Thursday, 28 February 2013

Meet Brandy boy.

Yesterday we were very lucky to get another visit from a furry friend. Olivia brought in her pet hamster called Brandy boy. The children found it very funny as Brandy boy rolled around in his hamster ball. We were amazed that Brandy boy could store 4 monkey nuts in his cheeks to save for later.
Thank you to Mrs Wheal for taking the time to answer all our questions.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Morning nursery coffee morning

The Nursery mums, dads, grandparents and sisters enjoyed coming in to play with their children today. They enjoyed a nice cup of tea and jam tarts made by the children. A big thank you to everyone who came.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

A little surprise

We had a lovely surprise from Jessica Chilvers today. As part of the nursery's amazing animals topic, we got to see Jessica's tortoises. Bella was very accommodating as she was passed round for the children to stoke and handle. We look forward to some more visits from our animal friends.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Reception Weekly Newsletter

Term: Spring 2 Date 25.02.13
Welcome back! This half term is going to be as busy as ever. Our topic is, ‘Growing and Changing’. This week’s learning will be based around the story of Jack and the beanstalk. Your child will be taking part in the following activities within the seven areas of development (activities are subject to change, depending on the children’s interests; however, the skills remain the same):

Personal, Social and Emotional Development.We will be reading a version of Jack and the beanstalk from notorious nursery tale mysteries. Who was wrong; who was right? Should Jack of taken the golden hen? Why shouldn’t we steal? What could Jack of done instead?

Communication and Language The children need to be bringing in their reading books daily. We praise the children who regularly read at home to an adult and have a reward system in place.
We will be discussing what the children already know about Jack and the beanstalk and recording their ideas. We will be encouraging the children to verbally retell the story.

PhysicalPlaying on the bikes, with the hoops and balls.
PE in the hall – please ensure PE kits are returned by Wednesday.
Making their own playdough.

LiteracyWriting our names encouraging correct pencil grip.
We will be continuing our daily Read Write Inc sessions.
The children will be writing labels for their bean pots.

MathsExploring ‘Ten Town’ encouraging correct number formation.
Simple addition using magic beans.
Estimating how many spoons of soil will fill the pots.

Understanding of the WorldPlanting beans in pots following instruction cards. Discussing conditions needed for growth. Asking what do we need to do first, next? What would happen if? How are they going to look after the beans?
Free use of the computers.
Mr Bloom’s Nursery games and activities.

Expressive Arts and Design Enjoying our daily dance warm up to the ‘5 a day’ fitness programme.
Turning the home corner into a Giant’s castle – adding a beanstalk.

Messages:Please follow Broadford on facebook (remember to press the ‘like’ button) and twitter. We update the Early Years blog regularly with photos and information.
Please complete the topic sheet that we will be sending home, to inform us what your child already knows and what they want to find out about.
Children may bring in something related to ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ for Show and Tell on Friday afternoon.

This half term's homework theme is ‘Growing’. Please work with your child to make a collage about their own growth and development or maybe the life cycle of an animals/minibeast. Alternatively your child could plant something at home and record its growth in a dairy using pictures and photos and then bring it in to show us. Homework needs to be returned during the last week of term.
We look forward to listening to your child sharing their homework with the class.

Thank you for your continued support.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Our topic

Our topic when we return will be 'Growing and Changing'. We will be starting with Jack and the Beanstalk and looking at the story through different view points. We have lots of bulbs and seeds to plant, so if you are a keen gardener and would like to come in and help, speak to Mrs Stanley.
Also, we look forward to a visit to Tropical Wings on Wednesday 13th March. We will be sending out more details next week.

Jigsaw Educa Butterflies-500pc Challenging Jigsaw

Thank you

A big thank you to all the children and parents for making our first half term in the new building so enjoyable. The children have been brilliant and great fun to work with. Many thanks to all parents and guardians who have been so supportive.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Topic homework

We have received yet more wonderful topic homework. The children enjoyed showing and discussing their homework and the rest of the class thoroughly enjoyed hearing all about their favourite toys.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Chinese food tasting

The children have been developing an understanding about similarities and differences between themselves and others and among families, communities and traditions.

They enjoyed looking and discussing clips on Chinese New Year and they were encouraged to try some different foods.

What amazing chopstick skills our children have!!!!!

Helping the builders.

The builders have been working really hard on our outside area so Miss Morris and Mrs Stanley asked them if they needed any help. They accepted the offer and showed us how to use the diggers. Miss Morris and Mrs Stanley were very helpful and the builders had a nice rest.

Topic homework

Look at our wonderful topic homework. The children enjoyed discussing about their favourite toys and answering lots of questions from their peers.
Please return your topic homework by Thursday 14th January.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Nursery coffee play morning

We will be holding a Nursery play/coffee morning and afternoon on Wednesday 27th February. This will give you the opportunity to come into Nursery and join in with some of the activities we are doing and have a coffee and cake made by the children.

The morning times will be 10.00-11.30 and the afternoon times will be 1.45-3.15 pm.

If you can come please let a member of Nursery staff know.

Nursery PE Lesson

Nursery children had great fun this morning with hula hoops. They were able to listen and follow instructions . They twisted, rolled and jumped into the hoops.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Chinese lanterns

The last day of the Chinese New Year celebrations is the Lantern Festival. In Chinese it is called the Yuan Xiao Festival. It is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade.

The children in reception made their very own Chinese lanterns.

Nursery Weekly Newsletter 11.2.13

Term: Spring 1
Date: 11.2.13
The children have been really busy this week. They have enjoyed role playing in the Post Office that they helped to make, amongst many other things.
This will be our final week on the theme of ‘Nursery Rhymes’. Our book of the week is ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. Our Nursery Rhymes for the week are Row, row the boat, Sing a song a sixpence and Polly put the kettle on. Your child will also have the opportunity to prepare and eat pancakes and take part in the following activities and routines:
Personal, Social and Emotional
  • Being encouraged to try to put on their own coat and shoes.
  • Being encouraged to join in at ‘Tidy up time’.
  • Being encouraged to show kindness and affection to others.
Communication and Language                                                    
  • Listening to the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.
  • Answering questions appropriately.
  • Communicating and identifying action words.
Physical Development
  • Using cascading pipes.
  • Building a dragon.
  • Listening to and taking part in action songs.
  • Counting using Nursery rhymes as an aid.
  • Ordering numbered chairs.
Understanding of the World
  • Walking around the school environment identifying key features.
  • Making pancakes.
  • Finding out about the Chinese New Year.
Expressive Arts and Design
  • Collaging Little red riding hoods cloak.
  • Making and using Nursery rhyme character masks.
Thank you again to all of the parents who have been waiting until 3.30pm to come down to Nursery to collect their children. Also thank you to all of the parents who have returned clothes borrowed from the Nursery.
Also just to remind you this week is a four day week for the children as Friday is an INSET day and then we have half term and return to school on Monday 25th February.
Thank you for your continued support.

Reception fun in the snow

The children once again got to put on their snow gear and head down to the snowy field. They had lots of fun making snowmen, looking at their footprints and mark making in the snow.

Please remember hats, wellies, gloves and a warm coat as this weather is expected to last until Wednesday!