Friday 20 September 2024

Nursery Certificates w/b 16.9.24

Each week, 2 children in Nursery will receive an E for Excellence certificate and 2 children in nursery will receive an I have made my teacher happy certificate in recognition of their hard work. 

Sofia has been awarded her certificate in recognitiion for doing so well with her increased hours at school. She has adapted so well and is thoroughly enjoying her time at school. Well done Sofia.

Charlie has been awarded his certificate in recognition of being so kind and helpful towards his teachers. Keep it up Charlie.

Matty has made his teachers happy this week because he always tries his best. He shows great listening skills and always joins in with the story. Well done Matty.

This week Matei has made his teachers happy because he has been participating very well in his key group time and has remembered key parts of this weeks story. Well done Matei. 

Thursday 19 September 2024

Nursery Learning 16.9.24

Staff have really enjoyed meeting the new children and families and we would like to welcome you to Broadford. We are impressed with how well the children have been settling into their new environment. They been enjoying creating dinner parties in the home corner, enjoying bagels and fruit for snacks, creating masterpieces  in the art area and spending time in the outside area. It has been lovely to watch the children start to develop relationships with staff and also start to make friends and join in with other children in the setting.  

Thank you to all of the parents for supporting us to ensure the children have a smooth start to their Nursery year and for being patient at home time whilst staff learn new faces and names.
Please could we ask that we ensure that you are on time for the start and end of sessions. The doors will close at 8.45am in the morning.

Important Information 
  1. Evidence Me -Over the next month we will start sharing observations on our parent share app. Please do add your own videos and photos from home as parents can also share achievements. Please speak to a member of staff if you cannot access this app. 
  2. Spare Clothes - Please leave a bag of spare clothes in Nursery, ideally this will be a labelled plastic bag. This bag should stay in school. 
  3. Nappies - If your child is in nappies and requires changing in Nursery please bring nappies. You can bring in a pack and leave this here if you would prefer to do this. 
  4. Lunches -For the children who stay for lunch, we would like to inform parents Broadford primary is a Heathy Eating school. Please do not provide nut based products such as peanut butter or Nutella as some of our children have nut allergies.
  5. Meet your key worker - We will soon be sending out invites for parents to come and meet with their child's key worker. This is a chance to talk together about how your child has settled, share information from home and decide on targets together. 
We have been focusing on the story 'Brown bear, brown bear' this week. The children have been joining in with repeated phrases in story time and recalling the names of colors in the story. 

Creative Learning
In the art area the children have been encouraged to explore the world around them through creating autumnal collages. The have been speaking about the resources we have collected and arranging them to make their own pictures. They have also been particularly enjoying creating dinosaur worlds in the sand tray and acting out their cooking experiences in the mud kitchen. 

We have had some great team work this week in the construction area. The children have worked collaboratively to put their tracks together and have taken turns with the trains once it has been completed.


Outdoor play 
The children have really enjoyed our new football goal we have set up this week. We have set up cones so they can practice their foot control by dribbling carefully around these and they have taken it in turns to aim for the goal. 

We would like to encourage the children to collect as many leaves as they can and bring them into nursery next week as part of our classroom Art activity. 

Monday 16 September 2024

Reception learning 13.09.24

We have had a fantastic first week in Reception. 

The children have all settled well and we have enjoyed getting to know them all.

 This week our story was Super Duper You

Super Duper You by Sophy Henn | Waterstones

We have started our first Read Write Inc phonics lessons.

Have a look at our amazing letter formation.

                                              Here is what we have been up to this week:

Reception certificates 13.09.24

 ⭐️Well done to these children ⭐️

E for Excellence - Mya
Dojo points - Ziyon

E for Excellence - Arabella
Dojo points - Zayna

E for Excellence - Elisa
Dojo points - Daman

Friday 13 September 2024


Nursery Learning Week beginning 09/09/24

Thank you to all of the parents and carers for your support in helping the children settle into their new nursery environment. The children have adapted well to such a big transition. We understand how difficult it can be to bring your child to school for the first time. If you have any concerns or worries, please speak to any of the teachers at the door.

The children have started to form positive relationships with all adults within the setting. The children have been practicing listening to stories in small groups. Our story this week has been 'We're Going On a Bear Hunt'. The children have enjoyed joining in with the story.

You can listen to the story at home with your children by clicking this link.

Please could all parents bring a labelled spare set of clothes and underwear for your child. If your child is still wearing nappies please can they have spare nappies in their bag. Thank you. 


Nusery Certificates 13/09/24

 Nursery Certificates 19/07/24


Each week, 2 children in Nursery will receive an E for Excellence certificate in recognition of their hard work. 

Well done to Keegan for your excellent counting in the maths area during choosing time. You used the cubes to help you count accurately. What a great mathematician! 

Well done to Kasim for a great first week at nursery! You have displayed excellent manners and have worked very hard during tidy up time. Keep it up!