Sunday, 26 June 2022

Reception Sealife Centre Trip

Reception Trip to Southend Sealife Centre. 

Please find below the letter sent out to parents regarding the Reception Trip to Southend Sealife centre on Monday 11th July.  Please complete the consent form via the below QR code. 

Any questions please speak to Mrs Hathaway, Year Group Lead.

Broadford Badge - Master - Full Colour.png

Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls

Reception Trip

Date: Friday 27th May 2022.

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are delighted to inform you that a trip has been booked for our Reception children on Monday 11th July 2022. We will be visiting the Sealife Centre in Southend.

On Monday 11th July 2022, all children are expected at school on time, so that we can leave promptly at 9:30am. We will be travelling by coach and expect to arrive back at school by 3pm - we will ensure to keep parents updated on our whereabouts via the school's Facebook page. 

Children are required to wear school uniform; please ensure that all children wear appropriate footwear and have a waterproof coat. The weather is likely to be warm, so please ensure your child has a sun hat and has had sun cream applied.  We will be eating lunch at the Sealife Centre, so all children will need to take a packed lunch with them. Should your child require a lunch provided by the school, please indicate their preferences on the form below. All lunch orders must be completed by Friday 24th June 2022, so that we can process your order in time for your child’s trip. Alternatively, children can bring their own packed lunch in a carrier bag that is clearly labelled with their name and class.

The Reception trip will incur a voluntary charge of £12 per child that should be paid via sQuid. This charge covers the coach transport and their entry to the Southend Sealife Centre. To make payment log on to your sQuid account and follow the steps provided.

Please either complete the form attached to this letter and return to the class teacher, or scan this QR code and complete it online (it should take no more than a couple of minutes).

We look forward to a wonderful day out!

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Hathaway

Reception Lead 

Reception Sealife Centre Trip - Monday 11th July 2022



Please outline any special dietary requirements of your child 

Please tick

My child is eligible for Free School Meals and would like a free school packed lunch for the visit (see below for choices).

Does your child have any dietary needs or allergies 

If yes please provide details below:

Yes / No

I will provide my child with a packed lunch from home.

School Packed Lunch Choices

Please note that all packed lunches provided by the school will always come with a cucumber and carrot pot, a piece of fruit and a bottle of water as standard. 

Please circle one choice from each row

Ham Baguette

Tuna & Sweetcorn Baguette

Cheese Baguette

Are you able to volunteer on the day?

(Please circle yes or no)



I agree to ………………………………………………..…………   (name) taking part in this visit and have read the information provided.  

I agree to my child’s participation in the activities described and acknowledge the need for my child to behave responsibly.



Emergency contact no:

Medical information: are there any conditions requiring medical treatment, including medication    Yes/No

If YES, please provide details:

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