Friday, 30 September 2022

Nursery - Owl Babies 26.9.22 - 30.9.22

 Owl Babies

This week we have been focusing on the story 'Owl Babies'. The Nursery children have been learning to join in with repeated words and phrases from the story and have been using the resources in the Nursery to make props to retell the story. The children have really enjoyed becoming familiar with the story. 

Some of the children made owl babies out of playdough. They manipulated the dough and used available resources to create features of their owl. 

Some of the children used collage materials and glue to make a baby owl...

 Children retold the story, they held the book the correct way up, turned the pages from front to back and were able to use repetitive phrases from the story...

If you would like to share this story with your child you can follow the link below. The benefits of re-reading a story over and over again are huge, when children listen to the same story multiple times, they pick up new information, dive deeper into the meaning of the book, and make connections between themselves and the book — as well as between the book and other books they've heard.
So the next time your little one asks to read Owl Babies by Martin Waddell three times in a row, embrace it and enjoy the reading ride.

Here are a few things the children have said about the story...

Nursery E for Excellence 30.9.22

                                                          Nursery E for Excellence 30.9.22

We have had so much to celebrate in Nursery this week, the children have enjoyed learning about 'Owl Babies' this week. They have also been developing their turn taking, sharing and tidy-up skills.

These children worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their determination and efforts.

E for Excellence

James: For Independently using a sand timer to wait for his turn on a bike. James then modelled this to some peers who then began to do this too. Well done James for helping to teach others how to share and take turns in Nursery.

Nusayr: For always having a fantastic attitude towards learning, and participating in tidy up times. Nusayr consistently completes his pupils jobs at Broadford and has really helped the new children settle in.

Friday, 23 September 2022

Nursery 19-23 September

Nursery: Settling in
20-23rd September 2022

This week in Nursery we have been continuing to settle in and learn about the routines in the Nursery. 

The children have settled very well and we are delighted to see so many happy faces at the start of the sessions. 

Our focus this week has been on sharing and taking turns. We have been doing so well and have started using sand timers independently to help us take turns. 

We have also been learning about our pupil jobs here at Broadford;

  • Turning up to school, on time every day
  • Trying our very best in every lesson
  • Showing politeness and kindness to everyone that we meet

Label Everything

Please make sure you clearly label everything with your child's name. This includes;

Water bottles
Welly boots
Lunch boxes

Without this we are unable to reunite lost items. 


Now that settling in has finished please may I remind you the Nursery session times are as follows;

AM: 8:30am-11:30am
Full time: 8:30am-3:15pm

Please make sure you are coming to school on time, everyday. Late arrivals can be very disruptive to the start of a session and this can interrupt the learning time of others. 

Outdoor Learning 

The children have loved being outside, may we remind you to send your child in with a rain coat on those rainy days so they can still enjoy being outside. 

Please try to make sure that your child has their own welly boots in the Nursery, we do have some spares but not enough for everyone. 

Book Change Day

Please return all books and the reading record by Thursday.
Books will be sent home every Friday.

If you have any questions please contact or for more urgent messages speak to a member of staff or contact the school office: 01708 342880 or

The Nursery Team

Reception Certificates 23.09.22

Reception Certificates

A huge congratulations to all of our certificate winners in Reception this week!

E for Excellence

Each week, a child in each class is awarded the E for Excellence certificate in recognition of their hard work.

Aspen - Matia, for his fantastic listening during carpet times and for learning all of the silent signals in reception. 

Apple - Rylie-Mae for showing kindness to other children in the playground.

Alder - Brodie, for his excellent behaviour and listening. Brodie has been a fantastic role model in his class. 

Dojo Winner Of The Week

During the week, the children in reception can earn dojo points for good behaviour. They can earn these for good listening on the carpet, being kind and polite, sharing and tidying resources or helping a friend. Each week, the child with the most dojo points will be awarded with a certificate and have their photo displayed in the classroom.

Aspen - Tommy

Apple - Albie

Alder - Brodie

MDA Awards

Each week, the mid-day assistants will award a child in each class with a MDA award for demonstrating consistently good behaviour at lunchtime.

Aspen - Daisy

Apple - Jessica

Alder - Brodie


Nursery E for Excellence 23.9.22

 Nursery E for Excellence 23.9.22

We have had so much to celebrate in Nursery this week, the children are becoming more independent and are quickly learning the routines and expectations.

These children worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their determination and efforts.

E for Excellence

Dilan: You have settled in so well to Nursery, you always do your three jobs at Broadford and go above and beyond when helping and caring for your friends. Your teachers have been so impressed that you have picked up our silent signals so quickly.

Zenaya: For always having a fantastic attitude towards learning, and participating in our story times demonstrating good listening, good looking and good sitting. Zenaya has consistently supported her peers and demonstrates resilience throughout the sessions.

Friday, 16 September 2022

Reception Certificates 16.09.22


Reception Certificates

A huge congratulations to all of our certificate winners in Reception this week!

E for Excellence

Each week, a child in each class is awarded the E for Excellence certificate in recognition of their hard work.

Aspen - Isabella, for always being the first to follow the silent stop signal and for helping your friends in the classroom.

Apple - Nathaniel, for being an exceptionally kind member of Apple class and being a brilliant role model.

Alder - Adon, for your excellent listening during our daily carpet sessions. Well done for being an 

Dojo Winner Of The Week

During the week, the children in reception can earn dojo points for good behaviour. They can earn these for good listening on the carpet, being kind and polite, sharing and tidying resources or helping a friend. Each week, the child with the most dojo points will be awarded with a certificate and have their photo displayed in the classroom.

Aspen - Maya

Apple - Henry

Alder - Inaya

MDA Awards

Each week, the mid-day assistants will award a child in each class with a MDA award for demonstrating consistently good behaviour at lunchtime.

Nursery Bedtime Story Scheme

Dear Parents and Carers,

Your child will receive books for you to read with them at home every day.

Early reading ignites creativity, sparks curiosity and stimulates imagination in young children. Sharing books, stories and rhymes develops skills to support the transition to school. 

Books will be sent home every Friday. Please return all books and the reading record by Thursday

When you have read with your child please write a comment in the reading record book. It would be great if you could write what your child has said about the book and their favourite part of the story. 

We hope you have some wonderful bedtime stories.

105 Books to Read Before you Leave Broadford!

At Broadford, we aim to encourage a love of reading. By providing our pupils with quality texts and introducing them to strong characters, we can broaden their perspectives on the world around them as they are taken to far off lands from the comfort of their own chair!

With this in mind, we have created a new reading reward system that sees our children reading quality over quantity. 3 quality stories have been chosen for our 2-3 year old pupils and 5 books have been chosen for our 3-4 year old pupils to include in their reading across the academic year. All the titles are listed in their brand new trackers. As they read their way through the tracker they will be rewarded with certificates and prizes.

Nursery trackers are below. These will be kept in school, a copy will be sent home for your reference and a poster displayed in Nursery for you to refer to also. Once you have shared one of the stories with your child make a note in their reading record and we will sign it off on their tracker. If your child continues their education at Broadford they will be given a new tracker with a variety of new books to read each year. 

On completion of their tracker, your child will be awarded with a certificate.

Nursery E for Excellence 16.9.22


Nursery E for Excellence 16.9.22

We have had a fantastic week settling in, there has been so much to celebrate and be proud of in Nursery! 

These children worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their determination and efforts.

E for Excellence

Sadhana: You have settled into Nursery so well, you have shown exemplary behaviour and you have had some fantastic interactions with both adults and your peers.

Luca: For your fantastic imagination during role play. You have been great at forming a narrative and including others in your imaginative play. Well done!

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Nursery Curriculum Newsletter - Autumn 1

 Learning Federation - Schools.png


Term: Autumn 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to Nursery! We are very excited that the children have had so much fun getting to know their teachers, making new friends and discovering all the different activities within the nursery. Fom next week all of our children will be in for their full sessions.

The nursery blog on the school website and Facebook page are a great way to keep up to date with what is happening in the nursery, along with any upcoming events. It is very important for all parents to check the blog every Friday evening to ensure you know what is happening for your child. Please click under EYFS on the school website to view the Nursery blog:

Our focus themes this term are ‘All about me’ and ‘Celebrations’. This half term will be sharing a selection of stories to help us settle in at school. These stories will include traditional some traditional tales like Owl Babies, Bathtime for little rabbit,

Our learning focus this year will include the areas of development according to the Early Years foundation stage guidance (EYFS):

Communication and Language

We will be encouraging the children to speak in full sentences to express themselves. Each week will be focusing on a key text which will allow the children to become familiar with the story and retell the story using their own words.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This half term we are focusing on settling the children into their new environment, ensuring they are aware of expectations and the rules of the setting. We will also be working on sharing resources and taking turns.

Physical Development

This term there will be a big focus on gross motor and coordination activities to strengthen our shoulders and core muscles for whole body movements; this is a prerequisite to writing. You will have seen gross motor activities such as: hula hoops, climbing frame, basketball hoops, balancing on the logs and vertical painting.


The children will work on counting out loud, number recognition and representing numbers in different ways. There will be a mixture of ordinal (numbers in order), cardinal (a number of objects to count or name by sight), nominal (using numbers as a name ie bus number). This will deepen the children’s number sense and basic maths skills. These basic skills will set us up for the rest of the year.


Stories are a key part of our curriculum and high quality texts will be used throughout the day to foster the children’s love of reading. We will also be starting the Bedtime Story Scheme where your child can take 2 books home each week. A blog post will explain more about the reading scheme and the different ways in which you can share your love of reading with your children.

Mark making opportunities will be available throughout the provision.

Messy Play

Messy play, or sensory play, is the term for any activities allowing children to work with their hands to create a controlled mess. Often involving traditionally messy ingredients such as paint, sand, slime, water, clay or mud, it is geared toward exploring feelings and imagination. Your child will have opportunities to participate in messy play on a daily basis; you will see some of these activities on the blog (and occasionally on their clothes!).


In nursery, independence will be promoted for your child and encouraged through the daily routines. These include; self-registration; using their coat peg; toileting; changing into wellies for the outside area; pouring water into their cups; cleaning their cups. Please support your child by practising putting on and taking off their socks and shoes at home.

Key Dates

Check the blog on a weekly basis to keep up to date with key dates this year. We do not send letters home. We will send you an email regarding any upcoming Focus Child parent meetings.

Dates confirmed so far are:

Tuesday 11th October - Owl visit, Owls will be visiting our Nursery following on from our key book Owl Babies.

Tuesday 29th November- Nursery stay and learn sessions. Parents are invited into Nursery to hear more about what your child has been learning and how you can help them at home.

Important information:

  • Please ensure your child has a named set of spare clothes in nursery at all times.
  • All uniform, bottles and packed lunch boxes should be labelled with your child’s name.
  • Please can toys from home stay at home. We have lots in school and it saves toys being lost or broken.
  • Your child does not need to bring snacks to school. Fruit and water are available throughout the day for the children to access. The children only need to bring food to school if they are having a packed lunch.
  • Please let the teachers know if your child has any medical needs, allergies or dietary requirements if you have not done so already.
  • Please label everything clearly with your childs name, coats, jumpers, lunch boxes, footwear and spare clothes.

We look forward to working with you over the upcoming year and thank you for your support. If you would like to contact a member of the nursery team via email the address is:

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

Welcome to Reception!

Welcome to Reception!

What a first week we have had in reception! We have had a wonderful week meeting all of the children and watching them settle into their new classrooms. The reception team have been wowed by the children's fantastic reciprocity. They have demonstrated their ability to collaborate with each other, taking turns and sharing resources.

We have been learning the rules and routines of the classroom, practising our silent 'stop signal' and talking with our partner on the carpet. We have blown our teachers away with our tidying up!

The children have been working hard to earn class dojo points - keep an eye on our blog to see the dojo winner of the week.

Thank you to all parents and carers for your continued support. We are looking forward to the year ahead!

 'Let's go outside on the big castle slide!' - Teddy-James
'The tidy up music! It's tidy up time' - Jaxon

Monday, 12 September 2022

Reception Curriculum Newsletter - Autumn 1

 Reception Curriculum Newsletter - Autumn

Dear Parents and carers,

Welcome to Reception! The children have settled in to their new classes this week and we have been enjoying getting to know them. Please click here to read the Reception Curriculum Newsletter for Autumn 1. This gives you important information and dates for the term.

If you have any questions, please speak to your child's class teacher at the end of the day.

Many thanks

The Reception Team