Friday 22 February 2013

Reception Weekly Newsletter

Term: Spring 2 Date 25.02.13
Welcome back! This half term is going to be as busy as ever. Our topic is, ‘Growing and Changing’. This week’s learning will be based around the story of Jack and the beanstalk. Your child will be taking part in the following activities within the seven areas of development (activities are subject to change, depending on the children’s interests; however, the skills remain the same):

Personal, Social and Emotional Development.We will be reading a version of Jack and the beanstalk from notorious nursery tale mysteries. Who was wrong; who was right? Should Jack of taken the golden hen? Why shouldn’t we steal? What could Jack of done instead?

Communication and Language The children need to be bringing in their reading books daily. We praise the children who regularly read at home to an adult and have a reward system in place.
We will be discussing what the children already know about Jack and the beanstalk and recording their ideas. We will be encouraging the children to verbally retell the story.

PhysicalPlaying on the bikes, with the hoops and balls.
PE in the hall – please ensure PE kits are returned by Wednesday.
Making their own playdough.

LiteracyWriting our names encouraging correct pencil grip.
We will be continuing our daily Read Write Inc sessions.
The children will be writing labels for their bean pots.

MathsExploring ‘Ten Town’ encouraging correct number formation.
Simple addition using magic beans.
Estimating how many spoons of soil will fill the pots.

Understanding of the WorldPlanting beans in pots following instruction cards. Discussing conditions needed for growth. Asking what do we need to do first, next? What would happen if? How are they going to look after the beans?
Free use of the computers.
Mr Bloom’s Nursery games and activities.

Expressive Arts and Design Enjoying our daily dance warm up to the ‘5 a day’ fitness programme.
Turning the home corner into a Giant’s castle – adding a beanstalk.

Messages:Please follow Broadford on facebook (remember to press the ‘like’ button) and twitter. We update the Early Years blog regularly with photos and information.
Please complete the topic sheet that we will be sending home, to inform us what your child already knows and what they want to find out about.
Children may bring in something related to ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ for Show and Tell on Friday afternoon.

This half term's homework theme is ‘Growing’. Please work with your child to make a collage about their own growth and development or maybe the life cycle of an animals/minibeast. Alternatively your child could plant something at home and record its growth in a dairy using pictures and photos and then bring it in to show us. Homework needs to be returned during the last week of term.
We look forward to listening to your child sharing their homework with the class.

Thank you for your continued support.

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