Saturday 19 March 2016

Reception Newsletter 21.3.16

Reception Newsletter 21.3.16

The Reception team were very proud of how the children performed in our sharing assembly last week. It was a great opportunity to show how well their communication skills have progressed throughout the year. Well done Reception!

This week we will be focusing on Easter themed activities. The children will be making chocolate Easter nests and writing letters to the fluffy Easter bunny who has come to stay with us for the week.

The term will finish on Thursday and there will be no clubs this week. We hope you all have a restful and enjoyable Easter break. 

These are the skills we will be focusing on this week;

Personal, Social and Emotional:
Encouraging children to negotiate and solve problems without aggression e.g. when someone has taken their toy.
In the maths area we are introducing games such as snakes and ladders, simple addition dice games and dominoes to encourage the children to share and take turns.

Communication and Language:
Modelling extending sentences encouraging children to explain their reasoning.
Extending vocabulary, especially by grouping and naming, exploring the meaning and sounds of new words.

Physical Development:
Ensuring the children use the correct pencil grip.
Ensuring letters are correctly formed.

Encouraging the children to use their phonics in their play and write simple captions.
Ensuring they are able to segment words for spelling and modelling the use of 'fred fingers' to support this.
Writing letters to the Easter bunny.

Consolidating knowledge of more and less.
Ordering numbers to 20.

Understanding of the World:
Looking at similarities, differences, patterns and change.
The children will be able to explore plants in the tuff tray using tools and magnifying glass and look closely at the different parts e.g. roots, leaves etc.
In the water area we have included flowers so they can pull apart the petals and examine them closely.
In the sand tray there will be onions, sprouts, seeds and soil for the children to investigate.

Expressive Arts and Design:
Introducing a story line or narrative into their group play.
Manipulating materials to achieve a planned effect.
Painting pictures of the real tulips on the art table.

Due to of the volume of drink money being collected, distributed and organising the change for drinks is beginning to take away valuable teaching time.  We kindly request that if you would like your child to purchase a drink (30p each) that they bring in the correct money daily in a labelled purse, envelope or wallet, which can be kept in your child's tray.

Thank you for your continued support.

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