Friday, 21 October 2022

Marvellous Maths in Reception


                                     Marvellous Maths in Reception

This week in Reception, we spent time reviewing and consolidating the skills we have learnt over the first half term. The goal of our consolidation week is to revist any misconceptions, connect our learning, and recap knowledge that has been previously taught. We practised counting, using 1:1 correspondence, making simple patterns and sorting objects. 


Mason: "I'm counting all of the blue animals" 

Samairah: " I need to count 5 more bears" 

Domanic: "I counted all ten of them" 

Leliana: " ..1,2,3,4!" 

Aditi: "I put all of the animals in a line" 

Anika: " I need to count 9 shells" 

Key Vocabulary:  

The same, different, matching, odd, pair, pairing,  

Show me, represent, number, match


Reception Certificates 21.10.22

  Reception Certificates

A huge congratulations to all of our certificate winners in Reception last week!

E for Excellence

Each week, a child in each class is awarded the E for Excellence certificate in recognition of their hard work.

Aspen - Kian, for your hard work learning your sounds this week! Well done for remembering lots of sounds and working hard to blend them into words. 

Apple - Rosie, for always being a role model in our class. Rosie has been working hard on blending sounds together this week. 

Alder -  Farzaan, for recognising all of his sounds. Farzaan was able to read green words using Fred Talk. 

Dojo Winner Of The Week

During the week, the children in reception can earn dojo points for good behaviour. They can earn these for good listening on the carpet, being kind and polite, sharing and tidying resources or helping a friend. Each week, the child with the most dojo points will be awarded with a certificate and have their photo displayed in the classroom.

Aspen - Natalia

Apple - Jaxon

Alder - Sofia

MDA Awards

Each week, the mid-day assistants will award a child in each class with a MDA award for demonstrating consistently good behaviour at lunchtime.

Aspen - Ava Rose

Apple - Lujah

Alder - Farzaan

105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford

Bronze Award - Jaxon & Noura 

Silver Award - Harlie, Rory & Elyssa 

Diwali Day in Reception

 Diwali Day in Reception

What a great day we had in Reception celebrating Diwali! The children enjoyed coming to school in their bright coloured clothes and participating in lots of Diwali activities.

We created magnificent mehndi patters, made Diwali cards and Diwali paper chains. We also learnt about some of the foods that are traditionally eaten during Diwali celebrations and tasted some naan bread.

Our topic in Autumn 2 is all about celebrations and festivals so keep an eye out for more blogs!

Diwali Celebrations in Nursery 17.10.22-21.10.22


Diwali celebrations in Nursery 

We have been busy learning about Diwali this week. 

We made lanterns, Diya Lamps, firework pictures and have been learning about the story Peppa's Diwali.

Our Diya Lamps 

We made Diya Lamps using clay. The children followed step-by-step instructions to manipulate the clay to make their lamp. We had to be very patient while the clay dried and set. There are many reasons why we use clay in Nursery here are a few of them;

  1. Encourages sensory development 
    Clay play is a multi-sensory hobby: touch, sight, smell—and even sound.  Is it slimy or dry?  What does it sound like when you squeeze it?  Children can strengthen sensory skills as they learn to manipulate the material into different objects and shapes.  
  2. Develops coordination and motor skills 
    It also helps improve eye/hand coordination and build both gross and fine motor skills, including the small muscles in hands and fingers.  This helps with dexterity and is beneficial for children colouring, cutting and writing in a school setting.
  3. It’s therapeutic 
    Clay play can be a very invigorating, yet soothing activity.  Working the clay is a positive way to express emotions, a good stress-reliever and, since it’s generally an unhurried activity, also a calming pastime for kids.
  4. Extends attention span
    It’s so different from other mediums, like drawing, that children are naturally drawn to experiment with this fun material.  And because clay is so adaptable, mistakes can usually be repaired so kids don’t feel frustrated.  In fact, clay can be so engaging they may play for long periods of time without any adult involvement!
  5. Builds imagination 
    Many toys are developed for imaginary play, but not many let children dream up and create something entirely new.  Clay stimulates curiosity, motivates them to problem-solve as they work on their project, and ultimately leads them to craft unique three-dimensional art.  That’s pretty cool.  
  6. Boosts self-esteem
    The best part?  Children can make something out of nothing.  The bowl may not be perfectly round or the truck may not look much like a truck, but they made it. Kids not only feel proud of what they brought to life, but also a sense of accomplishment.

Once our Diya lamps dried, we painted them using bright colours

We hope you enjoy lighting your candle in your Diya Lamp at home!

Our Lanterns

We made snips in paper with scissors to make a paper lantern. We had to concentrate really hard to make sure we cut in a straight line... It is really important that we practice using scissors because it;
  1. Builds hand strength – Opening and closing scissors helps children build up the small muscles in their hands. These muscles are important for everyday activities such as drawing, using cutlery, brushing your teeth and getting dressed.
  2. Develops hand-eye coordination – Children learn to watch where they are cutting, using their eyes to guide how they should move next. This is important for activities such as playing sports, getting dressed and cooking.
  3. Learn to use both sides of their body – Cutting encourages children to do different things with each side of their body – one hand holds the paper whilst the other hand holds the scissors. This is called “bilateral coordination” and is important for everyday activities such as zipping up coats and trousers, doing the dishes and writing.
  4. Improve attention – Using scissors to cut out shapes or cut along a line takes concentration and attention to detail. The ability to pay attention for longer and longer periods of time is important to be able to listen and learn in the classroom, read books and ride a bike.

Peppa's Diwali

We have been reading the story 'Peppa's Diwali'. This is to develop the children's understanding of Diwali celebrations.

Important Reminders

  •  Half term is Monday 24th October- Friday 28th October
  • Monday 31st October is an inset day, Nursery is closed. 
  • Nursery stay and learn Monday 28th November.

Home learning challenge

This weeks home learning challenge is to practice putting on and taking your own coat off by yourself. Some of you may even want to learn to do a zip up by yourself.

Have a wonderful Half term,

Thank you for all of your support this half term,

The Nursery Team

Nursery E for Excellence 21.10.22

Nursery E for Excellence 21.10.22

We have had so much to celebrate in Nursery this week, the children have enjoyed learning about Diwali and made their own lanterns and Diya lamps. These children have worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their determination and efforts.

E for Excellence

George: For such a successful first half-term in Nursery. George always tries his best and puts in 100% effort to everything he does, George has been a great friend in the Nursery, always shares and takes turns and cares for others when they are upset. We are all so impressed George.

Idris: For being such a polite, kind and caring member of Nursery. Idris has been able to show empathy towards his peers when they are upset and always tries his best with both self-chosen and adult directed activities. Well done Idris!

Monday, 17 October 2022

Marvellous Maths in Reception

 Marvellous Maths in Reception

This week in Reception we have been making simple patterns. We used resources in our classroom to help make patterns. The chidlren used coloured multi link cubes to make a ‘pattern snake’ using two alternating colours. 

Our key questions this week were: 

What can you tell me about this pattern? 

What is the first thing you need in this pattern? 

What do you need to make this pattern? 

What should come next in this pattern? 

Can you continue this pattern?

This video was shown to the children as an introduction to making simple patterns.


Emma: " Blue, yellow, blue.." 

Tillie- Rose: " Look at my pattern!" 

Domanic: " It goes red, then green..." 


Lujah: " My pattern looks the same as this one"


Key Vocabulary: Repeat, again, the same, different, pattern

Certificates 14.10.22

 Reception Certificates

A huge congratulations to all of our certificate winners in Reception last week!

E for Excellence

Each week, a child in each class is awarded the E for Excellence certificate in recognition of their hard work.

Aspen - Teodor, for your hard work learning all of your sounds! You have remembered lots of the sounds we have been learning and applying them to blend words.

Apple - Olivia for always showing kindness to her classmates. Olivia is very creative and will make special things for her friends.  

Alder - Domanic, for practicing his sounds and working hard with blending words. 

Dojo Winner Of The Week

During the week, the children in reception can earn dojo points for good behaviour. They can earn these for good listening on the carpet, being kind and polite, sharing and tidying resources or helping a friend. Each week, the child with the most dojo points will be awarded with a certificate and have their photo displayed in the classroom.

Aspen - Freya

Apple - Jack

Alder - Tillie-Rose

MDA Awards

Each week, the mid-day assistants will award a child in each class with a MDA award for demonstrating consistently good behaviour at lunchtime.

Aspen - Anu

Apple - Nathaniel

Alder - Adon

4 R's Award

Each week the children can earn certificates for demonstrating our 4 learning powers of reciprocity, resilience, resourcefulness and reflectiveness.    

Reciprocity - Jayden 

105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford

Bronze Award - Harley & Elyssa 

Marvellous Me Day In Reception!

 Marvellous Me Day In Reception!

What a brilliant day we had on Friday for Marvellous Me Day!

The day started with the children arriving in their favourite outfits. We then had a circle time for the children to explain what they were wearing and why they chose it. It was lovely to hear the children discuss their favourite character costumes, clothes that had special meaning to them and use lots of rich vocabulary to describe their choices.

We then completed some self-portraits with a twist! The children loved using whiteboard markers and transparent sheets to draw their friends. They were encouraged to look closely at their partners features and carefully draw around them. We saw some fantastic concentration and pencil control to create some perfect portraits!

After lunch, it was time to get our favourite toys out. The children showed great reciprocity in taking turns to share their toy and listen to their friends. It was great to hear all about the toy they had chosen.

We then looked at our family photos and engaged in lots of discussions with our teachers and peers about who lives in our house and other family members. It was lovely to hear about the people that are so special to our Reception children!

Thank you to all parents and carers for your support in sending in photos and toys for this day - the children really enjoyed the day!