Monday, 30 March 2020

Reception Home Learning Week 2

Good morning Reception!

We hope you had a good first week at home, filled with play, learning and relaxation. We have missed seeing your smiling faces each day but loved hearing about what you have been up to. We know this is not easy, but just remember the most important thing is that everyone is safe and healthy.

Some parents are ahead of the game and have been using Evidence Me to share what they have been doing at home. You can take a photo or video and then write a comment to explain what you have been doing. Your teachers will be able to reply through the Evidence Me app. This is still quite new to us, but if you have any questions we will try and help.

We hope you have begun to find a daily routine that suits your family and would advise keeping a routine if you can. Below are some activities for this week, some things you should do everyday and others you can choose when is best for you.

Fingerprint Rainbow Craft

Every day:

Other Activities:

Here are some other activities for you to complete this week. You might want to share these with us through the early years email or through Evidence Me. 
  • Write an email to your teacher. This can be written by hand (may include a picture also), take a photo and email it to: Or you can have a go at using a computer/tablet to write an email. Remember to use your sound mat and Fred fingers and don’t forget your finger spaces. Your teacher will reply!
  • Create, make and play your own board game. 
  • Keep a weather chart for the week. Draw a picture each day and write down the weather.

  • Learn and sing a maths subtraction song (5 little ducks, 5 little monkeys, 10 green bottles). Can you record the subtraction number sentences for each verse. (5 cheeky monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head ----> 5 - 1 = 4).
  • Find five things in your house that start with the same sound as your name (Miss Poulter → mug, milk). Record these in a list, use your sound mat. Challenge: can you write a sentence about each word?
  • Make a rainbow for your window. Will you paint, colour or collage it?

**Make your own  play dough**
  • One cup of flour
  • Half a cup of salt 
  • One dessert spoon of vegetable oil. 
  • Slowly add warm water until the consistency of playdough.
  • Play! 

Reception will be joining the rest of the school on Friday for the weekly spelling test. Practice writing these spelling everyday, ready for the test on Friday morning. One of your teachers will read out these spellings in a video for you to have a go at home. We have chosen some of the red words to begin with, as these are tricky words and we use them a lot within our writing. Each Monday we will release five new spellings in this blog. You could challenge yourself to write a sentence including each of these words. Good luck!


Please keep us updated on how you are getting on at home, this could be through email ( or through Evidence Me. We look forward to replying to emails from the children this week! 

Do not forget about all of the online resources including Phonics Play, Oxford Owls, Topmarks and Literacy Planet. Any questions please contact us and if you discover any great resources we would love to hear about them.

Keep safe and stay at home, 
The Reception Team

Friday, 27 March 2020

Nursery - Week 2 Home Learning

Thank you for sharing your learning and playing at home on Evidence Me. It is a lovely way to stay connected and allows teachers to see and comment on some of the fantastic activities you have been completing with the children. 

Here a few bed time stories to listen to.. 

This week we have some new ideas you could try at home.

Water Play
This is a great calming and open ended activity that children love to engage with. This could be as simple as a washing up bowl, a spoon and a plastic jug to transfer water (towel recommended underneath if you are indoors!). If you would prefer a drier option for bad weather days look at the video at the bottom for ideas on how to set up independent play tasks.

Maths activity:

If you have any cardboard from packaging you could try and make some shape monsters for the children to sort and match shapes. 

IT and Language:

Download ChatterPix Kids by Duck, Duck, Moose. We have tested this, it's fun! 

Creative Challenge
We loved some of the ideas you sent in from home last week. Oscar went on a hunt for special items during his walk and Chloe made her own Spring picture. We thought you could try to make your own Spring pictures, children could stick the items they've found or paint or draw a Spring flower they can see.

Try and encourage the children to add their name in lower case letters to the picture.

We really want the children to continue learning Nursery rhymes. This week try to learn Jack and Jill and Little Bo Peep.

Story Challenge
See if you can practice telling the story of the Three Little Pigs. There is a paper copy in your home learning pack or a link here :

Can you build some houses for the pigs? You could use lego, sticks, straws.. any material you have at home or can easily find. You can then test the strength of your house using the big bad hairdryer! Let him huff and puff and see if it will blow your house down.

If you have stories at home please try and keep the routine of reading a bed time story. If you are struggling to access stories the next best thing is Cbeebies story time. If possible watch it with your child and talk about what is happening.

Thursday is International children's book day. To celebrate your challenge is to build the best den to read your story in. This can be inside or outside depending on the weather. Share your photos with us after!

Here is a short video with some simple tips for setting up independent play at home:

Website Links
Phonics Play
Phonics Play have a new website. If you sign in you can access all of their phonics games and resources. Username: march20 Password: home
Oxford Owl
Oxford Owl have lots of free online books. All you need to do is set up an account with them. Click on the ‘join us’ tab in the top right hand corner.
Lots of free maths games and resources for all ages.
Twinkl has a whole bank of resources and activities available for free if you set up am account. Enter the code: CVDTWINKLHELPS

Thank you for all you are doing. We know it is not always easy, just keep in mind the most important thing is the children are healthy and happy.

Read at Home - Free Ebooks for Reception and KS1

Remember to watch the daily phonics sessions on the Ruth Miskin YouTube channel:

There are also now 11 new Read Write Inc ebooks added to Oxford Owl at home. Sign up to Oxford Owl as a parent to access these.

They are similar to the children's school reading books so will allow them to continue to practice and develop their reading skills.

Children can read the stories more than once. The first time they read they will be focusing on decoding, which means sounding out their words and this may take them a while. The second time they read start to encourage the children to sound out the words in their head (some children might need to whisper the sounds). The aim is to increase the speed and fluency so the children can focus on understanding what they are reading. Finally they can focus on using expression when reading the story and answering questions about what is happening.

Children learning to blend and read simple words such as 'cat' or 'went' will be learning Set 1 sounds and reading Ditty or red books.
Children learning Set 2 sounds will start to read Green, Purple and Pink.
Chilldren learning Set 3 sounds will start to read Yellow, Blue then Grey.

If you are unsure of your child's book colour send an email to the shared mailbox and your child's teacher can advise you further. Happy reading!

Reading to children is still really important. If you are struggling to access books at home Cbeebies have a daily bed time story. Try to watch this with your child and talk about what happened after:

Books are a uniquely portable magic. –Stephen King #book #quote

Monday, 23 March 2020

Nursery - Home Learning

We hope you had a restful weekend and are ready for a fun week of home learning. We have listed some ideas for key tasks to keep you busy for Week 1. It would be lovely to see how the children respond to these tasks, remember you can share on your Evidence Me App. Teachers will add comments to photos and videos which you can share with the children. If you are have any problems accessing this please email: Of course we recommend plenty of free play, spending time in the garden, reading stories and enjoying each other's company.

We recommend starting your day with some excercise. Joe Wicks has a daily PE lesson at 9am every day: The children enjoy Cosmic Yoga, you can access this at home through YouTube: - the Bear Hunt story is a great one to start with.

Our craft challenge for this week is to create your very own Incy Wincy Spider Prop. You can share you photos of videos of your finished prop and children singing via Evidence me or email after! Instructions are in the pack or search for Incy Wincy Spider Prop on Twinkl.

Our story this week is The Three Billy Goats Gruff. You have a paper version in your home learning pack. You can also watch the video on here: You can access the powerpoint on Twinkl here:

The Three Billy Goats Gruff STEAM Bridge Building Activity for Kids: With a little engineering and creativity kids can help the Three Billy Goats Gruff escape by building a bridge strong enough. This is a fun hands on activity. (preschool, kindergart, book extension, spring)
Relating to the story you could; Build a bridge with lego or duplo blocks for the goats, design your own scary troll (send us the pictures!), tell the story of the three billy goats gruff to your parents, draw three pictures to explain what happens in the story with your parents.

Here are some websites you might find useful:

Phonics Play - Try and play some rhyming games this week.

Phonics Play have a new website. If you sign in you can access all of their phonics games and resources.

  • Username: march20
  • Password: home

Oxford Owl
Oxford Owl have lots of free online books. All you need to do is set up an account with them.

  • Click on the ‘join us’ tab in the top right hand corner.
  • Create an account.
  • Get reading!
  • There are also other free resources that may be useful.
Lots of free maths games and resources for all ages.

Twinkl has a whole bank of resources and activities available for free if you set up am account.

  • Enter the code: CVDTWINKLHELPS

Good Morning Reception!

Good morning Reception!

We hope you have had a restful weekend and are ready for some fun at home this week. Last week you will have received a home learning pack (if your child was not in school please collect this from the school office). In this pack is a variety of activities for you to do at home, spread them out over the week, do not try and complete them all in one day!

Each week we will be releasing new activities and ideas for you to complete at home. Please make sure you also enjoy spending some quality time together, enjoy each others company, read lots of stories, do some baking, get some fresh air, do some arts and crafts. Make this time as memorable as you can!

Other things we would advise you add into your daily schedule are some exercise and phonics. Joe Wicks is doing a daily PE lesson on YouTube every day at 9am or perhaps try some yoga on Cosmic Kids Yoga. Read Write Inc. will be delivering daily speed sound lessons. If you are unsure of what speed sounds your child is currently working on, please drop us an email. RWI lessons will have to be watched live at the moment and will not be kept on the channel.

  • Set 1 Speed Sounds 9.30am or 12.30pm
  • Set 2 Speed Sounds 10.00am or 1.00pm
  • Set 3 Speed Sounds 10.30am or 1.30pm

If you have any questions, queries or concerns please feel free to email the Reception team on

Thanks for your support,
The Reception Team

List of useful websites:

Oxford Owl
Oxford Owl have lots of free online books that are in line with our school reading books. All you need to do is set up an account with them.

  • Click on the ‘join us’ tab in the top right hand corner.
  • Create an account.
  • Get reading!
  • There are also other free resources that may be useful.

Phonics Play
Phonics Play have a new website. If you sign in you can access all of their phonics games and resources.

  • Username: march20
  • Password: home
Lots of free maths games and resources for all ages.

Twinkl has a whole bank of resources and activities available for free if you set up am account.

  • Enter the code: CVDTWINKLHELPS

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Phonics at Home - Watch online from Monday

From Monday Read, Write, Inc are releasing videos of a new phonics sound per day to help your children continue to learn to read whilst at home. These will be live at the following times:

  • Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
  • Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm
  • Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am and again at 1.30 pm

You will have to watch live at the moment as they will not be kept on the channel.

Children learning to blend and reading ditty books will be learning their Set 1 sounds. Children reading green, purple and pink will be learning Set 2 and children from Orange upwards Set 3. You can always email the shared mailbox if you want to check which set your child is learning. We hope this is useful! 


Share mailbox for questions:

Friday, 20 March 2020

Important message from Havering Catering Services

School Packed Lunch

If you are eligible to pupil premium funding, then you will be entitiled for a packed lunch everyday, which will be provided by Havering Catering Services. If you are unsure of eligibility, please contact the school.  This lunch does not apply to children who will be attending school as other arrangements are in place.

Please follow the instructions below to ensure a lunch is made for your child:

  • email to request a packed lunch. 
  • please indicate in the email, which days your child will require to have a packed lunch made.
  • please send your request in by 9.00am every Monday morning
  • if you are unable to email, please call the office on 01708 342880. Please ensure you speak to a member of the office team - do not leave a message.
  • you will need to come and collect your child's packed lunch between 10.00am and 11.00am from the main office area.
  • Lunch will consist of; a sandwich/baguette, piece of fruit and a cake. Please specify in your email if your child would prefer a filling of ham, cheese, tuna or jam.
It is important to know in advance how many lunches need to be prepared in case we need to widen the collection times to too many people collecting at once. This service has been set up to ensure we can provided lunches from Monday.

Once we have been able to obtain vouchers, we will be able to send these directly to families. We will keep you updated. 

Reception Literacy Planet

Literacy Planet is a fun and exciting resource for your child to start using immediately. You will find fun activities for your child to choose and tasks set by the Reception Team.

Log Ins can be found in your Home School Reception Packs. These will be given to the children today. If your child is absent, you can collect from the School Office.

Please contact us on if you have any questions or queries. .

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Reception Awards 6.3.20

The children in Reception have been working really hard, both at school and at home. We are very proud of all their achievements and below are the children who received certificates last week.

Alder Class
Reading Awards
Bronze - Veer, Adra Amelia, Archie T, Liroshan, Jefflyn and Roman.
Silver - Veer
Reciprocity- Archie T
E for Excellence- Abdulahad

Reading Awards
Bronze- Chucka and Ava
Resilience- Dhriti
E for Excellence- Elliot.G

Reading Awards
Bronze- Emmy,
Silver- Umar,
Gold- Georgia
Star Writer- Victoria,
E for Excellence- Evie

Keep up the good work!

Monday, 9 March 2020

Reception kick off Science week!

Reception kicked off their Science week with an experiment all about keeping clean and washing our hands. The children recapped why it is important to wash their hands and when they should do so. Each class then selected three children to place their hands in glitter, which represented the dirt and germs that may be on our hands. 

The children thought about different ways they could test cleaning their hands and we came up with wiping them on a paper towel, using cold water and using warm water and soap. The children thought about the different methods and discussed which they thought would be most successful. 

Then it was time to test! The children followed the method they had been given and it was very clear that warm water and soap was most effective at removing the glitter. We also discussed how long we should wash our hands for. Dina suggested counting to ten and we also tried the trick of singing 'Happy Birthday' while we rubbed the soap in to help time us. 

"Dina we could count to ten." Dina 
"How about we use warm water and soap." Evie 
"This glitter is stuck everywhere." Paige 

Reception Red Words!

We have added and learnt two new red words over the last two weeks...... me and you!

The Reception children are doing really well at recognising and reading these red words by sight. Some are easier to write than others and we are working on remembering which part of the word is tricky when writing them. Can you spot these red words out and about?

Friday, 6 March 2020

Reception catches The Evil Pea!!

This week reception have been reading the story 'Supertato' and how Supertato saves the vegetables from the Evil Pea! The Evil Pea got all of his pea friends together to cause trouble in Reception so the children were tasked with catching all of the peas and putting them in the Jelly Jail! They had lots of fun capturing all of the peas. Aspen even had their own real life Evil Pea!

“I think we should get the Evil Peas by eating them!” - Harry 
“Evil Pea get in the jelly jail” - Evie 
“I’m like Supertato I got the Evil Pea” - Freddie

World Book Day in Reception!

World Book Day was jam packed full of fun activities and the children looked fantatstic! Thank you for all of your efforts. We were busy designing book front covers, drawing our costumes, sharing books with year three and we finished the day off with 'Drop everything and read'! 

Reception Award Photos

The children in Reception have been working really hard, both at school and at home. We are very proud of all their achievements and below are the children who received certificates last week.

Alder Class

Reciprocity- Jefflyn
Resourceful- Amelia
Star Writer- Abdulahad, Liroshan
E for Excellence- Adra, Pragya, Siena

Reading Awards
Bronze- Harry, Grace, Darcie, Rojure
Silver- Charlie, Laynie-Rae
Platinu- Charlie,

Reciprocity- Elsie
Happy Teacher-
Star Writer- Safiyyah, Darcie,Elsie,
E for Excellence- Stanley, Rosie, Alfie

Reading Awards
Bookmark- Kamar, Billy, Kiara
Bronze- Merlyn, James
Silver- Ali
Platinum- Eason

Resourceful- Osazemen
Resilience- Eason
Reflective- Hugo
Happy Teacher-
Star Writer- Georgia, Connie, Kiara
E for Excellence- Emmy, Chidera, Hugo

Keep up the good work!

Monday, 2 March 2020

Supertato Carrot Rescue

The Reception children returned after lunch to their classrooms to find a letter from the Evil Pea. Quickly and swiftly, the children began to rescue the carrots from the his evil clutches. Once rescued, the children decided to write a letter to the Evil Pea.

The children spoke to their talk partner about what they should write and shared their ideas with the class. After the children joined in with some shared writing as the teacher modelled how to write a letter using single clause sentences. The children used their Fred fingers to help segment the words they needed as they completed this week’s writing challenge. 

Once the children finished writing their own letters, they added a stamp before posting it in the post box. I wonder if that means Evil Pea will write back...

“Don’t hurt the carrots, Evil Pea!” Stanley
“Ha ha ha you are going down Evil Pea!” Blake
“Don’t take the carrots again, you are going to jail!” Fariha 

Internet Safety Day

Last week, Reception read the internet safety story, Buddy the Dog. We read the story to help us understand how to use the internet safely. We had to answer questions about keeping safe when using the internet. We helped Ben and Buddy the Dog by answering questions as he played with his tablet and mobile phone in different scenarios.

Should you press the download button if it appears on a mobile phone or tablet?
Should you talk to strangers online? Should you play games for older children?

We learnt and sang the ‘Use Your Tablet Safely’ song to help us make safe choices when we are online. After we spoke about the Internet safety rules and to remember to...Always ask a grown up for help if you see anything strange or unusual on a tablet or mobile phone.

“Don’t press the button (pop-ups) as something may come up!” Abdul-Aziz
“Ask your Mum or Dad for help.” Amelia