Friday, 30 September 2022

Nursery - Owl Babies 26.9.22 - 30.9.22

 Owl Babies

This week we have been focusing on the story 'Owl Babies'. The Nursery children have been learning to join in with repeated words and phrases from the story and have been using the resources in the Nursery to make props to retell the story. The children have really enjoyed becoming familiar with the story. 

Some of the children made owl babies out of playdough. They manipulated the dough and used available resources to create features of their owl. 

Some of the children used collage materials and glue to make a baby owl...

 Children retold the story, they held the book the correct way up, turned the pages from front to back and were able to use repetitive phrases from the story...

If you would like to share this story with your child you can follow the link below. The benefits of re-reading a story over and over again are huge, when children listen to the same story multiple times, they pick up new information, dive deeper into the meaning of the book, and make connections between themselves and the book — as well as between the book and other books they've heard.
So the next time your little one asks to read Owl Babies by Martin Waddell three times in a row, embrace it and enjoy the reading ride.

Here are a few things the children have said about the story...

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