Term: Autumn 2 Date: 03.12.18
Dear Parents and Carers,
Last week the children really enjoyed retelling the story of Whatever Next and discussing what they would take to the moon if they went on a space adventure. The children really enjoyed their exercise and healthy eating session with Darren from Roots to Food. They learnt we need five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, as well as how to calculate a portion size (the size of your palm). The banana smoothies were also very tasty!
We have also been busy learning songs and starting rehearsals for the upcoming Nativity. Please remember to bring back to school your forms to requests tickets and also a coloured t-shirts if you received a letter.
We have a few clothing items that can not be located. Please could you check if you have any school cardigans labelled with ‘Billie’ or LS at home that your child may have picked up by mistake. Thank you!
Often in December the children enjoy sending christmas cards to their friends. This year we ask that if you and your child choose to send christmas cards we ask that the children take part in this activity and the adults do not do all the work. At this time of year lots of children are practising writing their name and doing so in a christmas card, gives them an opportunity to practice and one with a purpose. It will vary for all children but some may be able to independently write christmas cards, copying difficult words. Others may just write their name, whilst some children may trace theirs. Of course there is no expectation for anyone to send christmas cards, but we feel if this is something you choose to do, the children are involved with the process. Perhaps just send them to your child's friends and not send 30 to make this more manageable.
This week we will be reading
Aliens Love Underpants. We will be designing our own underpants as well as labelling them. Friday is also Bedtime Stories and we will be opening the classrooms at 5pm for hot chocolate, cookies and christmas stories.
Communication and Language
There will be a new role play area this week, we are creating a space station. This will provide the children to extend and develop narratives in their play.
Physical Development
The children are working hard at writing their names independently as well as practising their letter and number formation.
This week we will be finding one more and one less than a given number. We will doing this practically using Numicon, counting buses and using number lines to help us.
The children will be using their phonics knowledge to label a range of underpants.
Expressive Arts and Design
The children will be designing their own underpants.
Dates for your diary
EYFS Nativity: Tuesday 11th December 10.30am or 2.00pm
Bedtime Stories: Friday 7th December 5-5.45pm
Come and join us in the classroom for Christmas bedtime stories, hot chocolate and cookies. Pajamas encouraged!
Christmas Dinner: Wednesday 12th December
Christmas Jumper Day: Friday 14th December
If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address it is:
Kind Regards,
The Reception Team