Sunday 7 February 2016

Nursery Newsletter 080216

Term:  Spring 1                          Date 08.02.16

Wow, we can’t believe we are nearly at the end of this half term, it has gone so quickly.  The children have had great fun exploring the animal topic, we will look at Jungle animals this week and we have decided to extend the topic and carry it on for another few weeks after half term.  We will be reading ‘Arnie the Accidental hero’ and singing ‘Five Little Monkeys’ and ‘Down in the Jungle’.

It is also Chinese New Year this week, therefore the children will be taking part in various multicultural Activities including cooking Chinese food and making Chinese Lanterns.

We will continue with the teaching of phonics, we will teach ‘i’ next.  As always we are playing all kinds of phonological awareness games, to promote the teaching of phonics in an appropriate way for children of this young age.  There are opportunities for the children to write their letters, and we guide the children to use the correct pencil grip and formation, however at this young age it is not good practise to write with the children if they are not ready to.

Personal, Social and Emotional

  • Expresses own preferences and interests.
  • Plays alongside others.
  • Is aware of others' feelings, for example, looks concerned if hears crying or looks excited if hears a familiar happy voice.


Communication and Language

  • Recognises and responds to many familiar sounds, e.g. turning to a knock on the door, looking at or going to the door.
  • Shows interest in play with sounds, songs and rhymes.
  • Joins in with singing favourite songs.


  • Imitates drawing simple shapes such as circles and lines.
  • Joins in with repeated refrains and anticipates key events and phrases in rhymes and stories.
  • Shows interest in play with sounds, songs and rhymes.

Physical Development:

  • Climbs confidently and is beginning to pull themselves up on nursery play climbing equipment.
  • Shows control in holding and using jugs to pour, hammers, books and mark-making tools.
  • Runs safely on whole foot.


  • Begins to make comparisons between quantities.
  • Recites some number names in sequence.
  • Creates and experiments with symbols and marks representing ideas of number.

Understanding of the World

  • Notices detailed features of objects in their environment.
  • Explores objects by linking together different approaches: shaking, hitting, looking, feeling, tasting, mouthing, pulling, turning and poking

Expressive Arts and Design

  • Notices and is interested in the effects of making movements which leave marks.
  • Begins to move to music, listen to or join in rhymes or songs.
  • Joins in singing favourite songs.
  • Notices and is interested in the effects of making movements which leave marks.

Nursery Learning Challenge Spring 1

Poem/Song to learn: 5 Little Speckled Frogs

Five little speckled frogs
Sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious grubs - yum, yum
One jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are four green speckled frogs - glub, glub.
(Repeat down to 0)

Painting: Illustrations by Rod Campbell

Person:  Traditional tale character

                                                      Nursery Rhyme               Piece of music          Person         

Learn it off by heart
To find out 2 facts about the illustrator
Read a story with the traditional tale character in
Draw a picture to illustrate the rhyme
To draw a picture in a similar style
Draw a portrait of the traditional tale character
Find out about frogs
Produce a collage of other pictures by the illustrator
Find out facts about the traditional tale character



Thank you to all of the parents who have returned reading reviews, these are always available in the reading cart, please help yourself.

We regularly update our EYFS blog. Please ‘ like’ our Broadford Primary Facebook page every time you see an EYFS blog. Feel free to make a comment on the children’s experiences.

 If you wish to contact a member of the EYFS staff please email them at

Thank you for your continued support.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor,
And the doctor said
No more monkeys jumping on the bed
Continue with 4,3,2, and 1

Down in the jungle where nobody goes,
There’s a big fat elephant washing his toes,
With a rub-a-dub here, and a rub-a-dub there,
That’s the way he washes his toes!


With a rub,  dub, rub-a dub-a-rub-a-dub,
Rub,  dub, rub-a-dub-a-rub-a-dub,
Rub,  dub, rub-a-dub-a-rub-a-dub,
That’s the way he washes his toes!


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