Reception E for Excellence
We have had a fantastic week of learning and there has been so much to celebrate and be proud of in Reception!
These children worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their determination and efforts.
E for Excellence - Victor, for doing your best in every lesson and working so hard in every area of your learning this week. Victor tried hard with one more and one less in Maths, he worked hard on blending in RWI and completed lots of mark making activities in the Writing Area. Well done Victor!
Dojo points - Evie, for being on task and excellent listening. Well done Evie!
Star Writer - Elisa, for her brilliant piece of writing on Jack and The Beanstalk. Elisa worked hard to sound out CVC words and used her sound mat to help her apply them.
E for Excellence - Mya Lee
Dojo points - Shahaan
Star Writer - Prisha
These pupils have read ten books and earned their Silver certificate:
Aarish, Ronnie and Prisha
Alder -
E for Excellence - Andrew, for listening and then being able to correctly show the life cycle of a bean. Great work!
Dojo points - Patrick, for earning the most dojo points and being focused in every lesson. Well done!
Star Writer - Zayna, for using your sound knowledge to write words about Jack and the beanstalk! You showed lovely letter formation and took pride in your work. You are a star!
105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford-
These pupils have read ten books and earned their Silver certificate - Jazelle, Nirgun, Renae,
These pupils have read ten books and earned their Gold certificate- Rayan