Friday, 8 November 2024

Nursery Learning w/b 04.11.24

                             Nursery Learning w/b 04.11.24  

 Important Information 

  1. Evidence Me  Please do add your own videos and photos from home as parents can also share achievements. Please speak to a member of staff if you cannot access this app. 
  2. Spare Clothes - Please leave a bag of spare clothes in Nursery, ideally this will be a labelled plastic bag. This bag should stay in school. 
  3. Nappies and wipes - If your child is in nappies and requires changing in Nursery please bring nappies and also a pack of wipes.  You can bring in a pack and leave this here if you would prefer to do this. 
  4. Lunches -For the children who stay for lunch, we would like to inform parents Broadford primary is a Heathy Eating school. Please do not provide nut based products such as peanut butter or Nutella as some of our children have nut allergies.
  5. Coats - Autumn is now in full swing. We still have lots of opportunities for the children to access our curriculum outside so please ensure they are always appropriately dressed for the weather. Remember to label coats, hats, scarves and gloves too!

Tuesday 12th November- Wonderdome Visit 
This is an external company with a space dome who will explore light and dark with the children. The children will attend in small groups throughout the morning.
Unfortunately we are unable to book the dome for the whole day. Afternoon children are welcome to swap their session on Tuesday 12th for a morning session so they can join in.
The morning session runs from 8:30- 11:15. 

Tuesday 12th November- National Odd sock day
Children can come to school wearing odd socks as part of Anti- Bullying Week. 

Friday 15th November- Children in Need (Non- Uniform day) 
Children can come to school dressed in spotty clothing. We kindly ask for a voluntary £1 contribution to be made to raise money for Children in Need. Thank you. 

Thank you

Thank you to all of the parents that attended our first stay and play session. We continue to encourage you to read and talk to your children at home. To help support your child further, please make sure your child brings their reading folder to school on their designated day. A list has been put on display on the nursery door. 

Creative Learning

This week, the children carried out some activities to celebrate Diwlai and Bonfire Night. They enjoyed creating their very own fireworks displays using paint.  The children experimented with different methods, from flicking paint off brushes to using spiraled card to dab bursts of color. It was a fantastic way for them to explore their creativity and learn about colours. 

Outdoor Learning   

The children had a fantastic time exploring and playing with tunnels this week. They crawled, raced, and invented new games. The tunnels became secret hideaways, winding pathways, and even part of an exciting obstacle course. 


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