Sunday, 3 July 2016

Reception Newsletter 4.7.16

Term:  Summer 2                          Date 20.6.16

Our story of the week will be 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch.' The children will be; retelling the story using actions, using bulbs and wires to create their own circuit and writing recipes for The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch, amongst other activities.

On Monday the children will be watching a School Theatre production of the Little Princess and on Thursday we have our own Punch and Judy show on the large volleyball court outside! Remember the Stay and Play picnic is on Tuesday, please bring a lunch for your child if you wish to stay.

Please see the end of the Newsletter for more Key Dates. 

Your child will be taking part in the following activities within the seven areas of development (activities are subject to change, depending on the children’s interests; however, the skills remain the same):

Personal, Social and Emotional:
  • Encouraging children to work in small groups to discuss thinking and plan tasks together.
Communication and Language:
  • Extending vocabulary, especially by grouping and naming, exploring the meaning and sounds of new words.
  • Discussing memories and events over our Reception Year in preparation for the Reception Graduation next week. 
Physical Development
  • Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements.
  • Learning how to correctly use hurdles.  
  • Fine manipulative skills set up daily to improve children’s pencil control.
  • We will be continuing with our daily Read, Write Inc. groups.
  • Comparing fiction and non-fiction books about the seaside. 
  • Arranging number cards to create number sentences and recording how many true calculations they can make using these numbers.
  • Revising one more and one less.
  • Counting on and back in 10's to 100.

Understanding of the World
  • Talking about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another.
  • Using bulbs and wires to creating a working electrical circuit. 
Expressive Arts and Design
  • Children safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function. 
  • Painting pictures of our favourite moments in Reception.
Key Dates
Tuesday 5th July - Stay and Play Picnic (12-1 for Reception)
Monday 11th July - Reception, Nursery and KS1 Sports Day
Wednesday 13th July - Go Bonkers Bouncy Castle Day Event (Attendance Reward)
Thursday 14th July - Reception Graduation 

Due to of the volume of drink money being collected, distributed and organising the change for drinks is beginning to take away valuable teaching time.  We kindly request that if you would like your child to purchase a drink (30p each) that they bring in the correct money daily in a labelled purse, envelope or wallet, which can be kept in your child's tray.

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