Thursday 27 February 2020

Super Smoothies in Reception!

Reception have started this terms topic Superheroes by looking at how we can keep our bodies healthy. The children have discussed how we need to eat fruit and vegetables, drink lots of water, keep clean, sleep lots and to take part in exercise. Linking to healthy eating the children have made their own smoothies this week. 

The children worked together to cut the fruit up, discussing how to use a knife safely. They added the chopped fruit into the blender along with fruit juice and yogurt. The children enjoyed turning the blender on and watching the changes happen. The children noticed the fruit was not the same anymore and we discussed how the blades had to chopped up and blended the fruit. Then it was time to taste the smoothies! There was mixed reviews on the tatse, but everyone had lots of fun making their smoothie. 

Ali "Exercise makes you body healthy."
Kemar "Hold that bit with your other hand. Be careful of your fingers."
Connie "I can see some green dots from the kiwi." 
Victoria "It's so tasty!" 

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