Saturday, 9 July 2016

Reception Newsletter 11.7.16

Term:  Summer 2                          Date  11.07.16

Thank you

As this is our last newsletter of the year, the Reception team would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the parents/carers for your support.  The children look forward to sharing their best memories of Reception at the Graduation Ceremony on Thursday at 2pm. From capturing the evil peas for Supertato, to our recent rather wet beach trip the children and staff have made some fantastic memories. We are very proud of the progress the children have made both academically and socially and are confident they have the skills they need to achieve well in Year 1.

The children have all received their End of Year reports today. If after reading the report you have questions you would like to speak to your child's teacher about, you are welcome to attend the parent's evening on Monday after school. If you need an appointment after 5.30pm please send a message to the school facebook page. 

Next week we will continue to revise the phonic sounds we have been focusing on and will focus on consolidating number bonds and recording addition in our Maths lessons. Apart from this we have a very busy and exciting last week planned:

Monday 9.15am - Sports Day
Wednesday - Go Bonkers Bouncy Castle Event
Thursday - Reception Graduation - 2.10pm.
Friday - End of year awards and last day of term.

We look forward to welcoming parents/carers on Monday and Thursday. The children can come to school in PE kit/shorts and T-shirts on Monday and do not need to change back into their uniform.

If you wish to contact a member of the EYFS staff please email them at

We hope you have all have a great Summer.

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