Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Nursery Learning 24.2.25

We hope you all had a lovely half term break, we have enjoyed welcoming the children back in this week.

 Important Information 

Evidence Me- Please check this as we have recently posted information on Parent meetings, World book day and a Mother's Day brunch.

Nappies and wipes - If your child is in nappies and requires changing in Nursery please bring nappies and also a pack of wipes. You can bring in a pack and leave this here if you would prefer to do this. 

Coats, wellies, gloves and hats - As we are outside often we would advise the children to wrap up warm. Please do help us by labelling anything the children bring in as then we can help return any missing items to the correct owner! Please also encourage the children to independently try and put on their coats and hats etc at home, staff will always help if needed but we always encourage independence. 

Havering Children's Centre- The Havering Children's Centre are currently trying to ensure that all families with children under 5 years of age are registered with their local children's centre. We encourage you to register your child as this will help with their development and wellbeing. 


                                                                        Art Area

The children have enjoyed exploring different utensils to see what kinds of patterns we can create this week. They experimented with the best ways to push the tools to make a big mark. 

                                                                  Malleable area

We have added flowers and twigs to our malleable area so the children can explore different scents and smells. They have enjoyed finding ways to make the sticks stand up really high! 

                                                                   Home Corner 

The children have been using this area lots this week. They have been excited to see packets of cereal's or bottles they have recognised and it has supported them to talk about their different experiences of food at home. 

                                                         Group Time

This week our pre-school children have been reading the story 'The Enormous Turnip'. They have been able to join in with the repeated phrases. They have explored the Turnips and the farm in the tuff tray, they have used it to create their own versions of the story and have added different characters in. As a group we have begun to talk about different parts of stories and the children worked together to order pictures from the story this week. 

 Our younger children have enjoyed listening to a story called 'Oh Dear!' They have been looking for the hidden eggs. We have learnt the animal names and noises through a fun dice game. The children have rolled the dice, been encouraged to say a sentence to name the animal and then have made the noise of the animal. 

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Reception Mother's Day Breakfast

Dear parents and carers,

On Friday 28th March, Reception children and parents/ carers are invited to a Mother’s Day breakfast!

The morning will be a chance for your child to have breakfast with you before school at 7.45 - 8.30am.  This will be in the new hall and you will be able to enter via the vehicle gate (not via the usual glass doors). Fresh breakfast will be available to preorder such as pancakes/ croissants, a banana / yoghurt, juice and tea / coffee etc. If you would like another female figure to attend such as a  grandmother or aunt that is absolutely fine. We ask for no more than 2 adults to attend with your child. Siblings can also attend but please do book them in too. At 8.30am you will be able to drop your child to school as usual.

If you are currently practising Ramadan please feel free to join and only pay for your child to eat.

Please note you must sign up and pay to attend by Tuesday 18th March, unfortunately you cannot just turn up on the day. Class teachers will have a sign up sheet or you can drop us a message on Dojo.

We ask for a payment of £1.50 per child / adult which is made via parent pay as we cannot accept cash. Click here - ParentPay. If you need help setting this up please see the school office or Mrs Marie.


1 adult, 1 child - £3

2 adults, 1  child - £4.50

1 adult, 2 children - £4.50

 We can't wait to share a special breakfast morning with you and the children! 

Kind regards,

Mrs Marie and the Reception team.

Tesco Stronger Starts - Vote Broadford!

Our application to Tesco Stronger Starts has been successful and our project will be put forward to a customer vote in Tesco stores.

 Voting will commence in store from the first week in April 2025 until the end of June 2025.

 The project is called 'Let's Grow Broadford' The initiative aims to enhance our youngest children's understanding of the world around them, through interactive learning and hands-on experiences in growing fruits and vegetables. 

 The project with the highest number of votes across the region will receive £1,500 (or the amount that was requested up to this value), the second placed project £1,000 (or the amount that was requested up to this value), and the third placed project £500. 

 Please support us by voting with tokens and spreading the word to family and friends. To vote, you will need to make a purchase within store of any value. You will receive one token per transaction and it's not necessary to purchase a carrier bag in order to receive a token.