Thursday, 31 January 2013

Storytelling morning

We had a story teller come in to Reception this morning as part of 'Story Teller week'. The children learnt how to tell stories through music using different emotions. They listened to scary music, happy music, exciting music and music that makes you fell sad. The children were encouraged to describe how the music made them feel and made some great suggestions.

How are some of their ideas:
Scary things- ghosts, dragons, midnight, bad dreams, monsters, rollercoasters and skeletons.
Exciting things- playing, going on holiday, celebrations, going to the funfair and Thomas said, he gets excited when Daddy comes home from work.
Happy things- surprises, sweets, going to the park, ice cream and Olivia said that coming to school makes her happy ( extra team points for Olivia.)
Sad things - getting hurt, feeling lonely, sleeping in the dark, being eaten by crocodiles and sharks.

They then made up their own magical, scary adventure (their choice) which included a wizard, a shark, the seaside, the children and Miss Morris and Mrs Stanley.

The children were certainly encouraged to develop their imagination. Roars of laughter echoed across the classroom.

Why not ask your child about it tonight. We would love to see any drawings, paintings and emergent writing.

If you want to know more go to

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Reception library visit

The children in Early Years went on a pleasant walk to the library. On the way there, Natasha said, "This is going to be brilliant". The children were all very excited and a credit to Broadford School. They were greeted by Jo, the librarian who showed them round and then read a story to the children. Jo told the children all about the library service. Did you know that you can take out up to 25 books at a time and get to keep them for 3 weeks? After a question and answer session, the children got to decorate a book mark and choose a book to take home. The best part was when all the children got issued with their own personal library card. Please try and take your children back to the library for a visit and share some books. Remember, this service is free.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Circus skills

A big thank you to all the parents and carers who came and had a go at the circus skills. The hall was full of enthusiasm and we soon realised we had some expert plate spinners and ribbon twirlers. We were also very impressed that some adults managed to balance two feathers at a time.

Circus skills morning

This morning the children have been learning new skills. They have tried plate spinning, balancing feathers on their hands, fingers and chin and the have also developed their gross motor skills whilst dancing with a ribbon.

Th children were fantastic statues whilst Doody rode his unicycle. What an experience for the children! If you fancy having a go yourself then Doody has an adult workshop running straight after school in the new hall, feel free to come along and have a go!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Snow fun

The children in Fern and Aspen class had great fun in the snow today. They used all their strength to see who could roll the biggest boulder. After considerably rolling the children lined their boulders up. I think we can all see that Finley Livingstone and Timothy Dempsey worked brilliantly together to create the largest boulder. Well done boys!

Monday, 21 January 2013

Weekly Reception Newsletter 21.01.13

Term: Spring 1                                      
Date: 21.01.13 

A very big thank you to all the parents who supported the sponsored keep fit event. Monies raised will go towards our outdoor learning environment. If you have sponsored money to send in, please can you hand it in by Friday.

This term our topic will linked to the theme of ‘We love Toys’. We will change the focus each week depending on the children’s interests. This week our Learning Power Heroes will be leaning about ‘The Circus’. On Wednesday we have Doody’s Circus Company coming in to teach the children multicultural circus skills. After school on Wednesday parents/guardians are welcome to come in and have a go at learning some circus skills.

This week your child will be taking part in the following activities within the seven areas of development:

Personal, Social and Emotional
  • During Circle time we are developing the idea of Learning Power Heroes, encouraging the children to see themselves as powerful and in charge of their own learning and identifying their own strengths. 
Communication and Language
  • We will be encouraging the children to talk about what they think they are good at and how they can help others. 
  • The children need to be bringing in their reading books daily. We praise the children who regularly read at home to an adult and have reward system in place. This week we will be counting how many books the children have been heard read to see if they have earned a reward. 
  • Playing on the bikes, with the hoops and balls. 
  • Setting up circus activities outside using hoops, balancing beans, walking feet etc…
  • Writing our names encouraging correct pencil grip. 
  • We will be continuing our daily Read Write Inc sessions. 
  • Children will be recording their experiences of the circus skills day in speech bubbles. 
  • In small groups we will be playing superhero bingo – matching number to quantity. 
  • In whole maths sessions we will be focussing on number formation and problem solving. We will be introducing our new scheme ‘Ten Town’ – a fun way to engage children with learning about numbers. 
  • In small groups we will be encouraging the children to find different ways to make 5, 10 and 20 by placing counters on the clowns’ bow tie. How many different ways can the children find? 
Understanding of the World 
  • Explore Tommy Zoom saves the World programme. 
  • We will finding out what the children already know about The Circus and watching some short clips. 
  • Free use of our new computers.
Expressive Arts and Design
  • Making clown collages out of paper plates displaying different emotions. 
  • Enjoying our daily dance warm up to the ‘5 a day’ fitness programme. 
  • Please follow Broadford on Facebook (remember to press the ‘like’ button) and twitter. We update the Early Years blog regularly with photos and information. 
  • Please fill in your home/school learning books this week. 
  • PE kits need to be in school – we still have several children without completes. Your child needs a white t-shirt, black shorts and plimsolls. 
  • Children may bring in something related to ‘The Circus’ for Show and Tell on Friday afternoon. We would love to see some photos. 
  • This half terms homework theme is ‘Toys’. Please work with your child to make a collage about their favourite toys. This could include photos, drawings, interesting facts and any great days, themed parties etc... Please return any homework from the week beginning 11/02/13. We look forward to listening to your child/children sharing their special times with their class.
Thank you for your continued support.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Weekly Nursery Newsletter 21.01.13

Term: Spring 1                       Date: 21.1.13

The children seem to be really enjoying their new environment and most of them have been braving the cold to enjoy the outside activities. We are looking forward to the new outside area being completed so that we can really utilise our outdoor learning environment.

We are very excited as we will be taking part in a ‘Circus Skills’ work shop on Wednesday. Therefore we will be continuing the Nursery Rhyme’s along with a ‘Circus’ theme. Our book of the week is ‘Once upon a time’ and our Nursery Rhymes for the week are Hey Diddle diddle, Hickory Dickery dock, Jack and Jill. Your child will be taking part in the following activities and routines:

Personal, Social and Emotional
  • Being encouraged to demonstrate friendly behaviour, sharing and playing kindly with peers and familiar adults. 
  • Being encouraged to join in at ‘Tidy up time’.
Communication and Language
  • Listening to the story ‘Once upon a time’. 
  • Sing well known nursery rhymes with instruments. 
  • Changing the endings to Nursery rhymes.
Physical Development
  • Hoola hoops and balls. 
  • PE lesson using balls. 
  • Counting using the numerals on a clock. 
  • Playing with the caterpillar number mats. 
Understanding of the World
  • Talking about the features of a circus. 
  • Making clocks. 
Expressive Arts and Design
  • Role play in the home corner. 
  • Nursery rhyme character masks. 

The children have really enjoyed preparing and eating their snack this week. They have had toast, porridge, fruit, Weetabix and crackers with cream cheese. Thank you to everyone who have brought in your contribution of £1 for the term.

The end of day arrangements for the PM children will continue as usual. If your child has older siblings and you have requested that your child is taken to their siblings class, whilst the building work is carried out this will continue. If you are picking your child up directly from the nursery at 3.30 pm, we request that you wait until 3.30 to come down, as other classes and children are being disrupted by so many adults coming and going.

Thank you for your continued support.

Swimming achievement

Well done to Finley Livingstone in Fern Class for moving up to the next level in his swimming lessons. Finley must be swimming like a fish!

Don't forget to let us know if you have a personal achievement this week. We like to celebrate together everyone's success here at Broadford, 'the best school on the hill!'

Fun in the snow

The children were very excited about the snow and couldn't wait to get outside. Never to miss an opportunity, we found sticks and had great fun using them to mark make and write our names in the snow. We look forward to planning some great activities outside if the snow continues to fall.

Reception Master Chef

The children have been encouraged to develop their skills using outdoor resources. This week' s adult initiated outdoor task was 'Master Chef'. The children collected natural resources and enjoyed mixing and weighing the ingredients. Brooke and Cruz were at the ready to record the ingredients, using their phonic knowledge to spell simple words. The menu of the day was spaghetti bolognese, followed by chocolate cake. The children had great fun and didn't even realise they were developing their communication and language skills, maths skills, writing skills and thinking creatively.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Weekly Reception Newsletter 14.01.13

Term: Spring 1                                    Date: 14.01.13

The children all settled in brilliantly last week and are enjoying the new surroundings. If you haven’t already been in to have a look around, feel free to pop in one morning when you drop your child off at school.

A very big thank you to all the parents who supported the sponsored keep fit event. Monies raised will go towards our outdoor learning environment. If you have sponsored money to send in, please can you hand it in by Friday.

This term our topic will linked to the theme of ‘We love Toys’. We will change the focus each week depending on the children’s interests. We will be starting with ‘Superheroes’. This week your child will be taking part in the following activities within the seven areas of development:

Personal, Social and Emotional

During Circle time we will be introducing our topic Superheroes. We will be finding out what the children already know and want they want to find out about Superheroes. We will then be introducing the idea of learning power heroes, encouraging the children to see themselves as powerful and in charge of their own learning and identifying their own strengths.

Communication and Language 

  • We will be encouraging the children to talk about what they think they are good at and how they can help others.
  • The children need to be bringing in their reading books daily. We praise the children who regularly read at home to an adult and have reward system in place. 

  • Playing on the bikes, with the hoops and balls. 
  • Making a Superheroes obstacle course. 

  • Writing our names encouraging correct pencil grip. 
  • We will be continuing our daily phonics sessions. 
  • Writing speech bubbles - an adult in class will scribe their ideas for the children to copy underneath. We will be encouraging some children to use their phonic knowledge to spell simple words unaided.

  • In small groups we will be playing superhero bingo – matching number to quantity. 
  • In whole maths sessions we will be focusing on number formation and problem solving. 
Understanding of the World 

  • Explore Tommy Zoom saves the World programme. 
  • Looking at a range of Superhero video clips. 
  • Free use of our new computers. 
Expressive Arts and Design

  • Creating our own Superhero characters 
  • Enjoying our daily dance warm up to the ‘5 a day’ fitness programme. 

  • Please follow Broadford on Facebook (remember to press the ‘like’ button) and twitter. We update the Early Years blog regularly with photos and information. 
  • Please fill in your home/school learning books this week. 
  • PE kits need to be in school – we still have several children without completes. Your child needs a white t-shirt, black shorts and plimsolls. 
  • Children may bring in something related to Superheroes for ‘Show and Tell’ on Friday afternoon. 
  • If you have any spare Superhero comics at home then please bring them in for us to share with the children.

This half terms homework theme is ‘Toys’. Please work with your child to make a collage about their favourite toys. This could include photos, drawings, interesting facts and any great days, themed parties etc... Please return any homework from the week beginning 11/02/13.

We look forward to listening to your child/children sharing their special times with their class.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Sponsored Keep Fit

Thank you to all the parents and children for joining in with the sponsored keep fit sessions. Great fun was had by all and our fitness levels were pushed to the limits by the super fit Mrs Light. If you missed the event, don't worry as Miss Morris was on hand to catch it all on camera. 

A big thank you to Mrs Light for taking the time and energy to hold this event. Please return your sponsor form and the money you raised by the 18th January.