Monday 23 March 2015

Weekly Reception Newsletter 23.03.15

Term: Spring 2 Date: 23.03.15
This week we will be basing our learning around ‘The Easter Story.’ We will be looking at the significance of Easter and new life. This is the last week of our ‘Growing and Changing’ topic. Our caterpillars have now turned into chrysalises and when we come back from the Easter break we will have 12 butterflies. The children will be bringing home their bean stalks this week along with their Easter nests and Easter cards.

Please remember that there are no after school clubs on Monday and Tuesday due to parents evening on both evenings.
Your child will be taking part in the following activities within the seven areas of development (activities are subject to change, depending on the children’s interests; however, the skills remain the same):

Personal, Social and Emotional· Can describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities.
· Takes steps to resolve conflicts with other children, e.g. finding a compromise.
· Beginning to be able to negotiate and solve problems without aggression, e.g. when someone has taken their toy.
· Understands that own actions affect other people, for example, becomes upset or tries to comfort another child when they realise they have upset them.

Communication and Language· Two-channelled attention - can listen and do for short span.
· Listens and responds to ideas expressed by others in conversation or discussion.
· Introduces a storyline or narrative into their play.
· Listening to the story of Easter and understanding what the chocolate egg, hot cross bun and rabbit mean

Physical Development· The children will be continuing to go out in small groups with Mr Portway
· Negotiates space successfully when playing racing and chasing games with other children, adjusting speed or changing direction to avoid obstacles.
· Holds pencil near point between first two fingers and thumb and uses it with good control.
· Jumps off an object and lands appropriately.
· Experiments with different ways of moving.
· Observes the effects of activity on their bodies
· Travels with confidence and skill, around, under, over and through balancing and climbing equipment.
· Holds pencil near point between first two fingers and thumb and uses it with good control.
· Can copy some letters, e.g. letters from their name.
· Children know the importance for good health of physical exercise, and a healthy diet, and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe.

· We will be continuing with our daily Read, Write Inc. groups.
· Please keep practising ‘Fred talking’ the words we send home and encouraging your child to use their ‘Fred Fingers’ to help them spell the words.
· Hears and says the initial sounds in words.
· Can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together and knows which letters represent some of them.
· Writes own name and other things such as labels, captions.
· Please ensure your child’s reading book is in school on their reading day. Remember there are individual awards for the amount of books read.
· Uses some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning, representing some sounds correctly and in sequence.
· Attempts to write short sentences in meaningful contexts.
· Writing in their Easter cards

·Finds one more or one less from a group of up to five objects, then ten objects.
·Count forwards and backwards within the number sequence 1-20.
·Ordering numbers across the 10 boundary
·Finding the total of two numbers.
·Using the vocabulary of addition
·Counting on the find a given amount
Understanding of the World
· Knows some of the things that make them unique, and can talk about some of the similarities and differences in relation to friends or family
· Enjoys joining in with family customs and routines
· Children know about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things.
· They talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another.
· They make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes.
· Children talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members.
· They know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions
· Enjoys joining in with family customs and routines.
· Making their Easter egg nests

Expressive Arts and Design
· Initiates new combinations of movement and gesture in order to express and respond to feelings, ideas and experiences.
· They safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
· Uses simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately
· Making their Easter cards
· Making their Easter egg nests

Learning ChallengeEach half term we will be setting our pupils a challenge related to their learning. We believe that it is important for us to provide guidance for parents on how their children's learning can be extended at home.

The learning challenge will include either a nursery rhyme, illustration or a piece of music. Please talk to your child about the challenge and help them to engage in their learning. The children can choose how they present their learning challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.

Poem/Song to learn: Jack and Jill went up the hill

Jack and Jill went up the hill,
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.

Up Jack got and home did trot,
As fast as he could caper,
And went to bed to mend his head
With vinegar and brown paper.

Piece of music: March Johann-Strauss Radetzky

Person: Mr Bloom

Nursery Rhyme
Piece of music
Learn it off by heart
Draw a picture to illustrate the rhyme
Listen to the piece of music

Draw a portrait of the person.
Watch the person in action
Find out about Jack and Jill
Draw an illustration to represent their feelings
Find out facts about the person
Re write your own version of the nursery rhyme
Able to name the piece of music when they hear it
Make/grow something that the person has  made/grown

· The children may bring in something related to our topic for Show and Tell on Friday.
· Please make sure your child has a spare change of clothes in school just in case they have any little accidents. The spare change of clothes does not have to be school uniform.
· We regularly update our EYFS blog. Please like our Broadford Primary Facebook page every time you see an EYFS blog. Feel free to make a comment on the children’s experiences.
· If you wish to contact a member of the EYFS staff please email them at
· Remember that Friday 27th March is the last day of term and we return to school on Monday 13th April.

We hope you all have a lovely Easter break.

Thank you for your continuous support.

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