The first half term has flown by! The children have settled in well, made friends, learnt the routines and expectations of the setting. Along with this we have started our phonics and maths lessons. The children are retaining the sounds that have been taught well but keep on practicing those sounds, Fred talk and green words at home.
This half term we will be reading a selection of stories during our topic sessions. These stories will include: Funny Bones, Room on a Broom, Elmer, Monster’s Bedtime, Whatever Next, Aliens Love Underpants and Stickman. We will also be looking at celebrations, including Diwali, Bonfire Night, birthdays and Christmas. Below are some of the things we will be focussing on this term.
Communication and Language
We will be encouraging the children to speak in full sentences to express themselves. We will be using our talk to organise, sequence and clarify our thinking, ideas, feelings and events. Providing children with experiences such as bonfires and trips, we will recount these experiences.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We will continue to work on our expectations in the setting as well as turn taking and sharing resources, revisiting them on a regular basis. The children will be encouraged to take into account what others say and their ideas within their play.
Physical Development
This term there will be a big focus on fine motor activities to strengthen our hand and finger muscles for writing. These are all of the ‘fiddly’ activities you will see around the classrooms, such as threading, using tweezers, cutting etc. Of course we will still be working on our gross motor skills in the outdoor areas and during PE lessons.
We will continue with our number of the week, working up to ten at the end of term. Perhaps you could go on a number hunt at home or out and about. The children will work on number recognition and representing the number in different ways. This will deepen the children’s number sense and basic maths skills. We will also be looking finding one more or less than a given number and combining two groups of objects to find the total. We will start looking at shapes and money as well this term.
We will continue with our daily RWI lessons, focussing on learning and reading new sounds. We have begun using magnetic boards to practice our blending skills during RWI lessons. There will be lots of Fred Talk and green word practice too. We will be applying our phonics knowledge both within our play and in our topic lessons. We will be writing potions, shopping lists, invitations, lists and labelling pictures. Initially our focus is to hear and write the initial sound in words, but we will be practising segmenting CVC words as well.
Key Dates
- Please ensure your child has a named set of spare clothes on their peg at all times.
- All uniform should be labelled with your child’s name.
- Please can toys from home stay at home. We have lots in school and it saves toys being lost or broken.
- We ask that your child’s reading book is in school on their reading day each week so it can be changed and your child read with.
If you have any questions or concerns please speak to your class teacher. f you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is:
Kind regards,
The Reception Team