Thursday, 15 December 2022

Marvellous Maths in Reception 9.12.22


Marvellous Maths in Reception


This week we explored basic concepts of time including day and night, days of the week and sequencing events. They used language to describe when events happen e.g. day, night, morning afternoon. The children began to measure in simple ways e.g. counting down to important events such as Chrsitmas. Take a look at the actvities we completed during the week. 


Jaxon: " I have a bath before I go to bed"

Albie: " I brush my teeth before I go to sleep”

Jessica- “ I watch TV after school”

Tillie-Rose- “ I eat my breakfast before school”

Key Vocabulary:

Day, night, before, after, first, last, light, dark, moon, stars, sun

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