Friday 3 November 2017

Making Pizzas in Nursery

Hands-on cooking activities help children develop pride and confidence in their skills and abilities. Physical activities such as squeezing, rolling, kneading, mixing and spreading all help to develop children's small muscle control and eye-hand co-ordination. Cooking also inspires children's curiosity, thinking, and problem solving, offering new opportunities to make predictions and observations.

Nursery have certainly enjoyed becoming chefs this term. Look at the delicious pizzas they created from scratch! They followed a recipe to create the pizza base. They helped to measure the ingredients, mixed them together and learnt to knead the dough. Finally they created their own pizzas choosing from a range of toppings. Lots of learning was involved as we discussed how the dough changed, counted the spoonfuls we used, talked about healthy food and learnt how to safely use new equipment. The children were willing to try new flavours when selecting their toppings and enjoyed eating the yummy pizzas at the end!

"I think I like pineapple now!" Dominic
"We have to push the dough and fold!" Lexi
"Spread on the tomatoe..." Alex

This website has some simple tips if you are cooking at home with your children:

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