Saturday 17 October 2015

Sharing in Reception

In our story of the week 'The Rainbow Fish' the main character learns the only way he can be truly happy is to share his shiny scales and make friends with the other fish. We have been talking about how the children can become a good friends and strategies they can use if they fall out with their friends. We have explained to the children we will be looking out for good examples of sharing, taking turns and being kind to other children so we can celebrate these great social skills. Here are some examples from today;
Peter and Charlie selected this game independently this morning. They organised the game and worked well together remembering to take turns.

Tiggy and Freddie worked together to build a circle of miniature sandcastle all around the sandpit! 
Leah and Kanishka cut the playdough in half to make sure they both had enough to use.
Jacob, Ollie and Riley have been sharing the Rainbow Fish puppets and working together to re-tell the story to their friends. 

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