Monday 20 April 2020

Reception Home Learning Week 3

Hello Reception! 

We hope that you have had a safe, restful and chocolate-filled Easter holiday and enjoyed taking part in the Family Quiz and Easter Egg Hunt Challenges! How did you get on in our first ever spelling test?

It has been fantastic to see what you have been sharing with us over the Easter holiday through Evidence Me. There was incredible board games and weather charts, planting of seeds, full marks in spelling tests, baking and pictures. Most importantly we have seen lots of smiling faces! We have loved replying to your observations and can’t wait to see more of what you are doing at home. If you are having trouble with Evidence Me, do not worry, just drop us an email:


Below are some activities for this week, we cannot wait to see how you get on!

RWI Phonics
There will be a new sound taught each day along with a spelling video. Please see the below table for starting times, although they will remain on Facebook and Youtube for 24hours. Please join in every day with these videos if you can, just search ‘Ruth Miskin Training’ on Facebook or Youtube. If you are unsure which level your child is working at please drop us an email.

RWI have also shared a guide for parents that contains lots of information. If you scroll down the page there are lots of online resources including books, ditty reading sheets, worksheets, videos, green word slide shows.

Read together everyday. This should include story times where you read to your child and times when your child reads to you. RWI have free e-books which are perfect for your child to read.

  • Write a letter to your teacher, take a photo and email it to: Remember to use your sound mat and Fred fingers and don’t forget your finger spaces. We will reply to every letter we get!
  • Design and draw a rocket. What would you take with you to the moon? Can you write a list of your items?

  • We follow the White Rose Maths scheme at school and they have provided some lovely maths activities linked to story books. This week it is Supertato, one of our favourites! If you do not have the book at home, you could listen to it on YouTube. Take a look at the activities here and let us know how you get on.
  • Make your own number cards from 0-20, higher if you like! This could be from a cereal box, piece of paper, anything you can find. Make sure you form your numbers correctly. Can you recognise all the numbers? Can you place them in order? Ask an adult or sibling to close their eyes, hide one number. Can they guess which is missing? Switch over! You could also give each other clues to practice one more and one less (eg. can you point to the number that is one less than 14?)

Other Activities
  • Help your adult to write this week’s shopping list.
  • Go on your daily walk and hunt for natural objects like sticks, stones, pinecones or leaves to make different patterns and describe your pattern to your adult. 
  • Make a sock puppet.
  • Make up a dance using your favourite song and get your family to join in.
  • Can you make an easy no-bake dessert? 
  • Draw and label a picture of a plant. Can you include the roots, petals, stem and leaves?


Reception will be joining the rest of the school on Friday for the weekly spelling test. Practice writing these spelling everyday, ready for the test on Friday mornings. One of your teachers will read out these spellings in a video for you to have a go at home. We have chosen some of the red words to begin with, as these are tricky words and we use them a lot within our writing. Each Monday we will release five new spellings in this blog. You could challenge yourself to write a sentence including each of these words. Good luck!


Please keep us updated on how you are getting on at home, this could be through email ( or through EvidenceMe.

Do not forget about all of the online resources including Phonics Play, Oxford Owls, Topmarks and Literacy Planet. Any questions please contact us and if you discover any great resources please share them with us.

Keep safe and stay at home,
The Reception Team

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