Sunday 25 March 2018

Nursery Newsletter 26.3.18

Dear Parent/Carer,

The afternoon children enjoyed their Dentist experience last week. All the children have now learnt about the importance of brushing their teeth twice a day for 2 minutes each time. They have also learnt about foods that are good for our teeth and how sweet foods are fine in moderation but 'sweets are treats'. We were surprised  to learn about how much sugar was in some of the food/drink children regularly eat, did you know fruit shoots contain 5 teaspoons of sugar per bottle? To support the children to make healthy choices we will continue to ensure cooking and making their own healthy snacks are part of our curriculum. 

We have an exciting last week planned. The children will be walking to the park to look for signs of spring in small groups throughout the week. They will have photos of flowers/plants along the way that they will be encouraged to spot. As all parents have consented to local area trips no additional forms will be required for this. 

Thank you to all of the parents/carers who have completed the Learning Challenge. The display of works looks great!
There is still time to complete the challenge with your child this week before we set a new challenge for the next half 
term. All children will receive certificates for their amazing work by the end of the week. 

Mark Making/Creative
The children will have materials available to create their own birds nests for their fluffy chicks. We will look at examples of nests on our Spring walk and watch a clip of how birds make their nests in the trees. 

We will be encouraging the children to count objects accurately and learn that the last number said is the total. 

In their weekly PE lessons the children are learning different running and chasing games. They
have to listen carefully to instructions to achieve this.

As it's almost Easter we are having a 'sweet treat' this week. The children will be measuring and
weighing ingredients to make their own lemon chick cupcakes.

Communication and Language
We are continuing to focus on rhyme this week. The children are playing matching
rhyming games in small groups. Please point out any rhyming words in stories you
are reading at home.
Encouraging children to use simple sentences correctly.
Encouraging children to hold a conversation and respond to comments.

Understanding of the World
In the home corner we will be giving the children opportunities to re-enact
experiences and talk about their home lives.
The children will continue to water and observe their seeds.
We will be talking about the different seasons and changes that come with these.

Personal and Social Development
Ensuring children are able to co-operate with routines and some boundaries.
Modelling the correct behaviours in play, ensuring children use resources well
and begin to share with other children.

We are looking forward to parent meetings throughout the week. We have tried to keep times
of meetings towards the beginning or end of sessions to coincide with drop off and pick up
times. You should have received a time on Friday, if you need to change your appointment
this is fine, please speak to a member of staff and we will re-arrange with you.

Kind regards,
The Nursery Team

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