Sunday 4 October 2015

Reception Newsletter 12.10.15

Term: Autumn 1         
            This week we will be focusing on the story of 'The Rainbow Fish''

Personal, Social and Emotional
  • In our story of the week 'The Rainbow Fish' the main character learns the importance of making new friends and sharing his possessions. We will be focusing on encouraging the children to share resources whilst working in small groups. They will need to ask their friends if they need a particular resource and think about the needs of others too. 
  • Beginning to accept the needs of others, take turns and share resources, sometimes with support from others.
  • We will be talking about friendship and how the children can make sure they are a good friend. 

Communication and language
  • Supporting the children to use the past, present and future tense correctly.
  • Encouraging children to question why things happen and give explanations.
  • Listening to and joining in with the story of  'The Rainbow Fish,'

Physical Development

  • Holding a pencil between thumb and two fingers moving away from a fist grip.
  • Mr Portway our PE specialist teacher will be starting PE groups. The children will start to get changed for PE so will need a PE kit.

  • The children have been issued  with a reading book and reading record. Please encourage your child to talk about the pictures and make up their own stories. Every time you listen to your child read, please make a comment in their reading record- this may even be a bedtime story. It does not have to always be their school reading book.
  • We will continue learn the initial phonics sounds in small groups this week. We will send the sounds home so you can see what the children have been learning in school. We will also be using Fred talk to support early reading skills ( saying the sounds in a word separately and asking the children to say the word back e.g. P-e-g is peg and c-a-t is cat.)
    We have started assisted blending using magnetic letters. This is to support the children to read simple Cvc words such as 'cat', 'pig', 'dog'.

  • We will be continuing to reinforce the correct formation of numbers through daily practice and revising the ten town number characters.
  • For children who found it hard to count accurately and match numeral to quantity last week we will have daily focus groups to address this.
  • We will be playing bingo with the children to consolidate are knowledge of matching numeral and quantity. Some children will be extended to find one more/less than a given number.

Understanding of the World
  • Comments on some things they have observed such as natural objects like the concers outside, or the small world sea creatures in our story of the week.
  • We will be supporting the children to select and use simple maths games on the computers.
  • We will be modelling how to use the 2 simple paint programme to draw pictures from our story of the week.

Expressive Arts and Design
  • Using celery sticks to paint scales on fish templates. Learning to carefully use paint to create the desired effect. 

  • Please make sure your child has a spare change of clothes in school just in case they have any little accidents. The spare change of clothes does not have to be school uniform.
  • If you wish to contact a member of the EYFS staff please email them at

Thank you for your support.

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