Sunday 26 April 2020

Nursery Home Learning Week 4

Good morning Nursery! 

Welcome to Week 2 of the Summer term, we hope you enjoyed last week's sunshine. 
It has been lovely to talk to parents and children  on the phone this week, if you haven't heard from us we will be in touch next week. Please continue to share your learning with us either via email or Evidence Me and please do get in touch if you have any questions. 

Story Challenge 
The children had been developing their story skills with the support of Tales Toolkit during Nursery sessions. The idea is to support children to tell stories with a character, setting, problem and solution. 

The challenge this week is to create a story with the following props. Support your child to expand their sentences e.g. in the waves can change to they jumped over the waves. The focus is on speaking a story for the children so parents can help them to draw pictures to show what is happening, write down their story or video them talking about the story. We look forward to seeing all of the stories! Children could even create their own story using resources you have in the house. 

You can click and enlarge the image below to give you an example and see some questions you could ask to help your child. We do really want to hear the children's ideas so encourage them to think of their own character names and events. It could be shorter, longer and more inventive than this story there is no right or wrong in storytelling! 

Can you make a shopping centre using resources available? You could add labels to your fruit and veg or you could add prices to your cuddly toys and open a toy shop. Try to find how many your customer asks for and check they give you the right amount of coins. This does not have to be a very complicated set up, children are very resourceful and will be able to use their imagination. Try and stick to amounts the children can count and if you have real pennies and purses that is an extra bonus! Vocabulary to use: How much will it cost ? Two more please? Can I have...? Do you have any...? Can I have.... please? How many are in my shopping basket? I have 3 now, how much does it cost altogether? 

Maths - Hidden Jewels
Use gems, jewels or golden coins! to create 'hide and reveal’ games that prompt children to subitise or see the number of the group without counting. See the following link to download the maths idea:

Creative challenge
Create a  magic garden on a plate! Again please use what you have at home or can gather on your daily walk.

Physical Challenge
We have seen from the photos you have been sharing how helpful lots of children have been. We thought they might enjoy this sweeping challenge which is great for gross motor skills and concentration. You can use whatever you have at home for this challenge leaves, toys, small brushes, big brushes...bonus points for sweeping real mess!


C-Beebies Nursery Rhymes
Learning nursery rhymes boosts children's language communication and literacy skills while children learn new words.  This week see if you can learn 'Sing a rainbow!'.

If you are practising phonics with your child we would really recommend you use Read, Write, Inc. This is the phonics scheme the school uses and will ensure learning is consistant. The sound is released every day at 9.30am. 

Have a great week of learning and playing!
The Nursery Team

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