The nursery blog on the school website and Facebook page are a great way to keep up to date with what is happening in the nursery, along with any upcoming events. Please click under EYFS on the school website to view the Nursery blog:
We will also share this on our Evidence Me app for parents. It is important that all parents can access this so please do let us know if you are having any problems.
Here is an overview of the skills we are supporting the children to develop in the Autumn Term. In the first half term we focused on repetitive stories based around our theme ‘Into the Bear Cave’. We looked at ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’, ‘Brown bear, brown bear’, ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ and ‘Peace at last’ in particular. Our two year olds have looked at ‘Toes, Ears, Nose’, ‘It’s a little baby’, ‘That’s not my owl’ and ‘The noisy woods’.
This half term we are exploring ‘Shadows and Sunshine’. The focus books are listed below. It is great for the children to revisit and retell stories at home.
2 Year old Texts
Bathtime for Little Rabbit
Blue Hat, Green Hat
How to brush your teeth with snappy croc
Pop up peek a boo colors
Squirrels Snowman
That’s not my christmas tree
The pumpkin who was afraid of the dark
3 to 4 Texts
Owl babies
Wow said the Owl
Shark in the Dark
The Day I met my shadow
Whatever Next
When a dragon loves Christmas
Your key worker will have shared your child's specific targets for this half term. Depending on each child we may adapt each goal slightly so they can achieve but here is an overview of what we would like to achieve this term.
Communication and Language
We will be encouraging the children to speak in full sentences to express themselves. Each week will be focusing on a key text which will allow the children to become familiar with the story and retell the story using their own words.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
This half term we are focusing on settling the children into their new environment, ensuring they are aware of expectations and the rules of the setting. We will also be working on sharing resources and taking turns.
Physical Development
This term there will be a big focus on gross motor and coordination activities to strengthen our shoulders and core muscles for whole body movements; this is a prerequisite to writing. You will have seen gross motor activities such as: hula hoops, climbing frame, basketball hoops, balancing on the logs and vertical painting.
The children will work on counting out loud, number recognition and representing numbers in different ways. There will be a mixture of ordinal (numbers in order), cardinal (a number of objects to count or name by sight), nominal (using numbers as a name i.e. bus number). This will deepen the children’s number sense and basic maths skills. These basic skills will set us up for the rest of the year.
Stories are a key part of our curriculum and high quality texts will be used throughout the day to foster the children’s love of reading. We have started the Bedtime Story Scheme where your child can take 2 books home each week. Mark making opportunities will be available throughout the provision, we are encouraging the children to develop control and grip when holding pencils and pens.
Messy Play
Messy play, or sensory play, is the term for any activities allowing children to work with their hands to create a controlled mess. Often involving traditionally messy ingredients such as paint, sand, slime, water, clay or mud, it is geared toward exploring feelings and imagination. Your child will have opportunities to participate in messy play on a daily basis; you will see some of these activities on the blog (and occasionally on their clothes!).
In nursery, independence will be promoted for your child and encouraged through the daily routines. These include; self-registration; using their coat peg; toileting; changing into wellies for the outside area; pouring water into their cups; cleaning their cups. Please support your child by practising putting on and taking off their socks and shoes at home.
Important information:
Kind regards,
The Nursery Team
Owl babies
Wow said the Owl
Shark in the Dark
The Day I met my shadow
Whatever Next
When a dragon loves Christmas
Your key worker will have shared your child's specific targets for this half term. Depending on each child we may adapt each goal slightly so they can achieve but here is an overview of what we would like to achieve this term.
Communication and Language
We will be encouraging the children to speak in full sentences to express themselves. Each week will be focusing on a key text which will allow the children to become familiar with the story and retell the story using their own words.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
This half term we are focusing on settling the children into their new environment, ensuring they are aware of expectations and the rules of the setting. We will also be working on sharing resources and taking turns.
Physical Development
This term there will be a big focus on gross motor and coordination activities to strengthen our shoulders and core muscles for whole body movements; this is a prerequisite to writing. You will have seen gross motor activities such as: hula hoops, climbing frame, basketball hoops, balancing on the logs and vertical painting.
The children will work on counting out loud, number recognition and representing numbers in different ways. There will be a mixture of ordinal (numbers in order), cardinal (a number of objects to count or name by sight), nominal (using numbers as a name i.e. bus number). This will deepen the children’s number sense and basic maths skills. These basic skills will set us up for the rest of the year.
Stories are a key part of our curriculum and high quality texts will be used throughout the day to foster the children’s love of reading. We have started the Bedtime Story Scheme where your child can take 2 books home each week. Mark making opportunities will be available throughout the provision, we are encouraging the children to develop control and grip when holding pencils and pens.
Messy Play
Messy play, or sensory play, is the term for any activities allowing children to work with their hands to create a controlled mess. Often involving traditionally messy ingredients such as paint, sand, slime, water, clay or mud, it is geared toward exploring feelings and imagination. Your child will have opportunities to participate in messy play on a daily basis; you will see some of these activities on the blog (and occasionally on their clothes!).
In nursery, independence will be promoted for your child and encouraged through the daily routines. These include; self-registration; using their coat peg; toileting; changing into wellies for the outside area; pouring water into their cups; cleaning their cups. Please support your child by practising putting on and taking off their socks and shoes at home.
Important information:
- Please ensure your child has a named set of spare clothes in nursery at all times.
- All uniform, bottles and pack lunch boxes should be labelled with your child’s name.
- Please can toys from home stay at home. We have lots in school and it saves toys being lost or broken.
- Your child does not need to bring snacks to school. Fruit and water are available throughout the day for the children to access. The children only need to bring food to school if they are having a packed lunch.
- Please label everything clearly with your childs name, coats, jumpers, lunch boxes and footwear.
Kind regards,
The Nursery Team
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