Friday 25 October 2019

Big Art for Little Artists

We are continuing to develop our lovely outdoor area in Nursery and have recently added a new painting station. Using some clear tarp as a surface the children have been creating their own masterpieces on a large scale. Having the opportunity to use vertical surfaces will support children to develop their physical skills (strengthening shoulders and elbows and developing core strength) and provide opportunities for children to cross the midline - this means the ability to perform a task on the opposite side of the body, moving from left to right for example. This ability plays a role in developing skills like writing, dressing and undressing and reading.

The children particularly enjoyed noticing what happens when two colours mix together and spent lots of time creating their own new colours. The paint washed away easily at the end leaving a blank canvas ready to be explored again the following day.

"I made a purple paint!" Pippa

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