Thursday, 28 March 2013

The Easter Bunny came!

All of the Nursery children followed the Easter Bunny's trail to a lovely Easter surprise today. Have a super Easter break everyone!

School dinners

Have you tried our School dinners? They are so delicious, even Mrs Pike can't resist. The Easter dinner was very popular today with the Reception children.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Nursery cross country

The morning and afternoon nursery children both took part in the cross country event. They managed to run 2 laps of the playground and after enjoyed a hot cross bun.

Nursery Newsletter 25.02.13

Term:  Spring 1                          Date 25.03.13

The children had a lovely surprise last week when the ‘Music Man’ came in on Wednesday afternoon and played many instruments, all made out of recyclable materials, he will also be making the instruments for our stage in the new early years outdoor area.
We are going to be looking at various stories this week with an Easter theme.  Our songs for the week are ‘Hot cross buns’, ‘5 Currant buns’ and ‘5 little chicks’.

Personal, Social and Emotional
  • Developing the skill of responding to one another and keeping play going.
  • Being encouraged to except the needs of others.
  • Being encouraged to take turns and share resources.

Communication and Language                                                    
  • Listening to others, one to one, or in small groups.
  • Uses talk to pretend an object is something else in role play.
  • Playing language skills games such as ‘Silly Soup’.

Physical Development:
  • Develop their gross motor movements by drawing lines and circles.
  • Using the streamers to aid dance moves.
  • Planning and constructing a home for a farm animal.

  • Reciting numbers in order to 10.
  • Consolidating place value.
  • Completing a hunt for Easter pictures and recording numbers.

Understanding of the World
  • Talking about baby and mother animals.
  • Matching baby animals to their parents.
  • Talking about new life.

Expressive Arts and Design
  • Making and decorating pictures of Easter eggs.
  • Making and using animal masks.
  • Being encouraged to join in and enjoy dancing and ring games.


Thank you to all of the parents who have returned borrowed clothes. 
The children have enjoyed the Amazing Animal Topic so much that we are going to carry it over another few weeks after the break so we can focus on Jungle animals and Dinosaurs.
Don’t forget this week is another short week as Friday is ‘Good Friday’, therefore we will be breaking up for the Easter Break on Thursday 28th March and returning on Tuesday 16th April.

Thank you for your continued support.

Fern Class' very own beanstalks!!!

Wow!!!! Look at our beanstalks that we have grown. I do hope there aren't any giants living up there! The children took great care with their beanstalks making sure they were watered each day and got plenty of sunlight (not that we have seen much recently haha).

Topic homework

Several children returned their topic homework today. Thomas delighted us with his knowledge about oak trees. Nikola then talked about how she has grown since being a baby. Natasha chatted about how to grow a tomato plant and Brooke told us about the pea plant she is growing. Every child's work was presented beautifully. Many thanks to the grown ups who supported their child with this topic. The last day for topic homework is tomorrow.

Topic Homework

The last day for topic homework is tomorrow. Our theme for this half term has been 'Growing and Changing'. We enjoyed sharing the homework that was brought in today.

Finley told us all about the cycle of a flower and Laiba spoke about the life cycle of a caterpillar. What fantastic projects, the children thoroughly enjoyed hearing and looking at them.

Why don't you have a listen to the audio boos of Finley and Laiba on the Facebook page?

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Callum's homework

Well done to Callum for bringing in his homework about life cycles. We are delighted that the children are really enjoying completing their homework with family members.
There are only two days to return your homework - keep them coming!

Monday, 25 March 2013

Topic homework

Topic homework for Reception is due in this week. Our theme for this half term has been 'Growing and Changing'. We enjoyed sharing the homework that was brought in today.
We started with Lilly, who completed her topic about how she has grown since she was a baby. Iman then told us about the daffodils she has grown and described the conditions needed for them to grow. Isabelle then talked us through the lifecycle of a butterfly and a frog. All three girls presented their homework brilliantly.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Reception Weekly Newsletter

Term: Spring 2 Date 25.03.13

As we approach the end of term, we will be concluding our topic ‘Growing and Changing’. In light of Easter we will be thinking about new life. We will be running other activities alongside Easter activities; however the skills will remain the same.
Your child will be taking part in the following activities within the seven areas of development (activities are subject to change, depending on the children’s interests; however, the skills remain the same):

Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
Discussing new life, thinking about how we grow.

Communication and Language
The children need to be bringing in their reading books daily. We praise the children who regularly read at home to an adult and have a reward system in place.
Discussing what the children know about Easter? Why do we celebrate Easter? Share a simple Easter story.
Playing on the bikes, aeroplane, and with the small apparatus.
PE in the hall.

Writing our names encouraging correct pencil grip.
We will be continuing our daily Read Write Inc sessions.
Writing messages in cards.

Exploring ‘Ten Town’ encouraging correct number formation.
Singing number songs.
Problem solving with eggs/multilink
Completing a number assessment.

Understanding of the World
Sharing a PowerPoint about the Easter Story, for young listeners.
Cookery – making chocolate nests.

Expressive Arts and Design
Music express
Enjoying our daily dance warm up to the ‘5 a day’ fitness programme.
Easter cards

Please follow Broadford on facebook (remember to press the ‘like’ button) and twitter. We update the Early Years blog regularly with photos and information.
School is closed on Friday.

Ways to help at home:
Sharing books to encourage story language and imagination.
Playing letters and sounds phase 2 and phase 3 games on the computer.
Adding toys together to make 10.

This half terms homework theme is ‘Growing’. Please work with your child to make a collage about their own growth and development or maybe the life cycle of animals/minibeasts. Alternatively your child could plant something at home and record its growth in a dairy using pictures and photos and then bring it in to show us. Homework needs to be returned ASAP.

We look forward to listening to your child sharing their homework with the class.

Thank you for your continued support and we wish you all a lovely rest over Easter.

School re-opens Tuesday 16th April.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Show and Tell.

We were really pleased with the response for 'Show And Tell' this week, as so many children brought in topic related items. First, we were introduced to Isabelle's amazing puppets. Next up was Thomas with his fantastic homemade stick and sock puppets and an amazing Pom Pom caterpillar. Brooke then gave us a little puppet show with her sock puppet and finally we were entertained with Martina and the the very cheeky gorilla. The children gave brilliant presentations on their puppets and the rest of the class asked informative questions. A fantastic speaking and listening session.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Champion reader

Well done Isabelle for reading 75 books. Isabelle choose these books as her reward. I'm hoping to give out lots more reading rewards to the children. Every time you share a book with your child, please make a comment in their reading record.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

EYFS Music Workshop.

Yesterday the children in Early Years got to take part in a music workshop with Saul, The 'rubbish' music man. All his musical instruments were made from old tins, pipes, pots Nd pans. The different sounds he produced were amazing and the children were mesmerised by his music. He taught the children about high and low sounds and encouraged them to move in time to the music. It was a fantastic afternoon.

The children will soon get to use the brilliant instrument Saul has made in our new sound garden.

Why not try making your own musical instruments out of recyclable materials and send us a photo.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Nursery News Letter 18.03.13

Term:  Spring 2                          Date 18.03.13
The children had a fantastic time at ‘Tropical Wings’ last week.  They were so well behaved and were a real credit to the school.  A big thank you to all of our parent helpers, we appreciate you giving up your time and despite the snow we had a lovely day.
Our book for the week is ‘Farm Yard Halabaloo’.  Our songs for the week are Cookabura, Dingle Dangle Scare Crow and  I wish I could fly like a butterfly.

Personal, Social and Emotional
  • Enjoying the responsibility of carrying out small tasks.
  • Being encouraged to wash and dry their own hands.
  • Being encouraged to except the needs of others.

Communication and Language                                                    
  • Listening to others, one to one, or in small groups.
  • Retelling a simple past event.
  • Playing language skills games such as ‘Silly Soup’.

Physical Development:
  • Develop their gross motor movements by drawing lines and circles.
  • Listening to and taking part in action songs.
  • Planning and constructing a home for a pet.

  • Reciting numbers in order to 10.
  • Ordering numbers.
  • Using positional language.

Understanding of the World
  • Talking about the visit to Tropical Wings.
  • Being encouraged to use the computers.
  • Being encouraged to talk about significant events.

Expressive Arts and Design
  • Making butterfly collages..
  • Making and using animal masks.
  • Being encouraged to join in and enjoy dancing and ring games.

  • Please return any school clothes your children have borrowed.
  • Don’t forget school will be closed this Thursday (21st March) due to a polling day. 
  • We are going to start to award attendance certificates, to those children that have 100% attendance we will issue them on a monthly basis.
  • We would also like to remind you that our book borrowing scheme is still running and the books can be found in boxes out side the Nursery door.  We would love to hear about any  books you are reading at home attached is a book review form.
Thank you for your continued support.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Reception Weekly Newsletter

Term: Spring 2 Date 18.03.13

This week we are stepping away from our growing and changing topic because we have a number of enrichments going on. Throughout Tuesday morning the children will be watching a performance based around the story of Pinocchio. On Wednesday morning, Saul will be returning to take the children for a music workshop. Saul recently built our new music area and stage. Our theme this week will be ‘Puppets’.
Your child will be taking part in the following activities within the seven areas of development (activities are subject to change, depending on the children’s interests; however, the skills remain the same):

Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
Discussing the moral of the story from Pinocchio. Why shouldn’t we tell lies? Why is it best to tell the truth?

Communication and Language
The children need to be bringing in their reading books daily. We praise the children who regularly read at home to an adult and have a reward system in place.

Well done to Isabelle for already having read 75 books – we are very proud of you!!!

A theatre company will be visiting to retell the story of Pinocchio. Discuss children’s favourite part of the story, least favourite part story, what happened at the beginning, what happened after…
Children to retell stories using puppets.

Playing on the bikes, aeroplane, and with the small apparatus.
PE in the hall.

Writing our names encouraging correct pencil grip.
We will be continuing our daily Read Write Inc sessions.

Exploring ‘Ten Town’ encouraging correct number formation.
Singing number songs.
Simple addition.
Making Pinocchio’s nose different lengths.

Understanding of the World
Designing and making a puppet, deciding the best materials to use. To make stick, finger and string puppets.
Mr Bloom’s Nursery games and activities on the computer.

Expressive Arts and Design
Music express
Enjoying our daily dance warm up to the ‘5 a day’ fitness programme.
Making puppets
Music workshop with Saul.

Please follow Broadford on facebook (remember to press the ‘like’ button) and twitter. We update the Early Years blog regularly with photos and information.
Parents’ Evening reminder: It is very important that you come to parents’ evening to discuss your child’s progress and next steps. Parents’ Evening will take place Monday and Tuesday after school.
School is closed on Thursday.
Children may bring in something related to ‘Puppets’ for Show and Tell on Friday afternoon.
If you’re feeling creative maybe you would like to make a puppet at home to bring in and show.

Ways to help at home:
Sharing books to encourage story language and imagination.
Playing letters and sounds phase 2 and phase 3 games on the computer.

This half terms homework theme is ‘Growing’. Please work with your child to make a collage about their own growth and development or maybe the life cycle of animals/minibeasts. Alternatively your child could plant something at home and record its growth in a dairy using pictures and photos and then bring it in to show us. Homework needs to be returned during the last week of term.
We look forward to listening to your child sharing their homework with the class.

Thank you for your continued support.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Red Nose Day

The children have had lots of fun today raising money for Red Nose Day. How cheerful they all looked in red. For snack the children got to eat a delicious cake made by the Year 5 children.

Red Nose Day in Fern Class

Thank you for all your generous donations. The children look fantastic in red and they have developed an understanding of what their money will go towards!

Tropical Wings

The children and adults had a fantastic day at Tropical Wings on Wednesday. The children were an absolute credit to our school as they were so well behaved.

Many thanks to the parents who kindly gave up their time to come along and help. We really enjoy having the parents involved in the children's learning.