Sunday 26 January 2014

Nursery Newsletter

Term: Spring 1 Date 27.01.14
The children will continue to make snacks this week. They enjoyed making their chocolate rice crispy cakes; unfortunately most of the cakes did not make it home!

This week we will be singing ‘1, 2, 3, 4, 5’ and ‘Row, Row, Row the Boat’. We will be reading ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.

Personal, Social and Emotional
Interested in others play and starting to join in.
Shows understanding and cooperates with some boundaries and routines.
Washing and drying hands.

Communication and Language
Joining in with the Nursery Rhymes.
Responds to simple instructions.
Can retell a simple past even in the correct order.

Physical Development:
Develop fine motor control when writing their name.
Play dough manipulation to music.
Threading laces through templates. 

Notices simple patterns and shapes in pictures.
Recap on all of the number songs.
Beginning to categorise objects according to properties such as shape or size.

Understanding of the World
Learns that they have similarities and differences that connect them to, and distinguish them from, others.
Notices detailed features
Seeks to acquire basic skills in turning on and off operating some ICT equipment. 

Expressive Arts and Design
Experiments with blocks, colours and marks.
Role playing the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
Using available resources to create props for role play, creating a boat.

Beginning to be aware of the way stories are structured.
Beginning to join in with repeated refrains
Practise copying name.

Just a reminder that our morning session starts at 8.30 until 11.30. We have had to rearrange our time table and our letters and sounds session will start promptly at 8.50. We do not want any of the children to miss this important part of the day.

Don’t forget the ‘Whole School Challenge Afternoon’ is taking place on Thursday 30th January. This is an afternoon event, therefore as always the morning children are welcome to attend the afternoon session, if you would like to be involved. The afternoon session is from 12.30 – 3.30. The actual challenge talk starts at 1.30. So the afternoon children can be dropped off just before 1.30 or alternatively you can drop your child off at the usual time of 12.30 and return at 1.30 for the talk.

Kind Regards,

The Nursery Team

Row Row Row the Boat

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat

Gently up the creek

If you see a little mouse

Don't forget to squeak!

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream. If you see a crocodile

Don't forget to scream!

Row, row, row your boat

Gently to the shore

If you see a lion

Don’t forget to roar!

1, 2,3,4,5

One, two, three, four, five,

Once I caught a fish alive,

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so.

Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on the right.


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