Monday, 30 June 2014

Nursery Weekly Newsletter

Term: Summer 2 Date: 30.06.14

We will be continuing with a number of our activities from last week as we had a hectic week with the Sponsored Walk, Class Photo and Stay and Play Sessions.
We will also continue to explore various Non-fiction underwater texts and read Kipper at the Seaside. 

We will be doing some work on numbers in the environment this week - could you support your child in finding out and recognising your house number at home, we will be talking to the children about this.

Personal, Social and Emotional
Shows confidence in asking adults for help.
Can tolerate delay if needs to immediately met.
Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share resources, sometimes with support from others. 

Communication and Language
Can retell a simple past event.
Uses talk in pretending that objects stand for something else.
Uses talk to connect ideas explain what is happening what might happen next.

Physical Development:
Moves freely with pleasure and confidence.
Can stand on one foot.
Can catch a large ball.

Notices numbers in the environment.
Beginning to talk about the shapes of everyday objects.
Shows an interest in shape or space by playing with shapes and making arrangements.

Understanding of the World
Shows skill in making things work.
Shows an interest in technological toys.
Knows how to operate simple equipment.

Expressive Arts and Design
Understands they can use lines to enclose a space.
Uses various construction.
Begins to construct, horizontally and vertically.

Ascribes meaning to marks they see.
Recognises familiar signs such as own name and advertising logos.
Know that print carries meaning and in English is read from left to right top to bottom.

Thank you to all of the parents and carers who attended the Stay and Play Session last week. We feel it was a great success.

Also thank you to all of you who have sent in you school trip consent form and money, we look forward to receiving the rest. Further to this, we are asking for a voluntary contribution of £2.50 as the Sealife Centre have offered to pre prepare a small gift and ice cream for this charge.

You will be receiving a slip with a parental consultation time on, these times will be tagged on to the beginning or end of your child’s session. Please let a member of staff know if your time is not suitable.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind Regards

The Nursery Team



Sunday, 29 June 2014

Reception Weekly Newsletter

Term: Summer 2 Date 30.06.14

This week, we are continuing with our Summer topic, ‘Buckets and Spades’. Over the next few weeks we will be focussing on books linked to the seaside and water. Our learning this week will be based around the story of ‘I’m the biggest thing in the ocean’. Your child will be taking part in the following activities within the seven areas of development (activities are subject to change, depending on the children’s interests; however, the skills remain the same):

Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
In circle time, we will chat about the importance of friends and working together. We will be reinforcing our 4Rs.

Communication and Language 
We will be reading the story of ‘I’m the biggest thing in the ocean’. We will be encouraging the children to ask ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions.

Looking at handling tools and malleable materials safely and with increasing control.
Taking part in PE sessions with Mr Clark.

The children need to be bringing in their reading books daily. We praise the children who regularly read at home to an adult and have a reward system in place.
The children will be focussing on poetry writing, linking with our book of the week.
We will be continuing our daily Read Write Inc. sessions – The children have all been assessed and will moving to their new groups today.

The children will be solving problems, including adding and subtracting two single-digit numbers.
Estimating sets of objects.

Understanding of the World
Making play dough. Children will be encouraged to notice changes in properties of media. They will discuss what is happening, helping them to think about cause and effect.
To create sea pictures on the computer assessing children’s skills on the computer. 

Expressive Arts and Design 
Enjoying our daily dance warm up to the ‘5 a day’ fitness programme.

Role play – pirates and mermaids
Making sea creatures out of different materials.

Please follow Broadford on facebook (remember to press the ‘like’ button) and twitter. We update the Early Years blog regularly with photos and information.
Show and tell this week should be linked to the theme of ‘The Seaside’.
Please ensure children come to school with a sun hat and sun cream already applied. Due to allergies we will not apply sun cream throughout the day. If you feel your child needs a second application of sun cream you can come at lunchtime to reapply it. No sun cream should be left in your child’s bag.

Reminder: Our School trip to the Sealife Centre will be on Wednesday 9th June. Please send back the permission slip and donation as soon as possible. We now have enough parent volunteers. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you put your name on the list to volunteer.

Ways to help at home:
Sharing books to encourage story language and imagination.
Playing letters and sounds phase 2 and phase 3 games on the computer.

Thank you for your continued support.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Afternoon nursery sponsored walk

The afternoon children completed 4 laps of the nature trail this afternoon to raise money for our school funds.  They battled the elements of the hot and sunny weather, so congratulations to them for their wonderful achievement.

Morning nursery sponsored walk

The morning nursery children completed 4 laps around the nature trail today to raise money for our school funds.  What an achievement morning nursery.  Well done!

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Anyone for Ice Cream???

This week the children helped to develop our role play area-The Ice Cream Parlour. Children used their phonic  knowledge to write signs and labels, help organise equipment and very excitedly make ice cream play dough. The play dough looked so real that it even fooled Mrs Light. Our children's imagination is truly wonderful. Once they had purchased their ice creams they decided that what was needed was a Punch and Judy show. Summer Rose very confidently organised a show using a puppet stand. It was so lovely to see the children re-enacting the enjoyment of the Punch and Judy show on our 'beach ' last week.

Aspen class continue to have great attendance

Well done to all the children who achieved 100% and 95+% last half term. Keep it up Aspen Class-don't let our attendance slip.

I made my teacher happy!

Well done to the children in Reception and Keystage 1 for showing kindness, helping to tidying up and trying extra hard- No wonder we have such happy teachers!

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Nursery Weekly Newsletter

Term: Summer 2 Date: 16.06.14

The role play areas are still being developed and we definitely have been having ‘Fun in the Sun’. 

The ‘Super Hero Day’ was a great success and thank you to all of you who sent in food for the ‘Food Banks’ that it was in aid of.

The story this week will be ‘Sharing a shell’. We will be singing various songs including ‘Head shoulders knees and toes’ and ‘Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside’.

Personal, Social and Emotional
Shows confidence in asking adults for help.
Can tolerate delay if needs to immediately met.
Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share resources, sometimes with support from others.

Communication and Language
Beginning to use more complex sentences to link thoughts.
Uses talk in pretending that objects stand for something else in play e.g this box is my castle.
Uses a range of tenses.

Physical Development:
Moves freely with pleasure and confidence.
Can stand on one foot.
Can catch a large ball.

Beginning to talk about the shapes of everyday objects.
Shows an interest in shape or space by playing with shapes and making arrangements.
Sometimes matches numeral and quantity correctly.

Understanding of the World
Shows skill in making things work.
Shows an interest in technological toys.
Knows how to operate simple equipment.

Expressive Arts and Design
Understands they can use lines to enclose a space.
Uses various construction.
Begins to construct, horizontally and vertically.

To identify the sound ‘n’.
Copies some letters in their name.
Hold pencil at end with good control. 

Another big thank you to all of you who sent in a family photo. As I am sure you are aware the children have numerous objectives they need to meet by the end of their time in the Nursery. A number of the objectives revolve around discussing their family so please, please send in a family photo (If you haven’t already done so) so we can mark of the objectives for your child.

We have had some fantastic weather recently, as previously mentioned, please remember that most of the children spend a large proportion of their session in the outside area. If the sun is out, please ensure your child is adequately prepared. You need to be applying sun cream to your child before their session and a sun hat would also be desirable (with their name in).

We invite you to join us for our Summer Stay and Play picnic. This will be held in our outdoor play area between 11.30 and 1pm. Please bring a picnic with you.

Our summer school trip letter has been sent home this week. This will mean a full day for all the Nursery children, arriving by 9am and being collected at 3pm

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind Regards

The Nursery Team

Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside

Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside
I do like to be beside the sea!
I do like to stroll upon the Prom, Prom, Prom!
Where the brass bands play: "Tiddely-om-pom-pom!"

So just let me be beside the seaside
I'll be beside myself with glee
For there's lots of girls besides,
I should like to be beside
Beside the seaside! Beside the sea!

Head shoulders Knees and toes

Head and shoulders knees and toes
Knees and toes
Head and shoulders knees and toes
Knees and toes
And eyes and ears
And mouth and nose
Head and shoulders knees and toes
Knees and toes

Reception Weekly Newsletter

Term: Summer 2 Date 16.06.14

 This week, we are continuing with our Summer topic, ‘Buckets and Spades’. Over the next few weeks we will be focussing on books linked to the seaside and water. Our learning this week will be based around the story of ‘Punch and Judy’. Your child will be taking part in the following activities within the seven areas of development (activities are subject to change, depending on the children’s interests; however, the skills remain the same):

Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
In circle time, we will chat about the importance of friends and working together. We will be reinforcing one of our 4Rs – reciprocity.

Communication and Language 
We will be reading the story of ‘Punch and Judy’ and discussing the beginning, middle and ending of the story. We will be asking the children ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions.

Looking at handling tools and malleable materials safely and with increasing control.
Taking part in PE sessions with Mr Clark.

The children need to be bringing in their reading books daily. We praise the children who regularly read at home to an adult and have a reward system in place.

The children will be focussing on writing sentences, working on capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
The children will be writing a recount of the ‘Punch and Judy’ show.
We will be continuing our daily Read Write Inc sessions. 

Exploring characteristics of everyday objects and shapes.
Making play dough – focussing on quantity and weight.
The children will be solving problems, including adding and subtracting two single-digit numbers.
Looking at repeated patterns when making loom bracelets 

Understanding of the World
Making play dough. Children will be encouraged to notice changes in properties of media. They will discuss what is happening, helping them to think about cause and effect. 

Expressive Arts and Design 
Enjoying our daily dance warm up to the ‘5 a day’ fitness programme. 
Role play – Setting up a role play Ice cream parlour
Making ice-creams out of play dough 

Please follow Broadford on facebook (remember to press the ‘like’ button) and twitter. We update the Early Years blog regularly with photos and information.
Show and tell this week should be linked to the story of ‘Punch and Judy’.
Please ensure children come to school with a sun hat and sun cream already applied. Due to allergies we will not apply sun cream throughout the day. If you feel your child needs a second application of sun cream you can come at lunchtime to reapply it. No sun cream should be left in your child’s bag.

Reception sharing assembly will be on Wednesday 25th June at 10.30 am. Following this will be a short transition meeting about what to expect in year One. After the meeting, we invite you to join us for our Summer Stay and Play picnic. This will be held in our outdoor play area between 11.30 and 1pm. Please bring a picnic with you.


Ways to help at home:
Sharing books to encourage story language and imagination.
Playing letters and sounds phase 2 and phase 3 games on the computer.

Thank you for your continued support.

Fern Class' 95% attendance

Well done to the four girls in Fern who received their 95%+ attendance certificates!

Punch and Judy Show

Another exciting week in Reception. Fern and Aspen were invited to watch a Punch and Judy puppet show on our new sandpit in the beautiful sunshine. Mr Drakes even brought us all an ice-lolly. We all thought we were sitting on the beach.

Evie's Lighthouse

Wow!!!! Look at Evie's fantastic lighthouse that she has made at home to link with our story of 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch.' Evie has shown great reciprocity and resourcefulness when making this at home with her family.

A fantastic model Evie, well done!

Fern Class' Superheroes save hunger!

A big thank you for the generous donations of food for the Harold Hill food Bank. The children all looked fantastic. It was a great effort all round! 

Fern Class' 100% attendance winners

Fern Class' 100% attendance winners! This is the most amount of children we have ever had reaching 100% attendance. Let's hope all of Fern can come into school every single day so we can all achieve our certificate and badge.


Thursday, 12 June 2014

We Scared Hunger Today!


The whole school community joined hands today to scare hunger away.
Thank you all so much for the donations of food I know that the foodbank will really appreciate every single item.

During the food drive this morning we collected a grand total of 876 items of donated food, which is amazing.  

218 items were donated by children in EYFS, well done to you all!

Ivy Class

Holly Class

Fern Class

Aspen Class

It takes a real hero to stand up to hunger!

Monday, 9 June 2014

Charlie's Fantastic Lighthouse

Following our story of  'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch', Charlie felt inspired to make his own lighthouse at home. We have added it to a story table which the children are now carefully using as a prop to enhance their story telling skills. Thank you Charlie!

Aspen class rise to the challenge!!

It all started with a paper boat.  Adam's personal interest of origami has overflowed into Aspen class and now many children are enjoying the challenge of origami, which is all thanks to Mr Drakes for buying us an origami book. The children are relishing the challenge and have been displaying excellent resilience and reciprocity skills whilst working together.

Reception's Star Writer!

Arya is our star writer because he is always striving to improve. During his independent play he practises his writing by making books and always uses the RWI wall to help him with his spellings. His constant perseverance shines through in the great work that he produces. Well done, Arya!!

The Trussell Trust

Mission and Vision

The Trussell Trust works to empower local communities to combat poverty and exclusion in the UK. The trust works with the people throughout the community, providing practical help through sustainable projects and enabling each person to realise that they are valued. The vision for the trust is to build communities where people of all backgrounds are included and have the opportunity to live in dignity with hope for the future.


People like to donate food because they know it is all going directly where it is needed, but supporting running costs is probably not so appealing. Without financial backing, the work the work of the foodbank is doing within the community is put under threat. If you feel that you would be able to support the foodbank financially see Mrs Nicholls who can provide you with a leaflet.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Nursery Weekly Newsletter

Term: Summer 2 Date: 09.06.14

The children enjoyed starting the new topic last week of ‘Fun in the Sun’. They have been making Treasure for the Treasure chest. This week we will continue to develop the Pirate Ships outside.
The story this week will be ‘Commotion in the Ocean’. We will be singing various songs including ‘Five Little Speckled Frogs’ and ‘Row, Row, Row, the Boat’.

Personal, Social and Emotional
Shows confidence in asking adults for help.
Can tolerate delay if needs to immediately met.
Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share resources, sometimes with support from others. 

Communication and Language
Beginning to use more complex sentences to link thoughts.
Uses talk in pretending that objects stand for something else in play e.g. this box is my castle.
Uses a range of tenses. 

Physical Development:
Runs skilfully and negotiates space successfully, adjusting speed or direction.
Uses one handed tools.
Can stand momentarily on one foot when shown.

Sometimes matches numeral and quantity correctly.
Selects a small number of objects from a group when asked, for example, 'please give me one', 'please give me two'.
Compares two groups of objects, saying when they have the same number. Begins to make comparisons between quantities.

Understanding of the World
Shows skill in making things work.
Shows an interest in technological toys.
Knows how to operate simple equipment.

Expressive Arts and Design
Captures experiences and responses with a range of media
Begin to be interested in and describe the texture of things.
Realises tools can be used for a purpose.

To identify the sound ‘i’.
Copies some letters in their name.
Hold pencil at end with good control.

A big thank you to all of you who sent in a family photo. We look forward to receiving the rest of them so we can complete this activity with all of the children.

It has been noticed that a number of children have been bringing in toys from home again. Last week we had toys going missing and arguments between children over the toys. Please do not let your children bring toys into school.  

Furthermore as previously mentioned please remember that most of the children spend a large proportion of their session in the outside area. If the sun is out, please ensure your child is adequately prepared. You need to be applying sun cream to your child before their session and a sun hat would also be desirable (with their name in).

Our Early Years Stay and Play picnic will be on Wednesday 25th June. This will be held in our outdoor play area between 11.30 and 1pm. Please bring a picnic with you. Younger siblings are welcome to join in with the picnic.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind Regards

The Nursery Team

Row, row, row your boat

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat
Gently up the creek If you see a little mouse
Don't forget to squeak!

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream If you see a crocodile
Don't forget to scream!

Row, row, row your boat
Gently to the shore
If you see a lion
Don’t forget to roar!

Five Little Speckled Frogs

Five little speckled frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious grubs, Yum Yum

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Then there were only Four little Speckled Frogs,

Glub Glub

(Repeat until there are 0 frogs)


Reception Weekly Newsletter

Term: Summer 2 Date 9.06.14

This week, we are continuing with our Summer topic, ‘Buckets and Spades’. Over the next few weeks we will be focussing on books linked to the seaside and water. Our learning this week will be based around the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Picnic’. Your child will be taking part in the following activities within the seven areas of development (activities are subject to change, depending on the children’s interests; however, the skills remain the same):

Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
In circle time, we will chat about the importance of friends and working together. We will be reinforcing one of our 4Rs – reciprocity.

Communication and Language
We will be reading the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Picnic’ and discussing the beginning, middle and ending of the story. We will be asking the children ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions.

Looking at handling tools and malleable materials safely and with increasing control.
Taking part in PE sessions with Mr Clark.

The children need to be bringing in their reading books daily. We praise the children who regularly read at home to an adult and have a reward system in place.
Name writing using chalks, pens, paint brushes, foam etc…
The children will be focussing on writing sentences, working on capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
The children will be making a list of things to put in Mr Grinling’s picnic.
We will be continuing our daily Read Write Inc sessions.

Working out how many objects have been taken from Mr Grinling’s basket. Can the children record their findings?
Making sandwiches – working out halves, sharing equally.
The children will be solving problems, including doubling, halving and sharing and learning the ‘double’ song.

Understanding of the World
Modelling how to make a circuit. To see if the children can make a circuit to make the bulb light on top of the light house.
Experimenting to see which materials are waterproof and which materials are not. Children will be encouraged to notice changes in properties of materials as they are transformed through becoming wet. Thinking about the cause and effect.

Expressive Arts and Design
Enjoying our daily dance warm up to the ‘5 a day’ fitness programme.
Role play – Mr Grinling’s cottage
To make lighthouses out of junk materials/clay. To cover with strips of sticky paper

Please follow Broadford on facebook (remember to press the ‘like’ button) and twitter. We update the Early Years blog regularly with photos and information.
Show and tell this week should be linked to the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’.

Reception sharing assembly will be on Wednesday 25th June at 10.30 am. Following this will be a short transition meeting about what to expect in year One. After the meeting, we invite you to join us for our Summer Stay and Play picnic. This will be held in our outdoor play area between 11.30 and 1pm. Please bring a picnic with you.

Ways to help at home:
Sharing books to encourage story language and imagination.
Playing letters and sounds phase 2 and phase 3 games on the computer.
If you are feeling creative, have a go at making a lighthouse out of junk materials.


Thank you for your continued support.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Mark making on a large scale

Great fun was had exploring the our new outdoor paint rollers. Each roller is engrained with a different pattern. The rollers were also brilliant for rolling through puddles to explore colour mixing.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

What a busy day tomorrow!

Reception sharing assembly will be on Wednesday 25th June at 10.30 am. Following this will be a short transition meeting about what to expect in year One. After the meeting, we invite you to join us for our Summer Stay and Play picnic. This will be held in our outdoor play area between 11.30 and 1pm. Please a bring a picnic and a blanket with you.

We look forward to seeing you!

Just a reminder that all children will need a packed lunch if you are not providing a picnic. (If your child is entitled to a free school meal we can provide a picnic lunch) Children will not be going into the dinner hall.

Well done Leo!

The Nursey children were asked to bring in a photo of their family to share with the class. Leo brought in a fantastic photo of his family at Peppa Pig World. He told the nursery children that he had a wonderful day and enjoyed the dragon ride best. Well done Leo!