Friday, 7 July 2023

Nursery learning: 3rd- 7th July 2023

Important information:

  • Havering  are running Virtual Potty Training and Oral Health Workshops for families. If you are interested, please contact virtual sessions will be run via Microsoft Teams.
  • Missing shoes: A child is missing a pair of black boys school shoes/trainers. Can everyone please double check their children's shoes and return them if they are not yours. We have a pair of black boys school shoes in nursery which have not yet been claimed.
  • Please return all Nursery reading books by Friday 14th July 2023. 
  • We will be sending home the children's wellies next week, However we welcome donations if you no longer want them.

Thank you

Nursery special events:

This week the children have enjoyed their interactive story adventure about the seaside. We listened to stories, moved creatively around each story station and took part in a role play story adventure. The children developed their knowledge about sea creatures and were excited to show off everything they had learned to the visiting explorer. 

We all had a blast at our nursery stay and play physical activities. Everyone tried their best in the egg and spoon race, bean bag throwing, sack race and using their physical skills during the obstacle course.
Thank you to all the family members who attended and to the children for your amazing attitude and behaviour. We are so proud of all our nursery children. 


This weeks focus topic: 

This week we have been learning about the beach with our story of the week: Fun dog, sun dog. 

Please click the link to share this story experience with your child: Fun dog, sun dog

This week we had fun: 

This week we were strengthening our hand muscles using playdough for writing, developing our numeracy skills using one more and one less and practicing our literacy skills for story telling by remembering stories have a beginning, middle and end.

We continue to develop our social skills by taking turns, using kind words/manners and helping others. We have all been practicing our nursery routines; putting our artwork in our trays, tidying up and remembering our carpet rules. Go nursery!

Ten Town Focus 

This week the children have been learning about seven from ten town. We have practiced forming our number 7 formation and our number bonds to 7.


Some children have begun to visit Reception this week. They spoke to the teachers, children and took some photos of the areas they liked the most. They came back to nursery and shared their adventures with everyone, including the pictures. We answered questions and discussed the similarities between Nursery and Reception. The children are super excited to visit reception.

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