Friday, 16 September 2022

Nursery Bedtime Story Scheme

Dear Parents and Carers,

Your child will receive books for you to read with them at home every day.

Early reading ignites creativity, sparks curiosity and stimulates imagination in young children. Sharing books, stories and rhymes develops skills to support the transition to school. 

Books will be sent home every Friday. Please return all books and the reading record by Thursday

When you have read with your child please write a comment in the reading record book. It would be great if you could write what your child has said about the book and their favourite part of the story. 

We hope you have some wonderful bedtime stories.

105 Books to Read Before you Leave Broadford!

At Broadford, we aim to encourage a love of reading. By providing our pupils with quality texts and introducing them to strong characters, we can broaden their perspectives on the world around them as they are taken to far off lands from the comfort of their own chair!

With this in mind, we have created a new reading reward system that sees our children reading quality over quantity. 3 quality stories have been chosen for our 2-3 year old pupils and 5 books have been chosen for our 3-4 year old pupils to include in their reading across the academic year. All the titles are listed in their brand new trackers. As they read their way through the tracker they will be rewarded with certificates and prizes.

Nursery trackers are below. These will be kept in school, a copy will be sent home for your reference and a poster displayed in Nursery for you to refer to also. Once you have shared one of the stories with your child make a note in their reading record and we will sign it off on their tracker. If your child continues their education at Broadford they will be given a new tracker with a variety of new books to read each year. 

On completion of their tracker, your child will be awarded with a certificate.

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