Friday, 14 March 2025

Reception Learning - W.C 10.3.25


Year Reception: What We Are Learning 

Reception have been working really hard this week. Our focus was ‘In the Castle’ and Science week. 

Here is what we have been up to: We have learnt about Knight's armour, the history of castles, what the day in the life of a Knight looked like. This week was also British Science week, we learnt about changing and adapting. We did yoga poses that associated with animals and created posters!

The children have also been working hard in Read, Write, Inc this week. In Literacy, we described and named a Dragon. Please continue to read 5 times a week with your children and work on Set 1 sounds as well as word time words (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc).

In Maths this week the children have learnt one more and one less to 10. We also looked at number bonds to 10. We were able to count and make a range of numbers!

Well done Reception for an amazing week - keep up all your brilliant work! 

Nursery Certificates 14.03.25


This week, two children in Nursery have received an 'E for Excellence' certificate.

Well done to Ali- Kabeer who has been awarded the E for excellence certificate in recognition of settling so well during his first week at nursery. Ali- Kabeer is becoming familiar  with the rules and routines and joins in with our songs and listens at storytime. 

Well done, Ali- Kabeer!  

Well done to Ariawho has been awarded the E for excellence certificate in recognition of how well she has settled into the nursery. Aria is kind and helpful and has made lots of lovely friendships already. Well done, Aria! 

This week, one child in Nursery has received an 'I made my teacher happy' certificate.

Well done to Malak who has been awarded an I made my teacher happy this week because of her excellent effort at tidy-up time. Keep it up, Malak! 

Friday, 7 March 2025

Nursery Learning 3.3.25

 We have had a lovely week and have been enjoying the brighter weather Spring is bringing us! The children have been reading 'The Runaway Pancake' and have had the opportunity to make and taste pancakes this week.

Please check on Evidence Me for information on our Mother's Day brunch on the 26th March. There is a sign up sheet online and there is a sign up sheet on the door in Nursery too. 

 Important Information 

Evidence Me- Please check this as we have recently posted information on Parent meetings and a Mother's Day brunch.

Nappies and wipes - If your child is in nappies and requires changing in Nursery please bring nappies and also a pack of wipes. You can bring in a pack and leave this here if you would prefer to do this. 

Labels - Please label all items, it really helps any lost items to return to their owners! Please also encourage the children to independently try and put on their coats and hats etc at home, staff will always help if needed but we always encourage independence. 

Havering Children's Centre- The Havering Children's Centre are currently trying to ensure that all families with children under 5 years of age are registered with their local children's centre. We encourage you to register your child as this will help with their development and wellbeing. 


                                                                        Art Area

The children have started to explore colour mixing. They have particularly enjoyed painting their hands with two different colours and rubbing them together to mix the paint. They have then been using their new colours to paint their own pictures with. 

                                            " Wow, I made a new one!" Alara 


As our focus story was 'The Runaway Pancake' we made some delicious pancakes together this week. They helped to mix the ingredients together and watched as the pancakes were tossed into the air! The children selected from fruit toppings or honey, they were very popular snacks.

"I have lots of blueberries on mine!" Evandy

The children then enjoyed exploring our story tuff tray later to re-create pancake making. They added the different toppings and practiced flipping their own pancakes in the pans! 


                                                          Outdoor Play

The children have been enjoying the warmer weather and have had a great time outside this week. They particularly enjoyed using sponges to wash the bowls and the tuff tray, they had to carefully squeeze and pour which is great for fine motor development. 

We also enjoyed exploring daffodils in the outdoor tuff tray. The children were able to mix their powder paint on a large scale outside to create their own pictures.

                                                      World Book Day 

Stories are so important for listening and language development and we love celebrating reading in Nursery. Thank you to the parents and carers who were able to celebrate world book day with us. The children made some great story characters and enjoyed listening to their stories with their teddies. 


Reception Certificates - W.C 3.3.25

 Reception E for Excellence

We have had a fantastic week of learning and there has been so much to celebrate and be proud of in Reception! 

These children worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their determination and efforts.


E for Excellence - Jamal, for trying his best in Read, Write, Inc. Jamal has been working hard to learn his set 1 sounds. Well done Jamal!

Star Writer- Laila-Lily, for sounding out CVC words and applying them to her writing this week. Well done Laila-Lily!

Dojo points - Elisa, for participating and trying her best this week. Well done Elisa!

105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford- 

These pupils have read ten books and earned their Silver certificate -  Jacob and Laila-Lily

These pupils have read fifteen books and earned their Gold certificate -  

Daman and Evie


E for Excellence - Lara

Dojo points - Ronnie

Star writer - Shahaan

These pupils have read ten books and earned their Bronze certificate -  Ziyon

These pupils have read fifteen books and earned their Gold certificate - El- Amin and Eva


E for Excellence - Hoorain, for completing activities independently and focusing on the task at hand. Fantastic job!

Star Writer - Nathan, for independently writing sounds about travelling in a rocket to Space. You are trying so hard to present your work beautifully. Well done!

Dojo points - Jahmai, for earning the most dojo points and focusing during independent work. Well done!

105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford- 

These pupils have read ten books and earned their Silver certificate -  Alysha, Juliah

These pupils have read fifteen books and earned their Gold certificate -  Nathan & Kinza

Reception - Speech and Language workshop Thursday 20th March


Supporting Speech and Language Communication Needs at Home


Havering Children’s Speech and Language Team invite you to join them for a parent workshop to learn more about:

Ø Speech, language and communication development

Ø Strategies to support early language skills

Ø Strategies to support speech, language and communication needs

Ø SLT service and seeking further support


Thursday 20th March


Broadford Primary School



Please let the SEN team at school know if you plan to attend this session by emailing

We look forward to seeing you there!



Reception Learning - W.C 7. 3.25


Year Reception: What We Are Learning 

Reception have been working really hard this week. Our focus was Whatever Next!

Here is what we have been up to: We have learned the history of space travel, discussed planets and did a science experiment where we made our own space rocket using vinegar and bicarbonate of soda!

The children have also been working hard in Read, Write, Inc this week. The children have all been assessed and are now working in groups based on this. In Literacy, we wrote about travelling to space in a rocket. We then drew our rocket and described it using words such as red, loud and big.  Please continue to read 5 times a week with your children and work on set 1 sounds as well as word time words (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc).

In Maths this week the children have been looking at different ways to build 9 and 10. We counted and collected a range of items to show we know how to make 10. We also had parents stay and learn about maths. We had the opportunity to show our adults how great we are at maths. We enjoyed activities in the classroom about maths too!

World Book Day!

This week we also celebrated World Book Day. This year’s theme was ‘Read your Way’. To coincide with the theme, children were invited to come into school that day in either their favourite character costume or their snuggliest pyjamas. We read lots of books, designed book marks and went on a book hunt outside!

Well done Reception for an amazing week - keep up all your brilliant work! 

Nursery Certificates- 7.3.25


This week, two children in Nursery have received an 'E for Excellence' certificate.

Well done to Noah who has been awarded the E for excellence cup in recognition of super achievement this week, asking and using the toilet independently. We are very proud of you Noah, keep it up! 

Well done to Tabitha, who has been awarded the E for excellence cup in recognition of how well she has settled into the nursery. Tabitha listens well and follows what her teachers ask her to do. She is amazing at tidying up and will often tidy up without an reminders. We were also impressed and how well you can write your name. Well done, Tabitha!

This week, one child in Nursery has received an 'I made my teacher happy' certificate.

Well done to Aahan who has been awarded an I made my teacher happy this week because of his excellent writing. Aahan was able to write his name, independently! Super job, Aahan! 

Well done to Amelia who has completed her tracker by reading 'our five favourite books'.

Well done to Aahan who has completed her tracker by reading 'our five favourite books'.

Well done to the whole of Nursery for a fabulous World Book Day. We loved seeing all of you looking amazing in your costumes and sharing your favourite books.