Sunday 18 March 2018

Nursery Newsletter 18.3.18

Dear Parent/Carer,

Thank you to all the Parents/Carers that were able to attend the Maths Stay and Play last week. We hope you enjoyed the session. This week we are sharing the story 'Oliver's Vegetables' We will be exploring different vegetables and creating vegetable soup with the children. 

Parent Meetings will be held on the week beginning of the 26th of March, these will be towards to beginning or end of the session. Slots will be given on Thursday, if you are not available on a particular day please speak to a member of staff so we can ensure you can attend. 

The afternoon children have the a visit from the Dentist to learn about healthy food on Wednesday. They will be walking to Mead school to join the children there for this. The morning children had this experience earlier on in the term and really enjoyed the interactive workshop! 

The children break up for the Easter holidays on Thursday 29th March and return to school on Monday 16th April. 

Mark Making/Creative
We will have simple peter rabbit templates available to encourage the children to cut these and focus on scissor skills. They can create their own background if they wish using pencils, crayons, collage materials. 

We will be revising the numbers we have learnt already and modelling how to play some counting games to help the Easter bunny count his eggs/carrots this week.

In their weekly PE lessons the children are learning different running and chasing games. They have to
listen carefully to instructions to achieve this.

The children will help to make a vegetable soup. They will also be helping to prepare potatoes to make
some chips. The purpose of this is to learn the names of different vegetables, learn how to prepare food safely and learn about how their food grows. 

Communication and Language
Encouraging children to use simple sentences correctly.
Encouraging children to hold a conversation and respond to comments.
We will focus on rhyming words for the next two weeks. Please encourage
your child to find rhyming words in stories and point them out.

Understanding of the World
In the home corner we will be giving the children opportunities to re-enact
experiences and talk about their home lives.
The children will continue to water and observe their seeds.

Personal and Social Development
Ensuring children are able to co-operate with routines and some boundaries.
Modelling the correct behaviours in play, ensuring children use resources well
and begin to share with other children.

A few weeks ago we had a report of threadworm in EYFS. To control the spread
of this it is important children regularly wash their hands well. We will continue to
make new playdough with the children every day and ensure equipment is thoroughly
sterilized after use to ensure this is not spread in Nursery.

Kind regards,
The Nursery Team

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