Thursday 29 March 2018

Reception and Nursery Parents Reports

Just a reminder that you will be receiving  your child's 2simple Report by the end of this week. The reports consist of approximately eight observations and photographs of your children to give you an overview of the activities your children take part in.

Image result for 2simple

Most of you set up your accounts when you received the Christmas Reports by email.  If you are still having issues receiving your reports please speak to your Class Teacher who will be able to check the email address they have for you on the system.  Alternatively you can email the eyfs email address with any problems: 

The Report's go out at Christmas and Easter and then in the summer term you will get a paper progress Report. 

Thank You Reception Parents!

A big thank you to the parents that have made contributions of wood to our woodwork area.  

The children have had great fun creating their models.  Riley built an amazing bus stop yesterday. He demonstrated great resilience when he had to find a more appropriate piece of wood and adapt his model.  He was also able to articulate his thought process and enjoyed presenting his model to the class, answering the questions of his peers.  Maya-Rose asked "Where do the people sit who are waiting for a bus?" Riley replied " I'm going to add another piece of wood to make a seat" 

Woodwork is beneficial to many areas of development for young children.  It offers opportunities for development of fine motor skills, creativity and problem solving and much more. 

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Alder Class Spring 2 Learning Challenge

Alder Class have been working hard at home on their Learning Challenges. We have enjoyed finding out facts about the children's favourite superheroes, listening to the children reciting the nursery rhyme and producing collages of work based on Jack and Jill went up the Hill and listening to the piece of music March composed by Johann-Strauss Radetzky.

Thank you all for sharing your fantastic home learning with us!

Wanted: The Evil Pea

This week the children have been completing work based around the book, Supertato. Supertato is the vegetable superhero with super strength and speed. But there’s a pea on the loose. A very, very naughty pea is causing havoc and chaos and it’s up to Supertato to stop the Evil Pea. In Reception the children had to find the escaped peas and put them in the jelly jail. “Jelly jail, jelly jail, jelly jail.” chanted the Reception children. The children enjoyed finding the peas, which were hidden around the classroom and loved placing the peas into the jelly jail.

Once the peas had been returned to the jelly jail, it was time to write wanted posters to find the evilest pea of them all: The Evil Pea. The children spoke to their partners to discuss what the Evil Pea looked like. The children then joined in with some shared writing as the teacher modelled how to write simple sentences. The children used their Fred fingers to help segment and reminders where given to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 

After the shared writing session, the children wrote their own wanted posters describing  the Evil Pea. The children used their phonic knowledge to write their wanted posters independently . “He is bad!” exclaimed  Donnie. “He is bad, he is green and mean. He has legs and arms.” explained Sia. Once the children had finished, they placed their wanted posters around their classroom.

Have you seen the Evil Pea? Rewards for the capture of The Evil Pea, frozen or thawed!

Aspen Learning Challenge

This term Aspen Class have been working hard at home on their Learning Challenges. We have enjoyed finding out facts about the children's favourite superheroes, listening to the children reciting the nursery rhyme and producing collages of work based on Jack and Jill went up the Hill and listening to the piece of music March composed by Johann-Strauss Radetzky.

Well done to Nevaeh Gibb-Clark and Praharsh Polisani!

Well done to Frankie Mulqueen, Ehan Mollah, Aksanan Jegathas, Raima Waqas and Thomas Cen! 

Stay Safe NSPCC Assembly

This morning, the children met Betty and her friend,  Buddy the Speech Bubble. We found out that Buddy likes round things, like footballs, oranges, apples and the sun. But most of all, Buddy likes children to be happy and safe. All children have the right to speak out and be listened too and get help when they need it. Buddy helped the children by telling them who they could speak to if they needed help. The children listened carefully and answered questions. 

Monday 26 March 2018

Reception Newsletter 26.03.18

Term: Spring 2                      Date: 26.03.18
Dear Parents,

Our final week of Fact or Fiction -  Superhero topic we will be reading the text ‘Superworm’ this week.
The children will be encouraged to create and write about potions and take part in bug hunts.  We will also be exploring Easter towards the end of the week and making Easter nests.

We hope you got a chance to purchase a copy of the Romford Recorder with your child’s photo in.  This only takes place in the Reception Year.

Thank you for all of your Learning challenges this term and for all the parental support with reading.  It is great to see that so many parents are reading each evening with their children and recording it in their reading record.

       The learning objectives:
Personal, Social and Emotional
Aware of boundaries set and of behaviour expectations in the setting.
Beginning to be able to negotiate and solve problems without aggression.
Can describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities.

Communication and Language
Able to follow a story without pictures or props.
Listens  to and responds to ideas expressed by others in conversation of discussion.
Links statements and sticks to a main theme of intention.

Writes own name and other things such as labels, captions.
Links sounds to letters,naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet.
Can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together.
Physical Development:
Jumps off an object and lands appropriately.
Uses simple tools to effect changes to materials.
Begins to form recognisable letters.
Measures short periods of time in simple ways.
In practical activities and discussion, beginning to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting.
Finds the total number of items in two groups by counting them all.

Understanding The World
Looks closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change.
Enjoys joining in with family customs and routines.
Looks closely at similarities, differences and change.

Expressive arts and design
Understands that different media can be combined to create new effects.
Explores the different sounds of instruments.
Plays cooperative as part of a group to develop and act out a narrative.
       This newsletter will  be posted on our EYFS blog and facebook page at the beginning of each week.   It will also be available in the outdoor area, in a blue tray labelled ‘Weekly Newsletter’
      Dates for your diary

     Last day of term - Thursday 29th March
     Return to school - Monday 16th April

Sharing Assemblies - Apple  Wednesday 9th May
                                       Alder Wednesday 13th June
                                       Aspen Wednesday 4th July
Paradise Park -  Trip for children - Thursday 28th June

      The school will be closed on the following days for pupils:
       INSET Days (Non Pupil Days) Polling Day:
  25th May 3rd May
 29th June  

If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address   is

       Kind regards              

      The Reception Team

Sunday 25 March 2018

Nursery: Making Chips

As we have been reading the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ the children have been exploring g how vegetables grow. Today we looked at  how potatoes grow and what food comes from potatoes. The children helped to wash the potatoes and prepare them for making chips. They were a very popular snack!

"These taste good!"Emily
"They grow in the ground, I know."

Nursery Newsletter 26.3.18

Dear Parent/Carer,

The afternoon children enjoyed their Dentist experience last week. All the children have now learnt about the importance of brushing their teeth twice a day for 2 minutes each time. They have also learnt about foods that are good for our teeth and how sweet foods are fine in moderation but 'sweets are treats'. We were surprised  to learn about how much sugar was in some of the food/drink children regularly eat, did you know fruit shoots contain 5 teaspoons of sugar per bottle? To support the children to make healthy choices we will continue to ensure cooking and making their own healthy snacks are part of our curriculum. 

We have an exciting last week planned. The children will be walking to the park to look for signs of spring in small groups throughout the week. They will have photos of flowers/plants along the way that they will be encouraged to spot. As all parents have consented to local area trips no additional forms will be required for this. 

Thank you to all of the parents/carers who have completed the Learning Challenge. The display of works looks great!
There is still time to complete the challenge with your child this week before we set a new challenge for the next half 
term. All children will receive certificates for their amazing work by the end of the week. 

Mark Making/Creative
The children will have materials available to create their own birds nests for their fluffy chicks. We will look at examples of nests on our Spring walk and watch a clip of how birds make their nests in the trees. 

We will be encouraging the children to count objects accurately and learn that the last number said is the total. 

In their weekly PE lessons the children are learning different running and chasing games. They
have to listen carefully to instructions to achieve this.

As it's almost Easter we are having a 'sweet treat' this week. The children will be measuring and
weighing ingredients to make their own lemon chick cupcakes.

Communication and Language
We are continuing to focus on rhyme this week. The children are playing matching
rhyming games in small groups. Please point out any rhyming words in stories you
are reading at home.
Encouraging children to use simple sentences correctly.
Encouraging children to hold a conversation and respond to comments.

Understanding of the World
In the home corner we will be giving the children opportunities to re-enact
experiences and talk about their home lives.
The children will continue to water and observe their seeds.
We will be talking about the different seasons and changes that come with these.

Personal and Social Development
Ensuring children are able to co-operate with routines and some boundaries.
Modelling the correct behaviours in play, ensuring children use resources well
and begin to share with other children.

We are looking forward to parent meetings throughout the week. We have tried to keep times
of meetings towards the beginning or end of sessions to coincide with drop off and pick up
times. You should have received a time on Friday, if you need to change your appointment
this is fine, please speak to a member of staff and we will re-arrange with you.

Kind regards,
The Nursery Team

Nursery: Signs of Spring

Spring has started to arrive in Nursery. The children have enjoyed creating their own Peter Rabbit pictures this week. They are learning to cut with scissors properly and are starting to remember their thumb needs to face upwards! In the Maths area they have been busy counting and sorting small eggs and colourful chicks into nests. We have been looking at the daffodil shots and blossom trees we can see from Nursery. Next week we will have a walk around the area to look for more signs of Spring!

"I'm going to give my bunny grass. He can jump around in it!" Dylan

"We gave all the chicks two eggs.. how many do you have Aisha?" Vanessa

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Captured Carrots in Reception!

The Reception children returned to their classrooms after to lunch to find that a letter from the Evil Pea and a photograph of some captured carrots! Gasp! The children quickly set to work rescuing the carrots from the clutches of the Evil Pea. Once the drama was over and carrots safely returned the children decided to reply to the Evil Pea’s letter.

The children talked with their partners about what they should write to the Evil Pea and shared their ideas with the class. The children then joined in with some shared writing as the teachers modelled how to write a letter using simple sentences. The children used their Fred fingers to help segment words. This is something we are encouraging them to do when writing independently. The children were also encouraged to use finger spaces between words, capital letter and full stops. 

After the carpet session, the children set to work writing their own letters. Once finished they were sure to address the letter to the Evil Pea and to add a stamp before posting it in the post box. I wonder if that sneaky Evil Pea will reply.... 

"Look how many carrots I found!" Daniel 
"I would catch the Evil Pea and put him in a cage" John 

Reception Star Readers

Congratulations to all our star readers this week! We loved talking about our favourite stories during World Book Day.

In Apple Class Varvara Backane received her bookmark for reading 10 books. Harry Cole received his gold star reader award for reading 100 books.

In Alder Class Viviana Cherukuri received a bookmark for reading 10 books. Deivydas Kuras and Sia Krishnan received their silver awards and a £5 gift voucher for reading 50 books. Anish Kokulan and Preston McGuire received their Gold awards for reading 100 books and finally Vibha Sivakumar received for Platinum award for reading over 150 books. 

Monday 19 March 2018

Reception Newsletter 19.03.18

Term: Spring 2                      Date: 19.03.18
Dear Parents,

Continuing with our Fact or Fiction -  Superhero topic we will be reading the text ‘Supertato’ this week.
The children will be encouraged to design ‘Wanted Posters’ and create new vegetable superheroes.

       The learning objectives:
Personal, Social and Emotional
Aware of boundaries set and of behaviour expectations in the setting.
Beginning to be able to negotiate and solve problems without aggression.
Can describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities.

Communication and Language
Listens  to and responds to ideas expressed by others in conversation of discussion.
Links statements and sticks to a main theme of intention.
Uses language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences in play situations.

Writes own name and other things such as labels, captions.
Links sounds to letters,naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet.
Can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together.
Physical Development:
Uses simple tools to effect changes to materials.
Begins to form recognisable letters.
Practices some safety measures without direct supervision.
Beginning to use mathematical names for ‘solid’ 3D shapes and ‘flat’ 2D shapes, and mathematical terms to describe shapes.
In practical activities and discussion, beginning to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting.
Finds the total number of items in two groups by counting them all.

Understanding The World
Enjoys joining in with family customs and routines.
Looks closely at similarities, differences and change.
Shows an interest in different occupations and  ways of life.
Recognises and describes special times or events for families and friends.

Expressive arts and design
Explores the different sounds of instruments.
Plays cooperative as part of a group to develop and act out a narrative.
Creates simple representations of events, people and objects.
       This newsletter will  be posted on our EYFS blog and facebook page at the beginning of each week.   It will also be available in the outdoor area, in a blue tray labelled ‘Weekly Newsletter’
Learning Challenge
Each half term we will be setting our pupils a challenge related to their learning. We believe that it is important for us to provide guidance for parents on how their children's learning can be extended at home.
The learning challenge will include either a nursery rhyme, famous person, illustration or a piece of music. Please talk to your child about the challenge and help them to engage in their learning. The children can choose how they present their learning challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.
Please ensure the challenge is brought in to school by Monday 26th March at the latest so that the certificates can be prepared.
 Person:  A Superhero
 Piece of Music: Johann-Strauss Radetzky: March
 Poem/Song to learn: Jack and Jill went up the hill

Nursery Rhyme
Piece of music
1.    Learn it off by heart.
2.    Draw a picture to illustrate the rhyme.
3.    Find out about the origin of the rhyme.
  1. Listen to the music and dance to it.
  2. Find out facts about the composer.
  3. Produce a collage or picture to illustrate the piece of music.
1. Draw a portrait of the person.
2.   Find out facts about the person.
3. Watch the person in action.
       Dates for your diary:
The Romford Recorder photo should be published in the Newspaper on 23rd March 2018.

Sharing Assemblies - Apple  Wednesday 9th May
                                       Alder Wednesday 13th June
                                       Aspen Wednesday 4th July
Paradise Park -  Trip for children - Thursday 28th June

      The school will be closed on the following days for pupils:
       INSET Days (Non Pupil Days) Polling Day:
  25th May 3rd May
 29th June  

If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address   is

       Kind regards              

      The Reception Team