Dear Parents and carers, Term: Spring 1
We hope you have all had a lovely holiday with your families and are ready and rested for the Spring term ahead. The children have settled back in well last week and have been excited to talk about their holidays. We will be revisiting expectations and rules of the setting during the first few weeks, ensuring we have remembered these over the break and are all following these.
We will be having a Maths Stay & Learn on
Tuesday 21st January from 2-3pm. All parents and carers are invited to join us in the classrooms to see how we teach Maths and to join in some maths activities with their child.
The children’s reading is progressing well, with some strong sound recognition and blending skills. The more they practice these skills the more fluent your child will become at decoding words, this then allows them to develop their comprehension skills. We would like to remind everyone that the school’s expectations related to homework, is to read every day.
Try to make reading a part of your daily routine, finding a time that this fits in with your schedules at home. This could be when you first get home from school or after dinner. This time could include your child reading to you, practicing reading green words, practicing sound recognition or sharing a story together. Record this is in your reading record, for it to be counted towards awards and certificates. This time should be in addition to a bedtime story, where you are reading just for pleasure. Aim for ten minutes a day. Of course there will be days when it doesn’t happen due to special events, trips out or extreme tiredness.
This half term we will be reading a selection of traditional tales during our topic sessions. These stories will include: The Gingerbread Man, The Three Little Pigs, Three Billy Goats Gruff, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Little Red Hen and On Sudden Hill. Below are some of the objectives we will be focusing on this term.
Communication and Language
Children are often familiar with traditional tales and they provide children the opportunity to retell them in their own words, act them out in their play as well as imagine alternative endings. These all help children develop their communication and language skills.
Physical Development
This term we will be focusing on our letter and number formation, ensuring the children have the right patterns, formation and direction. It is vital we encourage these from the beginning, so the children do not form bad habits. We ask if your child is writing at home and forms a letter or number backwards that you work with them to write it the correct way. We will also be continuing with fine motor activities to strengthen our hand and finger muscles. Of course we will still be working on our gross motor skills in the outdoor areas and during PE lessons.
We will continue with our number of the week, moving on to the teen numbers. Perhaps you could go on a number hunt at home or out and about. The children will work on number recognition and representing the number in different ways. This will deepen the children’s number sense and basic maths skills. We will be focusing on counting objects accurately to ten and beyond as well as irregular arrangements of objects. We will be looking at weight, capacity, length and height during our measurement lessons. We will compare, order and solve problems.
We will continue with our daily RWI lessons, focusing on our ‘special friends’, two letters that make one sound when together (for example: sh, th, qu, ng, nk, ch). When the children are confident decoding simple words we will teach and encourage them to ‘Fred in their head’ words to increase their fluency. Starting next week will also introduce our ‘red word of the week’. Red words are common, irregular words that the children must read on sight.
During topic we will be focusing on writing simple sentences. We will be writing wanted posters, speech bubbles, recipe cards, alternative endings and labeling characters.
Helpful Websites:
- Phonics Play ( Click on the free phonics play and then children for phonics games. Most children are working within phase two or three at this point. Our favourite games are Picnic on Pluto (reading real and alien words) and Pick a Picture.
- Topmarks ( Lots of maths games that are Early Years appropriate.
- Please ensure your child has a named set of spare clothes on their peg at all times.
- All uniform should be labelled with your child’s name.
- Please can toys from home stay at home. We have lots in school and it saves toys being lost or broken.
- We ask that your child’s reading book is in school on their reading day each week so it can be changed and your child read with.
If you have any questions or concerns please speak to your class teacher. If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is:
eyfs@broadford.havering.sch.ukKind regards,
The Reception Team