Term: Summer 1 Date: 15.05.17
Dear Parents,
Dates for your diary:
Reception’s Sharing Assembly: Wednesday 17th May 9am
Maths Stay and Play: Thursday 25th May 2.15pm
Polling Day, school closed to pupils: Thursday 8th June
INSET Day, school closed to pupils: Friday 23rd June
Ella’s coat has gone missing, it is possible that one of the other children have accidentally taken it home. It is khaki colour and age 5-6. Please check all similar coats at home.
Thank you for your help with this matter.
The children have been very excited to watch our caterpillars build their cocoons, we will shortly be transporting them to their baskets for a few weeks while they sleep. The children also enjoyed planting various vegetables and flowers last week, I’m sure you will agree that they have done a super job with the Reception flower beds.
This week we will be reading the story of The Bad Tempered Ladybird and carrying out linked activities.
Our Learning Objectives for this term are:-
Personal, Social and Emotional:
ELG: Children are confident to try new activities, and say why they like some activities more than others.
Confident to speak to others about own needs, wants, interests and opinions.
To work as part of a group.
Communication and Language:
Children follow instructions involving several ideas or actions.
Able to follow a story without pictures.
ELG: To answer how and why questions.
Physical Development:
ELG: To move confidently in a range of ways.
Practices some appropriate safety measures without direct supervision.
Uses simple tools to effect changes to materials.
To write simple sentences which can be read by them and others.
Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers.
Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences of books.
ELG: Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number.
ELG: They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.
To add single digit numbers.
Expressive Art and Design:
Introduces a storyline or narrative into their play.
ELG: The children sing songs, make music, dance and experiment with ways of making them.
Create simple representations of events, people and objects.
Understanding the World:
ELG: Children talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members.
They make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes.
Children know about similarities and differences in relation to living things.
Keep up the great effort with encouraging the children to walk down the slope independently. Please be advised any messages you have for us in the mornings can be given to the staff on the main door who will pass them on.
Also thank you to all of you who have sent in your childrens baby photos. We look forward to receiving the rest of them, we can photocopy originals or you can email them to us directly.
Please remember the homework expectation in Reception is to read every day and learn the red words. If you would like further homework please complete the Learning Challenge.
Learning Challenge
Each half term we will be setting our pupils a challenge related to their learning. We believe that it is important for us to provide guidance for parents on how their children's learning can be extended at home.
The learning challenge will include either a nursery rhyme, famous person, illustration or a piece of music. Please talk to your child about the challenge and help them to engage in their learning. The children can choose how they present their learning challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.
Person: Mr Bloom
Piece of Art: Eric Carle - illustrator
Illustration by Eric Carle
Person: Mr Bloom
1. To find out facts about the illustrator.
2. To make a collage of one of his illustrations.
3. To choose a favourite illustration and talk/write about why you like it.
Draw a portrait of the person.
Find out facts about the person.
Watch the person in action.
Kind regards
The Reception Team