Friday, 29 November 2024

Nursery certificates w/b 25/11/24


This week, two  children in Nursery have received an 'E for Excellence' certificate.

Well done to Freddie who has been awarded an E for excellence in recognition of his hard work during the nurseries Christmas song rehearsals. He has been trying his very best to remember the words and join in with all the actions. Well done Freddie!

Well done to Khaleesi who has been awarded an E for excellence in recognition of her hard work and resilience when learning how to use the scissors correctly at the art table. Well done Khaleesi for not giving up!

This week, two children in Nursery have received an 'I made my teacher happy' certificate.

Well done to Matei who has been awarded an I made my teacher happy this week because he always tries his very best and he is becoming an excellent role model to his peers. Well done Matei!

Well done to Jaydah who has been awarded an I made my teacher happy this week because she was very kind towards her friends and shared  some of the toys she was playing with, with them. Good sharing Jaydah!

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Reception Christmas Sparkle and Songs

On Monday 9th December Reception will be having a Christmas ‘Songs and Sparkle’ day. The children will be singing Christmas songs in class for you to watch, and then take part in some festive activities that we invite you to join in with.

If you would like to attend our Reception Christmas activity day please could you let your class teacher know. We will have a clipboard on the door for you to let us know. If you are not there to drop off or pick up your child please send us a message on Dojo. We have a morning session at 9-10 am and an afternoon session at 2.15 - 3.15pm.

Please could we ask that you are mindful of working parents and ask if you do not work to let your class teacher know that you can attend either session.

We will then take into account all the times that parents have requested and give you a ticket stating the session you can attend. We will do our very best to ensure you are given the session time that you have requested.

Thank you.

Mrs Marie, Miss Mullan, Miss Hurrell and Mrs Ellender

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Nursery: Autumn Texts and Focus

The nursery blog on the school website and Facebook page are a great way to keep up to date with what is happening in the nursery, along with any upcoming events. Please click under EYFS on the school website to view the Nursery blog:

We will also share this on our Evidence Me app for parents. It is important that all parents can access this so please do let us know if you are having any problems.

Here is an overview of the skills we are supporting the children to develop in the Autumn Term. In the first half term we focused on repetitive stories based around our theme ‘Into the Bear Cave’. We looked at ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’, ‘Brown bear, brown bear’, ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ and ‘Peace at last’ in particular. Our two year olds have looked at ‘Toes, Ears, Nose’, ‘It’s a little baby’, ‘That’s not my owl’ and ‘The noisy woods’.

This half term we are exploring ‘Shadows and Sunshine’. The focus books are listed below. It is great for the children to revisit and retell stories at home.

2 Year old Texts

Bathtime for Little Rabbit
Blue Hat, Green Hat
How to brush your teeth with snappy croc
Pop up peek a boo colors
Squirrels Snowman
That’s not my christmas tree
The pumpkin who was afraid of the dark

3 to 4 Texts    
Owl babies
Wow said the Owl
Shark in the Dark
The Day I met my shadow
Whatever Next
When a dragon loves Christmas

Your key worker will have shared your child's specific targets for this half term. Depending on each child we may adapt each goal slightly so they can achieve but here is an overview of what we would like to achieve this term. 

Communication and Language

We will be encouraging the children to speak in full sentences to express themselves. Each week will be focusing on a key text which will allow the children to become familiar with the story and retell the story using their own words.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This half term we are focusing on settling the children into their new environment, ensuring they are aware of expectations and the rules of the setting. We will also be working on sharing resources and taking turns.

Physical Development

This term there will be a big focus on gross motor and coordination activities to strengthen our shoulders and core muscles for whole body movements; this is a prerequisite to writing. You will have seen gross motor activities such as: hula hoops, climbing frame, basketball hoops, balancing on the logs and vertical painting.


The children will work on counting out loud, number recognition and representing numbers in different ways. There will be a mixture of ordinal (numbers in order), cardinal (a number of objects to count or name by sight), nominal (using numbers as a name i.e. bus number). This will deepen the children’s number sense and basic maths skills. These basic skills will set us up for the rest of the year.


Stories are a key part of our curriculum and high quality texts will be used throughout the day to foster the children’s love of reading. We have started the Bedtime Story Scheme where your child can take 2 books home each week. Mark making opportunities will be available throughout the provision, we are encouraging the children to develop control and grip when holding pencils and pens.

Messy Play

Messy play, or sensory play, is the term for any activities allowing children to work with their hands to create a controlled mess. Often involving traditionally messy ingredients such as paint, sand, slime, water, clay or mud, it is geared toward exploring feelings and imagination. Your child will have opportunities to participate in messy play on a daily basis; you will see some of these activities on the blog (and occasionally on their clothes!).


In nursery, independence will be promoted for your child and encouraged through the daily routines. These include; self-registration; using their coat peg; toileting; changing into wellies for the outside area; pouring water into their cups; cleaning their cups. Please support your child by practising putting on and taking off their socks and shoes at home.

Important information:

  • Please ensure your child has a named set of spare clothes in nursery at all times.
  • All uniform, bottles and pack lunch boxes should be labelled with your child’s name.
  • Please can toys from home stay at home. We have lots in school and it saves toys being lost or broken.
  • Your child does not need to bring snacks to school. Fruit and water are available throughout the day for the children to access. The children only need to bring food to school if they are having a packed lunch.
  • Please label everything clearly with your childs name, coats, jumpers, lunch boxes and footwear.

Kind regards,
The Nursery Team

Sunday, 24 November 2024

18.11.24 Nursery Learning

 Important Information 

Nappies and wipes - If your child is in nappies and requires changing in Nursery please bring nappies and also a pack of wipes. You can bring in a pack and leave this here if you would prefer to do this. 

Coats, wellies, gloves and hats - As we are outside often we would advise the children to wrap up warm. Please do help us by labeling anything the children bring in as then we can help return any missing items to the correct owner! Please also encourage the children to independently try and put on their coats and hats etc at home, staff will always help if needed but we always encourage independence. 

Postbox Trip - The children will be posting their christmas cards on the week of the 2nd of December. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to support the walk. We still need more volunteers so please let a member of staff know if you are available to support.

Our Learning  

Following our Wonderdome visit last week we have been reading 'Whatever Next' this week. A lovely story about a bear who builds a rocket and travels to the moon.

The children have been joining the magnetic shapes together to build their own rockets to visit the moon. They have been talking about which shapes we can spot on their rockets and how to best position the blocks on our models. 


Monday 2nd, 3rd and 4th - Walk in small groups to the postbox to post their Christmas card. 

Monday 9th December: 9am - 10am and 2.15 - 3.15pm
Nursery Mingle and Jingle
Parents are invited to come into the nursery and watch their children perform some Christmas songs, play games and complete various Chistmas activities.

They have also been using the 3D shapes to create their own rockets in the art area. The children were able to select the best shape to make their rocket pattern and experimented with how much paint they needed to create the best print. Some very creative designs! They also really enjoyed working together to create some large scale rockets using cardboard boxes. We left the activity open ended to encourage imaginative play and saw some fantastic team work. 

The children enjoyed creating their own characters in the playdough area. As their fine motor skills improved the detail in their creations is also improving and they were able to add arms, legs and even buttons and eyes for their bears. 

It has been lovely to see the children's interest in stories recently. They are now able to re-tell some of the stories we have been looking at since September. Please continue to share stories at home and bring in your child's folder and reading record on their book change day. 

The weather may be colder but we have still enjoyed lots of outdoor play. The children were particularly excited to discover ice this week. They broke up the sheets of ice to use in their potions in the mud kitchen. We observed how the water had changed to ice overnight and were able to notice how it was starting to melt as the weather started to get warmer. A great way to develop the children's understanding of the world around them. 

Many Thanks,
The Nursery Team 

Friday, 22 November 2024

Nursery certificates w/b 18/11/24

This week, one child in Nursery received an 'E for Excellence' certificate.

Well done to Grayson who has been awarded an E for excellence in recognition of his excellent use of imagination when building his own rocket which was inspired by this weeks story ‘whatever next.’ Well done Grayson! 

This week, two children in Nursery have received an 'I made my teacher happy' certificate.

Well done to Noah who has been awarded an I made my teacher happy this week because he noticed some of his friends needed asssistance at the snack table and he independently assisted to peel their satsuma for them. Thank you for being so helpful Noah!

Well done to David who has been awarded an I made my teacher happy this week because every lunchtime David always independently hands out all the water bottles to his nursery friends without being asked before going to the lunch hall. Thank you for being so helpful David! 

Friday, 15 November 2024

Nursery Learning w/b 11.11.24


 Nursery Learning w/b 11.11.24  

 Important Information 

  1. Evidence Me  Please do add your own videos and photos from home as parents can also share achievements. Please speak to a member of staff if you cannot access this app. 
  2. Spare Clothes - Please leave a bag of spare clothes in Nursery, ideally this will be a labelled plastic bag. This bag should stay in school. 
  3. Nappies and wipes - If your child is in nappies and requires changing in Nursery please bring nappies and also a pack of wipes.  You can bring in a pack and leave this here if you would prefer to do this. 
  4. Lunches -For the children who stay for lunch, we would like to inform parents Broadford primary is a Heathy Eating school. Please do not provide nut based products such as peanut butter or Nutella as some of our children have nut allergies.
  5. Coats - Autumn is now in full swing. We still have lots of opportunities for the children to access our curriculum outside so please ensure they are always appropriately dressed for the weather. Remember to label coats, hats, scarves and gloves too!

Monday 9th December: 9am - 10am and 2.15 - 3.15pm
Nursery Mingle and Jingle
Parents are invited to come into the nursery and watch their children perform some Christmas songs, play games and complete various Chistmas activities.

This week we have been reading the story 'Owl Babies'. The children have enjoyed acting out parts of the story. 

Festivals and Celebrations

This week we made Chapatis as an extension of our Diwali celebrations. The children took turns kneading the dough, feeling its texture change under their hands. They learned about the simple ingredients: flour, water, and a pinch of salt. They took turns to roll the dough into a ball and roll it flat into a chapati shape. The children also tasted their chapatis. 


As part of our current topic on light and darkthe nursery children got to experience the Wonderdome. This special activity offered an immersive learning experience, captivating the children with an interactive exploration of the planets in the solar system. 

Nursery Children in Need 2024

 Children in Need 2024 

It was wonderful to see the childen dressed in their spotty clothes in aid of Children in Need. 
The children had a fantastic time engaging in a variety of Pudsey themed activities, whilst learning about the importance of kindness, helping others, and giving back. 
Thank you for all of your generous donations. 

Nursery Certificates w/b11/11/24


This week, three children in Nursery have received an 'E for Excellence' certificate.

Well done to Adian who has been awarded an E for excellence in recognition of his excellent counting skills in maths this week. He accurately counted up to 10 and was able to compare groups of items and competently say which had more or less. Well done Adian!

Well done to Nellie who has been awarded an E for excellence in recognition of being so kind and polite to her friends in nursery. She always finds a way to help them and put a smile on their faces.  Well done Nellie!

Well done to Austin who has been awarded an E for excellence in recognition of his superb knowledge and use of vocabulary relating to space during our wonderdome.  Well done Austin!

This week, one child in Nursery has received an 'I made my teacher happy' certificate.

Well done to Aahan who has been awarded an I made my teacher happy this week because he has shown knindness and consideration towards his friends in nursery. You helped them carefully to climb up on the crates and jump off them when in the garden. Well done Aahan!

Friday, 8 November 2024

Reception E for Excellence: 08.11.25

 Reception E for Excellence


E for Excellence - Ivaan for working hard in Read, Write Inc. Ivaan has been trying hard to write his sounds and has been working hard to blend sounds together. Well done Ivaan!

Dojo points - Ava-Mai for being brave and working hard this week. Well done Ava-Mai! 


E for Excellence - Eva

Dojo points - Nathan

Bronze reading certificate - Cornelius


E for Excellence - Arthur, for working hard with his sounds in order to write words about fireworks. POP, BANG! It was great to see you practising at home. This helps you at school. Well done superstar!

Dojo points - Dylan, for working hard in every subject particularly in phonics to write independently. Well done!

Bronze reading certificate - James, Zayna, Charlotte

Silver reading certificate - James

We have had a fantastic week of learning and there has been so much to celebrate and be proud of in Reception! 

These children worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their determination and efforts.

Reception Stay and Learn November 2024

Reception: Stay and Learn

Thank you so much for coming along to our Reception Stay and Learn this week. We hope you enjoyed watching how a RWI speed sound lesson is taught.

Word time 1.1 to 1.8

As well as practising set sounds, these are words for your children to learn. Please practise these as much as possible at home. We test your children on these on their reading day. 

Thank you for completing our feedback survey!

Here are some photos from the session.

 Please ignore 'kindergarten' and read this as 'Reception' instead! I couldn't find a British version!

Keep up the great work at home and continue to read 5 times a week with your children!