Sunday 12 May 2019

Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!

We have loved reading Jack and the Beanstalk this week in Reception. We have been busy observing the growth of our own beans and building beanstalks at the finger gym. There was even a surprise video of magic beanstalks growing in our classrooms. 

The Reception children returned from lunch this week to find a collection of footprints in their classroom and a letter from the giant. Their challenge was to work out which footprint belonged to the giant by measuring them all. The children worked together to use multilink cubes to measure the length of the footprints, they then compared how long each footprint was. 

"Jack's footprint is the yellow one." Ralph 
"The blue one is your Miss Poulter, look it's the shape of your foot!" Darci 
"The giant's is the orange one! It has the biggest number of cubes." George 

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