving and thinking to be done and the final bridge creations were pretty impressive. I am sure there will be lots more bridges built this week! 

"My mum is going to cross my bridge but she needs to hold on, its wobbly." Georgia 
"My bridge is for cars to cross the deep river." 
"There is a carp ark at the end of my bridge." Kemar 

Funny Bones in Nursery

This week our story has been Funny Bones. We have been talking about our body this half term and have now spoke about the bones that hold our body together. The children were very excited to receive a letter from Dr Bones for some help. He wrote to the children  as the skeletons had bumped into each other and had fallen apart in a heap. They did a fantastic job of showing what the skeleton should look like in one piece!

Amari " That hold I made is the gap for his nose!"
Adam " Look big skeleton! Bones! Lots of bones!"

Reception Awards 24.1.20

The children in Reception have been working really hard, both at school and at home. We are very proud of all their achievements and below are the children who received certificates last week.

Alder Class
Reading Awards
Bronze - Roman
Silver - Pragya, Fariha
Gold - Noah

E for Excellence- Elena

Reading Awards
Bronze- Teo, Dina
Silver- Elkha, Paige

Resourceful- Esa
Resilience- Chidera
E for Excellence- Ali

Keep up the good work!

Wednesday 5 February 2020

A windy day in Reception!

We took advantage of the windy weather yesterday in Reception and got the windy day box out. The children loved exploring the windmills and wind socks. There was lots of testing in different places to see where the windmills turned fastest and discussion over how the windmills turn. One group of children even decided to add their windmills to the sand pit and started building sandcastles to put them into. 

"The wind is making them turn really fast." Elkah 
"If you do it this way it goes fast, if you do it this way it doesn't." Riley 
"Mine is turning the fastest!" Ares 

Nursery Stay and Learn - Thursday 13th February

Our Stay and Learn focus is Healthy Eating and we are very excited to have a Nutritionist who will be able to give us all some tips on how to make healthy choices for children. 
Our school governor and chef Mr Borrell is also going to be helping us to cook some delicious healthy pizzas too. Morning children are invited to the 10.15 am session. 
All day children and afternoon children are invited to the 12.30 pm session. 
Last year all children and parents had a fantastic time so we hope to see lots of parents/carers there!

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Reception red word of the week!

This week's red word is.... he!

You might have noticed the bright cut outs on our classroom doors which have red words written on them. We have been using these as secret passwords to enter or leave the classroom, the children have to hit the button and say the red word before they go outside to play or come back into the classroom. A fun way to practice recognising these words on sight.

Red words are words that are tricky to read because you can not sound them out in the normal way e.g. ‘said’ or ‘the’. Your child needs to be able to read these words on sight. We like the 'h' in he, but the 'e' is tricky so we have to remember it!

You could look out for the red word of the week at home, out and about and in books and on signs. You may want to practice writing the red word, as these are words the children will need to be able to spell correctly at the end of Reception. Good luck!

Sunday 2 February 2020

Nursery: Fruit Smoothies

As part of exploring healthy eating the Nursery children have been cutting and tasting different fruits. This week the children had the opportunity to make and taste their own smoothies. The children talked about the differences between the fruits and selected the fruit they liked to add to their smoothies. Demonstrating their use of technology the children poured the mixtures into the smoothie maker and pressed the start/stop button. They watched in awe as the texture changed and covered their ears as the smoothie maker made a loud whizzing sound. When the mixture was ready, the children poured it into their cups and used their senses to smell and taste their smoothies.

" It doesn't look like banana now but it smells like banana!" Chloe