Friday, 16 December 2022

Marvellous Maths in Reception 16.12.22


Marvellous Maths in Reception 

This week, we carried out a range of activities for consolidation. We focused on comparing numbers,  while keeping in mind that each number is one more than the one before it. We practised representing one more and one less using concrete resources. Another area we focused on was combining shapes.  We found that more than one shape can be combined to make a new shape. E.g. two triangles make a square.

We also spent some time working on the formation of numbers 1-10. The children used the ten town rhymes to help them form the numbers correctly.


Adon: "I have 4 altogether" 

Matthew: " 5 is one less than 6" 

Aditi: " One more will make 8"

Layla: " I need one more to make 7"

Jayden: " One less than 5 is 4"
Ashton: " It's seal 6!" 

Key vocabulary: 

One more, one less, count, shapes, square, triangle, number

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