Sunday 12 November 2017

Nursery Newsletter 13.11.17

The children enjoyed discussing the fireworks and using chalk and coloured paint outside to create their own last week. They also created their own poppies and added them to the field of poppies outside the school grounds. This week our focus story is 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear' by Eric Carle. The children will have lots of opportunities to explore colour
Remember Thursday is the Stay and Play session which starts at 9.15am for Morning Nursery and 1.15pm for Afternoon Nursery. There will be a short talk about the importance of Communication and Language and then you will be able to stay and play with the children in the setting. Sessions will last for roughly and hour, if you wish to you may take the children home with you when the session finishes.

These are the skills we will be focusing on this week:

Supporting the children to recognise numbers in the environment.
On the maths table we have coloured teddies for the children to count and sort.

We are teaching the children to hold scissors correctly and snip paper.
In PE sessions they are learning running and chasing games to enable them to change speed and direction.

This week the children are following a recipe to bake cakes. The recipe uses balance scales to support the children to learn to measure for example the children have to balance the amount of flour against two eggs.

Communication and Language
Encouraging children to use simple sentences correctly.
Encouraging children to hold a conversation and respond to comments.
We will be sharing the story ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear' and encouraging the children to re-tell this.

Understanding of the World Remembers and talks about significant events in their own experience.

Personal and Social Development
Ensuring children are able to co-operate with routines and some boundaries.
Modelling the correct behaviours in play, ensuring children use resources well and begin to share with other children.

Messages and Dates
Thank you to Lily and Larissa for sending photos of their firework themed cooking and Eddie for sending photos of his Butlins holiday. Please continue to email any photos of the children's achievements, activities they have completed at home or fun days out to

On Thursday 16th November parents are invited for a Stay and Play session focused on Communication and Language and Storytelling. There will be a short presentation for parents and then you will be invited to join your children in the environment. Morning parents will be invited at 9.15 AM and Afternoon parents will be invited at 1.15 PM.

On Friday 8th of December the children and parents are invited back to school for a ‘Christmas Story session’. The children will help cook mince pies for the evening, hot chocolate will be served and the children will come back to school at 5pm to listen to some special christmas stories and sing some christmas songs.

The EYFS Nativity (Nursery and Reception) will be at 9.15 on December 12th for Morning Nursery Parents and 2.15PM on December 12th for Afternoon Nursery Parents.

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

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