Friday 28 June 2024

Nursery Certificates 28/06/24

  Nursery Certificates 28/06/24


Each week, 3 children in Nursery will receive an E for Excellence certificate in recognition of their hard work. 

A massive congratulations to McKenna for always being a model pupil, McKenna is always doing her pupil jobs and goes above and beyond to help people.

We would also like to congratulate Theo for developing his confidence in Nursery. Theo has really come out of his shell and is playing with others with confidence.

Finally, a massive well done to Lilly-May for developing her independence in Nursery, Lilly confidently seeks her key worker for help but will happily explore the Nursery, playing with others.

Well done to Aadam who has completed his trackers by reading 'our five favourite books'.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Nursery Learning : Week Beginning 24/6/24


Nursery Learning : Week Beginning 24/6/24

Holiday dates (School and Nursery closed): 

Last day of summer term; Tuesday 23rd July 2024 

School inset dates and Election Day; Wednesday 24th July 2024, Thursday 4th July 


Summer Fun

The hot weather has finally arrived and we are very much enjoying this in Nursery! Just a reminder to please apply sun cream before your child's sessions and bring in a sunhat. Ensure water bottles are filled and labelled. Please bring a few extra changes of clothes in a carrier bag for any enthusiastic water play. If you have any crocs/jelly shoes at home your child may wear these for the sessions as long as they have a strap on the back, please no flip-flops. 

Water Play 

The lovely weather has allowed us to fully enjoy our water area outside in Nursery. The children have had socks and shoes off and have enjoyed splashing through the area. The water play is a fantastic sensory experience, the children have been playing well co-operatively and the pouring and filling also supports the development of hand/eye co-ordination. 

Library Trip 

Thank you to the parents who were able to support our trip to the library this week. The children were very resilient walking in the heat and enjoyed their time in the library looking at their chosen books and sharing stories together. 

Our younger 2 year olds had their first visit to our school library too. They enjoyed looking at the stories in school and particularly enjoyed using the puppet theatre and meeting our school reading dog Theo. 

Role Play

The children have enjoyed the hairdresser role play station this week. They have been busy working together to comb, brush and style hair. We enjoyed sharing pictures of some children's trips to the hairdressers. The activity supported the children to take turns and develop their language skills. 

Sunday 23 June 2024

Reception learning 21.06.24

This week our story was Handa’s Surprise.

In maths we have been working on building models using positional language and exploring mapping. On Friday we  made African necklaces and took part in some African style dancing!

Please remember to complete and return the letter for our school trip. Thank you!

Reception certificates 21.06.24

 ⭐️Well done to these children ⭐️

E for Excellence - Hunter
Dojo points - Vedasri
Star writer - Zaviyar
Resilience - Zayba

E for excellence - Billie
Star writer - Ivy - Rose
Dojo - Santian
105 books bronze award - Mir Hamin
105 books bronze award - Akela

Friday 21 June 2024

Nursery Certificates 21/06/24

   Nursery Certificates 21/06/24


Each week, 2 children in Nursery will receive an E for Excellence certificate in recognition of their hard work. 

A massive congratulations to Bright For persistence and resilience when learning to ride the scooters. Bright kept trying until she could scoot independently.

We would also like to congratulate Ronnie For patiently waiting for his turn on the bikes and scooters patience

We would also like to congratulate Jaydah For being kind to others and helping her friend put on their shoes.

Well done to Jaydah and Kingston who have completed their trackers by reading 'our five favourite books' and also to Amaya who has completed her tracker by reading ‘our three favourite books.’ 

Thursday 20 June 2024

Nursery Learning : Week Beginning 17/6/24


Nursery Learning : Week Beginning 17/6/24

Holiday dates (School and Nursery closed): 

Last day of summer term; Tuesday 23rd July 2024 

School inset dates and Election Day; Wednesday 24th July 2024, Thursday 4th July 


Story of the week

This week the children have been listening to the story 'Busy People Vets'
You can listen to the story at home with your children by clicking this link.
Next week we are focusing on Hairdressers, if you have any pictures of your children at the hairdressers please do bring these in. 

Creative play

The children enjoyed painting outside. They practised their mark making, making big strokes with the brush. Some even painted some numbers. 

On the 25th, 26th and 27th of June our 3 & 4 year olds will be visiting Harold Hill Library to share stories and find out about the job of a librarian. We will still need parent volunteers so please let us know if you would like to join us on the trip.  

The children have been enjoying visiting our school library this half term in preparation for our visit. Each week the school librarians take a small group and they share stories together. This week the children enjoyed We're going on a Treasure Hunt' and 'Hooray for Fish'.

Outdoor learning

The children enjoyed using the parachute out in the garden. They were singing songs and following instructions to go under the parachute when their name was called. 

Fine motor control

The children have been practising their scissor control and making snips in the paper following the lines. Developing scissor skills is an important milestone in your child’s life.  By learning to use scissors they practice using a tripod grasp (using thumb, index and middle finger together) which then develops into the ideal grasp for writing.  It is important that your child uses the appropriate scissors for their dominant hand.

Many thanks,
The Nursery Team 

Monday 17 June 2024

Reception certificates 14.06.24

 ⭐️Well done to these children ⭐️

E for Excellence - Mariam
Dojo points - Harley
Star writer - Zenaya
Resourcefulness - Isaac

E for Excellence - Luca
Dojo points - Kailan
Star writer - Logan

Reception learning W/B 10.06.24

This term our topic is Journeys, our focus story this week is The Way to School. 

In maths, we have been exploring positional language such as behind, in front of, next to, underneath, in between, on top of. 

In Literacy we have been writing Father's Day cards.

Please remember to complete the form about our school trip. 

Just a reminder that although the gates are open for longer, the school day starts at 8:30am. Thank you!

Friday 14 June 2024

Nursery Certificates 24/05/24

  Nursery Certificates 14/06/24


Each week, 2 children in Nursery will receive an E for Excellence certificate in recognition of their hard work. 

A massive congratulations to Evandy For playing collaboratively with her friends. Evandy has been listening to what they have to say and responds to their opinions.

We would also like to congratulate Matei For retelling significant events in his life with detailed sentences. Matei has been using conjunctions in his speech and retells events in the correct order.

We would also like to congratulate Rosie for improving on her independence in Nursery. Rosie will independently select an apron to wear before playing with water.

Well done to Ziyon and Austin who have both completed their trackers by reading 'our five favourite books'.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Nursery Learning W/B 10.6.24

Nursery Learning : Week Beginning 10/6/24

Holiday dates (School and Nursery closed): 

Last day of summer term; Tuesday 23rd July 2024 

School inset dates and Election Day; Wednesday 24th July 2024, Thursday 4th July 


Story of the week

This week the children have been listening to the story 'The Doctosaurus'.  
You can listen to the story at home with your children by clicking this link link .
Next week we are focusing on Vets, if you have any pictures of pets that children have at home  so the children can talk about how they help look after them at home please do bring these in. 

Creative play

The children have been showing great independent play skills this week and have some lovely ideas for their play. They have built homes for dinosaurs together, added doctors items to the playdough and cut bandages for patients and have created some beautiful sparkly pictures. 

On the 25th, 26th and 27th of June we will be visiting Harold Hill Library to share stories and find out about the job of a librarian. We will need parent volunteers so please let us know if you would like to join us on the trip.  

The children have been enjoying visiting our school library this half term in preparation for our visit. Each week the school librarians take a small group and they share stories together. This week the children enjoyed using the puppet theatre to help re-tell the story of 'Old McDonald's Farm' and 'Hello Little Fishy'.

Outdoor learning

Our poppies have started to flower! The children have been very excited to see the buds open and look carefully at the flowers. We have also noticed the strawberries are starting to ripen and turn red. The mint has grown particularly well so we have used this to add a scent to our potions in the mud kitchen. 

Role Play

The children have enjoyed acting in role as doctors and nurses this week. We talked about how these people help us and named some of the equipment they might use such as a bandage, a stethoscope or a bottle of medicine. They children dressed up and enjoyed helping each other. 

"I can hear your heart going bump, bump!" Zara 

Stay and Play 

Thank you to the parents/carers who were able to attend the Stay and Play this week. It was a lovely opportunity to celebrate the outdoors! Outdoor play supports the teaching of our curriculum on a larger scale, please click here to read about some of the other benefits of children (and adults) enjoying time outside. 
 Here are some ideas you might like to try over the Summer holidays, let's hope for sunny weather! 

Many thanks,
The Nursery Team