Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Reception Star Readers!

Congratulations to this weeks star readers!

Amelia Davis received her bronze award. Carla and Mimi  received their bookmark for reading 25 books. Silver star reader awards and a £5 gift voucher were awarded Ruby W, Archie, Ellie and Hannah W for reading 50 books. Adrian L and Sophia H have read a fantastic 75 books and received a book of their choice.

Reading an incredible 100 books to collect their gold star reader awards were Augustas and Amy C.

It was fantastic to see so many parents and carers at our second Read, Write Inc. stay and play on Friday. Perhaps we need some bigger classrooms! We hope you found it useful, if you have any further questions about how to support your child at home with reading please come and see your class teacher.

Super Smoothies!

The children in Reception were busy making their own super smoothies last week to kick off our 'Superhero - fact or fiction?' topic. We have spent the week focusing on how to keep our bodies healthy and discussed a range of ways including healthy eating, exercise, sleep and washing our hands. The children worked in small groups to make their smoothie, choosing the ingredients they would like to put in.

Before the children used the knives and the blender we talked about how to mange the risks and use them safely. "We need to keep our fingers out of the way" said Iyinope to his group. The children tasted their smoothies and there was lots of empty cups. "It's a little bit delicious" exclaimed Lukas as he drank up his smoothie.

Later in the week the children wrote recipes for smoothies, there was a wide range of ingredients included from cashew nuts to raspberries to chips! Some sounded better than others but it was a great opportunity for the children to use the experience to inspire their writing.

Monday, 27 February 2017

Mr Wolf's Pancakes

The children enjoyed listening to the story 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes today'. The story tells the tale of a wolf who fancies some delicious pancakes but doesn't know how to make them. As his neighbours refuse to help the wolf has to work out how to make pancakes himself. The children in Nursery are helping the wolf this week by ordering the pancake recipe for him and following it to make their own tasty creations. 
The children cooking today helped to count and measure the ingredients, followed the recipe and were encouraged to talk about their preferences and own experiences of cooking. After making the mixture and frying the pancakes the children chose from a range of toppings; lemon, sugar, raspberries, cream, blueberries and Nutella. They were encouraged to taste and try different types of pancakes and certainly enjoyed the experience. 

Rubie-Rae "I mixed all this up and now we got to put it in the pan!"
Francesca "My pancake is so yummy!"

Reception Newsletter

Term: Spring 2                      Date: 27.02.17
Dear Parents,
We look forward to an exciting week this week. We will continue look at Superheroes and have our trip to Jump Evolution on Wednesday and World Book Day on Thursday.  We will be reading and exploring the text ‘Super Kid’

Thank you to all of the parents who attended the reading workshop we hope you found it useful.  If you have any queries please speak to a member of staff or email us directly:    eyfs@broadford.havering.sch.uk

Our Learning Objectives for this term are:-
Personal, Social and Emotional:
Can describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities.
Explains own knowledge and understanding, and asks appropriate questions of others.
Shows confidence in asking adults for help.
Communication and Language:
Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences of books.
Uses language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences in play situations.
Can retell a simple past event in correct order.

Physical Development:
Eats a healthy range of foodstuffs and understands the need for variety in food.
Shows understanding of the need for good practices with regards to exercise, eating, sleeping, and hygiene can contribute to good health.
Show an understanding of a need for safety when tackling new challenges and considers and manages risks.

Enjoys an increasing range of books.
Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences of books.
Enjoys an increasing range of books.

Finds the total number of items in two groups by counting all of them.
Begins to identify own mathematical problems based on own interests and fascinations.
Recognise some numerals of personal significance.

Expressive Art and Design:
Uses simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately.
Constructs with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources.
Builds stories around toys, e.g. farm animals needing rescue from an armchair 'cliff'.
Understanding the World:
Comments and asks questions about aspects of their familiar world such as the place where they live or the natural world.
Enjoys joining in with family customs and routines
Beginning to construct, stacking blocks vertically and horizontally, making enclosures and creating spaces

Learning Challenge
Each half term we will be setting our pupils a challenge related to their learning. We believe that it is important for us to provide guidance for parents on how their children's learning can be extended at home.
The learning challenge will include either a nursery rhyme, famous person, illustration or a piece of music. Please talk to your child about the challenge and help them to engage in their learning. The children can choose how they present their learning challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.
 Person:  A Super Hero
 Piece of Music: Johann-Strauss Radetzky: March
 Poem/Song to learn: Jack and Jill went up the hill

Nursery Rhyme
Piece of music
1.    Learn it off by heart.
2.    Draw a picture to illustrate the rhyme.
3.    Find out about the origin of the rhyme.
  1. Listen to the music and dance to it.
  2. Find out facts about the composer.
  3. Produce a collage or picture to illustrate the piece of music.
1. Draw a portrait of the person.
2.   Find out facts about the person.
3. Watch the person in action.

Dates for your Diary:

Wednesday 1st March - Jump Evolution
Thursday 2nd March - World Book Day, dress as a character from a book and bring your book into school to show to your class.

      If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is eyfs@broadford.havering.sch.uk

Kind regards
The Reception Team


Sunday, 26 February 2017

Nursery Newsletter 27.2.17

Term: Spring 2                     Date: 27.2.2017

Dear Parents,

We had a great first week back in Nursery. The children loved re-telling the story of 'The Three Little Pigs' and were able to join in with all of the repeated phrases in the story. They also enjoyed using our new sandpit outside. This week we are developing the mud kitchen area with the children. We have a variety of mud recipes and resources ready for the children to explore. The story we are focusing on this week is 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes' and the children will be making pancakes in small groups throughout the week.

The children are invited to dress as a book character on Thursday to celebrate World Book Day.

You are invited to a stay and play session this Friday the 3rd of March. The focus of this will be on supporting your child to achieve Communication and Language goals. There will be a short talk with parents in one of the Nursery rooms, after this you will be able to join your child in the environment. This will start at 9.00 am for morning Nursery children and 1.00 pm for afternoon Nursery children.

This Newsletter can be seen on the Broadford Primary School Facebook Page and the EYFS Blog which you can reach from the school website. If you follow the school Facebook page you will see lots of blogs including photos of the children's time in Nursery.

Personal, Social and Emotional:
We are encouraging the children to talk to other children when playing and create their own games.
We are praising the children for sharing resources and modelling sharing.
Communication and Language/Literacy:
We are encouraging the children to learn Nursery Rhymes and join in with actions to help them re-tell these. We are focusing on learning the rhymes ''Mix a Pancake'' and "The Hippopotamus Song - Mud Glorious Mud'" this week. (The words for these rhymes are listed at the bottom) They are encouraged to listen carefully to adults telling the rhymes and say the missing words. We are pointing our rhyming words in rhymes and stories and encouraging the children to hear how words rhyme.
The children are always encouraged to use the correct tenses and word endings when talking e.g. "I slid down the slide." "I found a pretty bead." "Soon it will be my Birthday." Please continue to model this at home. Encourage the children to talk to you in full sentences and share their ideas.
Physical Development:
The children are developing their catching and throwing skills with sponge balls. We have also been practicing balancing.
We are focusing on ensuring children are able to hold scissors correctly and are enjoying daily
'Dough Disco' sessions to develop the muscles in the children's fingers.
We are focusing on the children's individual targets in play and moving them forward in this
way. This week we are focusing on shapes. The children will learn a shape song, have lots of opportunities to play games and spot shapes and hunt for shapes in the environment.
Expressive Art and Design
The children enjoyed creating houses for the pigs last week using different materials. This week we have left the materials for them to explore this independently.

Snack focus:
We are reading the story 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes' and the children will be making pancakes in small groups. We have pictures of the recipes they will be encouraged to order and follow.

Learning Challenge
Thank you for the Learning Challenge's we received last half term. We have a new challenge for this half term listed below:

Each half term we will be setting our pupils a challenge related to their learning. We believe that it is important for us to provide guidance for parents on how their children's learning can be extended at home.
The learning challenge will include either a nursery rhyme, famous person, illustration or a piece of music. Please talk to your child about the challenge and help them to engage in their learning. The children can choose how they present their learning challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.
Poem/Song to learn: 5 Little Ducks 
Five little ducks went swimming one day,
Over the hills and far away,
Mummy duck said quack, quack, quack, quack....
and four little ducks came swimming back.
(Repeat down to zero).
Talk to your children about the farm and animals you may find on a farm. It is important they can group animals such as jungle, under the sea, farm, insects. You could help your child create a painting of their favourite animal and find out some fun facts.

Nursery Rhyme
1.      Learn it off by heart.
2.      Draw a picture to illustrate the rhyme.
We have read some of Julia Donaldson's books to the children now. You could read the stories such as 'Monkey Puzzle', 'What the Lady Bird Heard' or 'Squash and a Squeeze'. 
The children could draw/paint a picture of their favourite character or part of the story.
You could even learn a story song, look at this website for ideas:

Mud, mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood
So follow me follow, down to the hollow
And there let me wallow in glorious mud

Mix a pancake, Stir a pancake, Pop it in the pan. Fry a pancake, Toss a pancake, Catch it if you can!
If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is eyfs@broadford.havering.sch.uk
Kind regards,
The Nursery Team

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Nursery New Sandpit

Over the break a large sandpit and digging area were built directly outside the Nursery classes.
The children have really enjoyed exploring the large sandpit this week. They have used spoons and tools to mix, stir and create their own pretend cakes, had sandcastle building competitions and have enjoyed sculpting their own sand mountains! The area has encouraged the children to work collaboratively and has provided lots of opportunities to develop their communication and language skills. We are looking forward to putting our wellies on and developing our mud area next week. 

Zuriel "I'm going to put this in the oven now. What flavor do you want?"
Maddison "Yes! Look my sandcastle is standing up!" 

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Reception Newsletter

Term: Spring 2                      Date: 20.02.17
Dear Parents,
We will be starting our knew topic this half term ‘Fact or Fiction?’ with a particular focus on Superheroes.  This week we will be reading various texts and looking at the character  ‘Sportacus’ from Lazy Town.  We will be looking at healthy food choices and making smoothies with the children.

Our Learning Objectives for this term are:-
Personal, Social and Emotional:
Explains own knowledge and understanding, and asks appropriate questions of others.
Shows confidence in asking adults for help.
Confident to speak to others about own needs, wants, interests and opinions.
Communication and Language:
Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences of books.
Uses language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences in play situations.
Can retell a simple past event in correct order.

Physical Development:
Eats a healthy range of foodstuffs and understands the need for variety in food.
Shows understanding of the need for good practices with regards to exercise, eating, sleeping, and hygiene can contribute to good health.
Show an understanding of a need for safety when tackling new challenges and considers and manages risks.

Recognises rhythm in spoken words
Describes main story settings, events and principal characters.
Hears and says the initial sound in words.

Estimates how many objects they can see and checks by counting them.
Recognise some numerals of personal significance.
Counts an irregular arrangement of up to ten objects.

Expressive Art and Design:
Constructs with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources.
Builds stories around toys, e.g. farm animals needing rescue from an armchair 'cliff'.Understands that they can use lines to enclose a space, and then begin to use these shapes to      represent objects.

Understanding the World:
Enjoys joining in with family customs and routines
Beginning to construct, stacking blocks vertically and horizontally, making enclosures and creating spaces
Looks closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change

Learning Challenge
Each half term we will be setting our pupils a challenge related to their learning. We believe that it is important for us to provide guidance for parents on how their children's learning can be extended at home.
The learning challenge will include either a nursery rhyme, famous person, illustration or a piece of music. Please talk to your child about the challenge and help them to engage in their learning. The children can choose how they present their learning challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.
 Person:  A Super Hero
 Piece of Music: Johann-Strauss Radetzky: March
 Poem/Song to learn: Jack and Jill went up the hill

Nursery Rhyme
Piece of music
1.    Learn it off by heart.
2.    Draw a picture to illustrate the rhyme.
3.    Find out about the origin of the rhyme.
  1. Listen to the music and dance to it.
  2. Find out facts about the composer.
  3. Produce a collage or picture to illustrate the piece of music.
1. Draw a portrait of the person.
2.   Find out facts about the person.
3. Watch the person in action.

Dates for your Diary:

Friday 24th February - Reading Stay and Play (Letters have been given out, please ask a member of staff if you have not received one)
Thursday 2nd March - World Book Day
Wednesday 1st March - Jump Evolution (please see separate letter)

Kind regards
The Reception Team

Nursery Stay and Play

Nursery Stay and Play
You are invited to a stay and play session on Friday 3rd March. The focus of this will be on supporting your child to achieve Communication and Language goals. There will be a short talk with parents in one of the Nursery rooms, after this you will be able to join your child in the environment. This will start at 9.00 am for morning Nursery children and 1.00 pm for afternoon Nursery children. 

We will celebrate world book day on Thursday 2nd March. The children can come to Nursery dressed as a character from a story book. 

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Reception: Read Write Inc Stay and Play

 Image result for read write inc
We are pleased to invite you to the next Read Write Inc Stay and Play session on Friday 24th February at 9am.
During this session you will have the opportunity to see how children learn the next steps of reading in Reception and get some ideas on how to support them at home. You will also receive the Read Write Inc Story books on this day that you can read with your child at home.
Ditties are short, decodable stories that allow children to develop their decoding skills. The children will receive a pack of Ditty stories. Each book has 3 different short stories in them. In school the children will read one of these short stories a day and will begin to write short sentences related to the text. You can support your child’s reading by reading one of these ditty stories a day. These books will be given on the next RWI Stay and Play date, the 24th February.  Please bring a shoe box to the Stay and Play which you can keep all of your Read Write Inc books in for the year. The children can decorate the special story boxes with parents during the Stay and Play. If you are not able to attend the session please bring in a box before this date and the teacher’s will send home the books with the children.

The children will also continue to bring home an additional book which is not RWI. This is to expose them to a range of texts and stories to develop a love of books.

Nursery Newsletter 19.2.2017

Term: Spring 2                     Date: 19.2.2017

Dear Parents,

We hope you had an enjoyable half term. Over the break a large sandpit and digging area were built directly outside the Nursery classes. We are looking forward to developing the area with the children and exploring our new resources. The children really enjoyed reading 'The Three Little Pigs' last half term so we have decided to focus on this story.

You are invited to a stay and play session on Friday 3rd March. The focus of this will be on supporting your child to achieve Communication and Language goals. There will be a short talk with parents in one of the Nursery rooms, after this you will be able to join your child in the environment. This will start at 9.00 am for morning Nursery children and 1.00 pm for afternoon Nursery children.

This Newsletter can be seen on the Broadford Primary School Facebook Page and the EYFS Blog which you can reach from the school website. If you follow the school Facebook page you will see lots of blogs including photos of the children's time in Nursery.

Personal, Social and Emotional:
Confident to talk to other children when playing, and will communicate freely about own home and community. We are praising the children for sharing resources and modelling sharing.
The children will be encouraged to work in teams to build houses for the three pigs, they will have large sticks, masking tape and blocks available to create the perfect wolf proof house!

Communication and Language/Literacy:
We are encouraging the children to learn Nursery Rhymes and join in with actions to help them re-tell these. We are focusing on learning the rhymes ''Three Blind Mice '' and ''One, Two, Buckle my shoe." this week. They are encouraged to listen carefully to adults telling the rhymes and say the missing words. We are pointing our rhyming words in these rhymes and stories and encouraging the children to hear how words rhyme.
The children are always encouraged to use the correct tenses and word endings when talking e.g. "I slid down the slide." "I found a pretty bead." "Soon it will be my Birthday." Please continue to model this at home. Encourage the children to talk to you in full sentences and share their ideas.
Physical Development:
We are focusing on large ball skills, the children will be shown basic catching skills.
We are focusing on ensuring children are able to hold scissors correctly and are enjoying daily
'Dough Disco' sessions to develop the muscles in the children's fingers.
We are focusing on the children's individual targets in play and moving them forward in this
way. Some children will be encouraged to and count amounts correctly and those able will be encouraged to match numerals to amounts.
Expressive Art and Design:
The children have materials available to create their own houses for the three pigs. They will be shown how to cut and create their own houses.

Snack focus:
This week we have toast available. The children will be encouraged to use the area more independently and wash plates/hands by themselves after use.
Learning Challenge
Thank you for the Learning Challenge's we received last half term. We have a new challenge for this half term listed below:

Each half term we will be setting our pupils a challenge related to their learning. We believe that it is important for us to provide guidance for parents on how their children's learning can be extended at home.
The learning challenge will include either a nursery rhyme, famous person, illustration or a piece of music. Please talk to your child about the challenge and help them to engage in their learning. The children can choose how they present their learning challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.
Poem/Song to learn: 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on a bed.
Five little ducks went swimming one day,
Over the hills and far away,
Mummy duck said quack, quack, quack, quack....
and four little ducks came swimming back.
(Repeat down to zero).
Talk to your children about the farm and animals you may find on a farm. It is important they can group animals such as jungle, under the sea, farm, insects. You could help your child create a painting of their favourite animal and find out some fun facts.

Nursery Rhyme
1.      Learn it off by heart.
2.      Draw a picture to illustrate the rhyme.
We have read some of Julia Donaldson's books to the children now. You could read the stories such as 'Monkey Puzzle', 'What the Lady Bird Heard' or 'Squash and a Squeeze'. 
The children could draw/paint a picture of their favourite character or part of the story.
You could even learn a story song, look at this website for ideas:

If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is eyfs@broadford.havering.sch.uk
Kind regards,
The Nursery Team