Friday 18 June 2021

Reception Awards 18.06.2021


We have had another great week and there has been so much to celebrate in Reception! 

These children have worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their hard work and efforts.

E for Excellence

Apple: Blake, for joining in so well in maths sessions. You have been choosing songs and clapping along. It is so nice to see your smile! 


Henry, in recognition of your amazing construction modelling work. You have planned, designed and adapted your creation when working in the construction area. Excellent work Henry!

Alder:  Carter, for his positive attitude to learning this week. Carter has worked hard during our topic work on 'Handa's Surprise' He has made positive contributions to our class discussions and been curios abut his learning. What a superstar! 

  Star Writers 

Apple: Ayat, for your fantastic writing of sounds in Read, Write, Inc. You have been super focused. Well done Ayat!

Athena, in recognition of  working extremely hard in the RWI sessions and spellings. Keep up the fantastic work! Well done Athena!

Alder: Amira, for working hard on your letter formation during Read, Write, Inc. Keep up the great efforts. 

Learning Power Awards
These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life. 

These children have shown interdependence, collaborated effectively, listened to others, displayed empathy and have imitated effective  ideas and methods from others. 

This has been awarded to:
Torsten, for working well with his peers this week, Listening and communicating well and for working as part of a team!

Nina, for being such a positive role model. always showing kindness to her peers and displaying empathy to others.

Bella, well done for always being so caring and kind to others, for showing empathy to your friends.

Harry, well done for being so kind to your friends. You are always super helpful and showing empathy.

These pupils have planned carefully, revised ideas, identified key features and can talk about their learning. 

This has been awarded to:
Amari, for making links between England and Kenya and discussing the similarities and differences between them.

Ite: Well done for working hard during Math this week. You were able to confidently explain how you solved the number problems using the part/whole model.

Joseph, Great work during Maths this week, you could tell me how you solved the addition problems.

Nashwan, Excellent effort during our Maths lesson this week. Nashwan was able to solve addition problems using the part.whole model.

Adyaan, for excellent problem solving in maths. You have used what you have learnt in order to solve problems. Well done!


These children have demonstrated perseverance, managed distractions, noticed patterns and been absorbed in their tasks. 

This has been awarded to:

Tesha: Well done for working hard during Math this week. Lovely to see you working hard to solve the addition problems using the part/whole model.

Amaira: Well done for working hard during Math this week. Lovely to see you working hard to solve the addition problems using the part/whole model.

Ayla: Well done for working hard during Math this week. Lovely to see you so absorbed in your learning. You have worked hard to solve the addition problems using the part/whole model.

Pippa: Well done for working hard during Math this week. Lovely to see you managing distractions and working hard to solve the addition problems using the part/whole model.

Sonny, for always trying super hard in maths. You have challenegd yourself with tricky questions this week, Well done Sonny!

These pupils have been curious about learning, made links between ideas, shown imagination, reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources. 

This has been awarded to:
Maiyaa for being curious about your learning this week. You really enjoyed out topic work on 'Handa's Surprise" Great to seeing you enjoying your learning.

Kezia, for working hard during our topic work. You have really enjoyed the work we have completed for 'Handa's Surprise'.

Mya, for working super hard this week in topic sessions. It was great to see how curious you were about links between Harold Hill and Kenya.

Congratulations to Nyasa, you have read 15 books from our '105 Books to Read Before You leave Broadford' booklist. You have achieved your BRONZE, SILVER AND GOLD AWARD. AMAZING!

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