Sunday 19 March 2017

Nursery Campfire Fun

As the weather was a little brighter last week we decided to gather the Nursery children for a campfire. The children sat on seats around the purpose build fit pit as the fire was lit and then they were able to toast their own marshmallows.  They were all very sensible and were able to explain how we keep ourselves safe around fire. The children were encouraged to feel their marshmallows before and after toasting and noticed how they were very sticky and had changed colour after placing them on the fire. After toasting our gooey treats we sand a variety of camp songs before the children were encouraged to sit still and listen to the crackling fire. A great experience was had by all and we are looking forward to more campfire cooking soon!

"It has stingy bits now.. It sticks to my fingers!" Maddison
"Its yummy in my tummy" Christian

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