Wednesday 16 October 2024

Nursery Learning w/b 15/10

 Important Information 

  1. Evidence Me  Please do add your own videos and photos from home as parents can also share achievements. Please speak to a member of staff if you cannot access this app. 
  2. Spare Clothes - Please leave a bag of spare clothes in Nursery, ideally this will be a labelled plastic bag. This bag should stay in school. 
  3. Nappies and wipes - If your child is in nappies and requires changing in Nursery please bring nappies and also a pack of wipes.  You can bring in a pack and leave this here if you would prefer to do this. 
  4. Lunches -For the children who stay for lunch, we would like to inform parents Broadford primary is a Heathy Eating school. Please do not provide nut based products such as peanut butter or Nutella as some of our children have nut allergies.
  5. Coats - Autumn is now in full swing. We still have lots of opportunities for the children to access our curriculum outside so please ensure they are always appropriately dressed for the weather. Remember to label coats, hats, scarves and gloves too!

22nd October - Visit from the author of 'The Leaf Hunt' to Nursery. 
Half Term - Nursery is closed for half term on the week beginning the 28th November. 
The children come back to Nursery on Tuesday 5th November (Closed 4th November for staff training). 
Wednesday 6th November - Nursery Stay and Play - Parents are invited to join us for a session focused on Communication and Language and developing early literacy. 

The children have enjoyed developing their fine motor skills and hand eye co-ordination using golf tees and pumpkins this week. They had to carefully use wooden hammers to tap the tees in and had to hold the golf tee with one hand to steady this. 

Last week the children discovered ladybird larva outside. This week we discovered more ladybirds flying. To help the children understand how they have grown and changed we added pictures of the stages of growth to our outside area. 

In the mark making areas we are exploring pattern and shape. The children are being encouraged to control their pencils and pens to make shapes. 

In the art area the children have been using paint and collage to create their own pumpkins. They have enjoyed exploring texture and learning how to twist and use glue to stick materials on their creations. 

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